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Cherry Cola Auto

Un zumo de ceresas con un 29,936% de cannabinoides.
En stock
1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
2 feminized seeds
$14.50 / seed
3 feminized seeds
$14.00 / seed
5 feminized seeds
$13.00 / seed
10 feminized seeds
$12.00 / seed
25 feminized seeds
$9.80 / seed
50 feminized seeds
$8.20 / seed
100 feminized seeds
$6.90 / seed
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  • Impresionante potencial de crecimiento. Puede alcanzar una altura de 150 cm con un rendimiento de ¡hasta 600 gr/m2!
  • Afrutada y refrescante. Rebosante de deliciosos terpenos de cereza cola para un aroma sabroso que hace la boca agua.
  • Efectos equilibrados y naturaleza versátil. Esta variedad es una gran elección para fumar por placer, ¡sea la hora que sea!
  • La combinación de cereza y cola. Crea un sabor delicioso e inolvidable que te llena la boca. 
  • El sueño de todo fabricante de hachís. Disfruta del delicioso hachís, resina y otras extracciones.
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Radar tecnológico

Cherry Cola Auto
Muy caliente
Muy frío
Mayormente Sativa
Mayormente Indica
Muy fuerte
No se necesita filtro

Especificaciones Técnicas

Parámetro Valor
Sabor Cereza, Coca-Cola, Frutas
CBD < 1%
Cosecha EE. UU. en interior 1.6 – 2 oz./pie2
Cosecha EE. UU al aire libre 2 – 9 oz/planta
Tamaño XXL
Altura EE. UU. 35 – 59 pulgadas
Tiempo de cosecha 9 – 10 semanas
Habitación Interior/Exterior
Género Feminizadas
Sativa/Indica Sativa 45%/Indica 55%
Genética Cherry Cola Auto
Tipo Autofloreciente
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Una de las Autoflorecientes más potentes del planeta, con unos resultados de laboratorio de un total de 29,936% de cannabinoides, de los cuales el 28,159% es THC. Esto convierte a nuestra Cherry Cola Auto en una auténtica destacada en el mundo del cannabis. Sin embargo, la Cherry Cola Auto no es solo potencia. Esta variedad también ofrece un perfil de sabor delicioso y único, con notas de bayas tropicales y dulce refresco de cereza. Gracias a su genética de alta calidad, es una planta robusta y de crecimiento rápido que puede producir hasta 500-600 gr/m2 en poco menos de 70 días. En última instancia, lo que realmente diferencia a la Cherry Cola Auto del resto serían sus efectos generales. Con un potente y equilibrado subidón, esta cepa proporciona una alegre sensación de bienestar, que te permite desconectar, mientras te guía en un viaje relajado y despreocupado a lo largo del día. Tanto si buscas relajarte como si simplemente deseas una experiencia de fumada sabrosa y potente, la Cherry Cola Auto es una elección estelar. Con sus altos niveles de cannabinoides, su perfil de sabor único y su impresionante potencial de rendimiento, la Cherry Cola Auto es una variedad que deben probar tanto los cultivadores experimentados como los entusiastas noveles del cannabis.

Descripción del cogollo

Espera cogollos extremadamente escarchados con un alucinante olor a cereza. La Cherry Cola Auto produce cogollos magníficamente densos de color verde claro con puntos de magenta y largos pelos de color naranja oscuro que terminan con un tinte azulado gracias a la gruesa capa de resina.

La misteriosa mezcla de terpenos desvela sus secretos de forma lenta, pero segura: en cuanto separas los cogollos, toda la habitación se llena de un olor afrutado a diesel. El potente aroma se transforma gradualmente en un dulce olor a caramelo de cereza con un indescriptible fondo efervescente. Sin duda, la elección adecuada para los que buscan tener en sus manos las Autoflorecientes más terpénicas que existen y llevar las extracciones a un nivel completamente nuevo.


Gracias a su genética equilibrada, esta variedad ofrece un subidón fuerte, pero equilibrado, que se puede sentir casi inmediatamente después de dar la primera calada. La Cherry Cola Auto produce un efecto alegre que eleva tu estado de ánimo y relaja completamente tu mente, dejándote sin estrés y en un estado mental de felicidad general.

El subidón cerebral inicial se transforma lentamente en un efecto más corporal que puede aliviar el dolor muscular y ayudar a tratar la ansiedad y los trastornos alimentarios sin dejarte extremadamente pegado al sofá. Es una gran variedad con un efecto versátil, perfecta para los que quieren empezar el día con buen pie, pasar un día ajetreado sin estrés y acabar la noche durmiendo como un bebé.

Aspecto de la planta

Esta variedad ofrece lo mejor de las variedades Indica y Sativa. La Cherry Cola Auto crece vigorosa y superalta, alcanzando hasta 150 cm y desarrollando una robusta cola principal con varias ramas laterales gruesas a su alrededor que pueden soportar la cosecha de 600 g/m² sin pensárselo dos veces.

Esta variedad se desarrolla bastante tupida, produciendo hojas finas y estrechas de color verde oscuro que se desvanecen en un precioso verde claro rosáceo y se cubren completamente de tricomas en el momento de la cosecha. Así que si eres un extractor o un fabricante de hachís, ¡prepara tu cubo de recorte para esta variedad! 

Sellado para garantizar la autenticidad
Revestimiento impermeable
Revestimiento interior de aluminio
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Consejos de cultivo

Al beneficiarse de unas condiciones de cultivo estables, la Cherry Cola Auto necesita una temperatura de unos 20-27 °C (68-80 °F) y una humedad que oscile entre el 40-60 % para cultivarse bien. 

Se recomienda una mezcla de tierra que drene bien para que tus señoritas florezcan; lo mejor es elegir una tierra de calidad rica en nutrientes y que incluya coco o perlita para mejorar el drenaje. 

Con el patrón de crecimiento corto y tupido de esta variedad, resulta ventajoso en las primeras fases realizar un entrenamiento de bajo estrés (LST) o topping, que potenciará la ramificación lateral y puede incluso mejorar la producción. 

Como con todos los cultivos, es aconsejable vigilar de cerca tus plantas, comprobando regularmente que no tengan plagas ni enfermedades, ¡especialmente con esta dama, ya que puede producir cogollos especialmente densos! Como medida preventiva, puedes seguir muchos métodos orgánicos de control de plagas, evitando el uso de productos químicos agresivos. 

Además, conviene que te acuerdes de las ventajas de utilizar extractores de aire. Como la Cherry Cola Auto forma cogollos gruesos y pesados, atar las ramas hará maravillas para mejorar la circulación de aire y aumentar la exposición a la luz, distribuyendo uniformemente lo esencial para que todos los cogollos reciban lo que les corresponde. Esto no solo evitará la formación de cogollos de palomitas, sino que también reducirá el riesgo de plagas, estimulando un mejor desarrollo de los cogollos. 

Además, si eres un fan de las configuraciones SCRoG (Screen of Green), la larga cola principal y las ramas laterales de esta variedad son ideales, ¡este método facilita especialmente el entrenamiento con un mayor control sobre la estructura de la planta!


La Cherry Cola Auto ofrece una explosión tropical de sabor calada a calada, empezando con un claro matiz gaseoso que se intensifica con cada inhalación. Al exhalar, los gases se suavizan y dejan paso a una combinación vibrante y efervescente de sabores a cereza, fresa y frambuesa que perduran en tus papilas gustativas. 

Los sabores afrutados se combinan para crear un exquisito e inolvidable aroma que te llena la boca y deja en el aire un persistente aroma a bayas frescas. Esta variedad es perfecta para los que adoran hacer hachís, extractos o simplemente quieren disfrutar de una experiencia aromática y sabrosa.

Comparar con cepas similares

Cosecha EU Interior
Cosecha EE. UU al aire libre
Altura EE. UU.
Semanas de floración
500 – 600 gr/m2
2 – 9 oz/planta
35 – 59 pulgadas
9 – 10 semanas
Sativa 45%/Indica 55%
450 – 600 gr/m2
3 – 11 oz/planta
35 – 51 pulgadas
9 – 10 semanas
Sativa 65%/Indica 35%
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/planta
24 – 39 pulgadas
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
450 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/planta
31 – 39 pulgadas
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 50%/Indica 50%

Opiniones de los usuarios

4.9 de 5
228 calificaciones de clientes
5 estrellas
4 estrellas
3 estrellas
2 estrellas
1 estrella

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Reviewed 12 September 2022
Cherry Cola + VR headset = Massive Fun
It’s my favorite pastime now. I smoke till I’m completely spaced out, put on my Oculus Quest 2 and get completely lost in a magical world. I even start to wonder if all those NPCs have some rudimentary consciousness somehow. It all feels so real.
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Reviewed 11 August 2022
the buds are as long as my palm, with millions of large trichs
as far as the looks go, this was the best stuff I’ve ever grown. huge long buds. some of them hardly fit the jars. they are sticky in hell and rock hard to the point of almost breaking my plastic grinder.
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Commented 30 December 2023
Sounds great, congrats! I'm looking forward to grow her too . But you should not use plastic grinders, because of all the little plastic parts you are going to smoke - use stainless steel instead.
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Commented 26 November 2024
I highly recommend investing in brilliant cut grinder which costs $100 but it'll last you 20+ years and comes with another bottom layer that deep enough to grind and catch and store a few grams. It's made from 3 layers and you can custom pick each layer color and create any color combination you want. It's all magnets, no screwing and unscrewing needed. Worth every penny especially now it's Black Friday sale 20% off and they have a new model extra wide for those who grind up an eighth+ at a time or just like a bigger size or have big hands. They have "Factory Seconds" that people I'm guessing ordered and then cancelled so they always have a few of those at 20% off plus another 20% off Black Friday sale and you'll pay almost half price 😉 Here's the link: I wish I can post pictures of mine, I have 2 of them in different colors. Happy Growing 🪴🗣️💨
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Commented 26 November 2024
I'm currently growing Purple Lemonade 🍋 Auto which I'm very excited about but Cherry Cola Auto is next. Can't wait 🤜💥🤛
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Reviewed 22 March 2022
Tester: Cherry Cola Auto
this is a very unusual variety. during the growing season I was sure it was an indica. she grew low dense with large leaves. I thought she didn't grow big. why did I call it unusual? because it looks like a photoperiod variety. leaves and inflorescences are different from all the rest. the buds are not big at the moment but very dense. and there are so many trichomes that even large leaves are covered with them. smell: conifers. herbal. citrus. slightly sour. growers will understand me, the smell is such that only strong strains have. I'm sure that high from her will be armor-piercing! This girl is the most unusual in her appearance. it is very similar to photoperiod varieties. flowering style and leaf shape. she spent the longest time in the growing season and in flowering. The buds are not big but very dense. and you can see for yourself that they are covered with billions of crystals. excellent variety not whimsical.
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Reviewed 13 September 2022
perfect weed to relax by the pool
you can swim and splash and shoot some hoops and play poker while the initial rush lasts and then comes such a blissful relaxation that you can fall asleep on a raft or in a long chair. then smoke some more and the whole cycle repeats.
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Reviewed 14 March 2022
Cherry Cola Test
This one is pretty unique. Training on this one is a must as the bush like structure makes it tough for air to flow thru it. Fan leaves are large with fat fingers. The 3rd one had less of the compact structure but didn’t grow tall either. Strong branching to support fat nugs. The best one had fat dense buds across the canopy and the lowers were nice and thick also with minimal light. A little tougher to grow than the rest due to the training challenges but worth it.
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Reviewed 9 September 2022
My best looking buds so far!
This is the first time I’ve grown such perfect looking conical tight and resinous buds. Real gems. I can’t help opening my jars several times a day just to look at these beauties. Needless to say they also smell heavenly. It’s a struggle not to try them before i finish curing.
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Reviewed 6 August 2022
she had the chunkiest main cola out of 5 strains
the top part weighed half an ounce and the rest about 1.5 oz. I seldom grow colas this big. she looks terrific when trimmed, almost as thick as my wrist.
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Garlic Knots
Reviewed 18 April 2024
Fast Buds crushing it as always
This strain has been the lowest yielding out of all my Fast Buds runs. That being said, I understand it was my fault. I just couldn't get my temps high enough during Veg, resulting in a stunted plant. What I got off her though was absolute fire. Insane fizzy smell that reminded me of cherry Bottlecaps candy. Warm and sweet with a hint of Diesel giving her an aggresive edginess. No surprises during the whole run, she just did her thing and let me take all the credit. CRAZY strong high that lasts a long time. For a short time after smoking I'm a bit stunned by head buzz, unable to do much until I can gather my thoughts. By this time the high drops a bit lower into the body causing relaxation. Taste is much like the smell, like drinking a cherry cola in the back of a city bus. Dropped her at day 74. Highly recommended!
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Reviewed 15 November 2022
My best purchase ever!
I was blown away by the yield (almost 2.5 ounces) but now the smoke is cured and wow! it’s the shit!
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Reviewed 7 September 2022
The buds look fantastic
I spent hours trimming them and not because they’re especially hard to trim but because they deserve it. At the end I got a masterpiece - tight, dense, multicolored gems with a pungent fruity smell and very sticky. Now I need to do my best drying and curing them. Fingers crossed but I think I’m looking at my best stash ever.
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Cherry Cola Auto
Cherry Cola Auto' pack backside
Cherry Cola Auto
Cherry Cola Auto' pack frontside

Opiniones de GrowDiaries

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Preguntas y respuestas de clientes

1 votos
Hello! Looks really interesting!! Does it really have the coke flavor??
Yes! As long as you grow it properly and flush thoroughly it will have a nice cherry cola flavor with a sweet fizzy background.
por Kyte en 20 March 2022
1 votos
Is it good for hydro setup? Is it prone to catch mold?
Hello, thanks for asking. Yes, it's a great choice for hydroponics, just remember that autoflowers tend to grow taller in hydro so make sure to have enough space. And about mold, as long as you keep the humidity levels on point you won't have a problem with mold at all.
por Fadale en 13 March 2022
1 votos
I don't have enough light, can I still try with this strain? Or you'd recommend me something different? (balcony growing)
Hey! For any strain, if growing outdoors you will need at least 6 hours of direct sunlight for the plant to grow well. Any less than that and you might find that the plant will stay quite small, for example, or that it takes a lot longer than normal to get to the harvest stage. You can send us an email to [email protected] with more info about your set-up and we'll try to help you more.
por Gahr en 13 March 2022
0 votos
My flat has excessive humidity, any special advice with this one? I'm not very experienced in growing.
Hello, just make sure to have the fans ON 24/7 and maybe space out the branches with LST to avoid mold. If the humidity levels are too high, it may be a good idea to invest in a dehumidifier. Thanks for asking.
por Ristow en 19 March 2022
0 votos
What soil or other substrate is best for this strain?
Hello, it's a matter of preference. You will get excellent results in coco, soil or hydro as long as you take good care of your plants.
por Halpain en 19 March 2022
0 votos
Is it good as a sleep aid?
Hello, our Cherry Cola will definitely relax you and help you sleep but if you want a stronger sleep aid, we highly recommend the Afghan Kush.
por Maitland en 18 March 2022
0 votos
Will it perform well in colder climate? I live in the Netherlands.
Hello! Cherry Cola is a Hybrid (Sativa 45%/Indica 55%), so, generally it should do well in cooler climates. But, if you're planning on growing outdoors, we would suggest waiting until the temperature doesn't go below 15ºC, otherwise you'll run into issues. The ideal temperature for growing outdoors is around 23ºC.
por Hortein en 17 March 2022
0 votos
Can I make it grow higher than 150cm?
Of course, depending on your grow setup, you can hang the light a bit higher than usual to encourage stretching.
por Sinn en 17 March 2022