
Lemon AK Auto

Creada con el tan famoso AK-47, esta cepa Lemon supera a su predecesora, convirtiéndose en la autofloreciente de THC más alta de 2019.
En stock
1 feminized seed
$13.00 / seed
1 feminized seed
$13.00 / seed
2 feminized seeds
$12.50 / seed
3 feminized seeds
$12.00 / seed
5 feminized seeds
$11.00 / seed
10 feminized seeds
$9.90 / seed
25 feminized seeds
$7.96 / seed
50 feminized seeds
$6.80 / seed
100 feminized seeds
$5.90 / seed
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  • ¡24% THC impecable! Perfectamente agridulce y extremadamente potente.
  • Encantadora y de rápida floración. Esta variedad puede producir hermosas flores de colores con tonalidades rosadas y rojas en 56-63 días. 
  • Resina deliciosa. El exclusivo perfil de terpenos de la mofeta, los cítricos y el pastel dulce lo convierte en los extractos más deliciosos.
  • Fácil de cultivar. Requiere poco mantenimiento y es muy resistente a las plagas, ¡ideal para cultivadores principiantes en interior o exterior!
  • Perfectamente compacto. Crece bastante compacto y robusto, ideal para cultivadores con espacios limitados. 
  • Híbrido Sativa-dominante bien equilibrado. Perfecto para quienes buscan un efecto cerebral y corporal equilibrado.
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Radar tecnológico

Lemon AK Auto
Muy caliente
Muy frío
Mayormente Sativa
Mayormente Indica
Muy fuerte
No se necesita filtro

Especificaciones Técnicas

Parámetro Valor
Sabor Limón, Terroso, Picante
CBD < 1%
Cosecha EE. UU. en interior 1.6 – 2.1 oz./pie2
Cosecha EE. UU al aire libre 2 – 9 oz/planta
Tamaño XXL
Altura EE. UU. 28 – 51 pulgadas
Tiempo de cosecha 9 – 10 semanas
Habitación Interior/Exterior
Género Feminizadas
Sativa/Indica Sativa 75%/Indica 25%
Genética Lemon AK Auto
Tipo Autofloreciente
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Instagram Lemon AK Auto
Instagram Lemon AK Auto
Instagram Lemon AK Auto
Instagram Lemon AK Auto


 Esta es la versión Fast Buds de la clásica cepa AK-47. Patrones mejorados de fuerte crecimiento. Acompañados de deliciosos sabores a limón y alrededor del 24% de THC, los fumadores pueden notar un efecto estimulante con sabor afrutado, ideal para momentos creativos y eventos sociales. Una planta resistente que no crecerá más de 1 m, por lo que es ideal para cualquier persona que busque cultivar una fuerte versión cítrica de una cepa ya clásica; teniendo un mejor crecimiento, efectos más fuertes y sabores mejorados.

Descripción del cogollo

Flores sabrosas. Siendo muy compactos, estos cogollos estarán recubiertos de cristales, con un rico color verde intenso y alto contenido de THC, lo que hace de esta cepa una gran productora de resina, ¡ideal para los amantes de la extracción!


Un humo cítrico que ofrece efectos eufóricos edificantes, ideal para conversar o realizar actividades creativas. Los principiantes deberían tener cuidado, Lemon AK es potente, con hasta 24% de THC. Una cepa que te garantiza un subidón.

Aspecto de la planta

Lemon AK puede crecer entre 70 y 100 cm, desarrollando una gran cola principal y algunas ramas laterales. Esta planta será un tallo tupido las primeras semanas, pero se parecerá a un árbol de Navidad cubierto de escarcha al final de su ciclo y puede necesitar algo de apoyo para sostener sus cogollos robustos. A pesar de ser una variedad autofloreciente, su genética Sativa podría llevarla a tardar un poco más en madurar y florecer completamente en comparación con algunas de nuestras otras genéticas.

Sellado para garantizar la autenticidad
Revestimiento impermeable
Revestimiento interior de aluminio
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Consejos de cultivo

Al tener una gran producción de follaje en las primeras semanas, seguido de una fuerte producción de cogollos en la etapa de floración, lo más probable es que necesitarás colocar algo para ayudar a soportarla planta y evitar que se colapse por su propio peso. LST será bienvenido, pero principalmente para los cultivadores más experimentados. Lemon AK ama todo lo que le puedas dar, así que si puedes permitir 20 horas de luz al día, ¡adelante!


Con nuevos toques cítricos al sabor terroso clásico del original. Un humo quizás algo áspero que va de la mano con el rico sabor del AK-47, combinando sus sabores audaces y agregando sabores de limón, quitando parte de la aspereza y reemplazándolo con un toque cítrico.

Comparar con cepas similares

Cosecha EU Interior
Cosecha EE. UU al aire libre
Altura EE. UU.
Semanas de floración
500 – 650 gr/m2
2 – 9 oz/planta
28 – 51 pulgadas
9 – 10 semanas
Sativa 75%/Indica 25%
450 – 600 gr/m2
3 – 11 oz/planta
35 – 51 pulgadas
9 – 10 semanas
Sativa 65%/Indica 35%
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/planta
24 – 39 pulgadas
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
450 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/planta
31 – 39 pulgadas
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 50%/Indica 50%

Opiniones de los usuarios

4.9 de 5
59 calificaciones de clientes
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1 estrella

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Chubbs. Verified customer
Reviewed 16 October 2020
Biggest Cola I've ever grown
420 Fastbuds Lemon AK is by far the grandslam of lemony strains for me. This plant when I grew it must have missed the memo to stop growing because deep into flower period the main cola was the size of a pineapple. Unfortunately when I grew this strain was in the middle of rainy season and my exhaust system failed and I lost my whole grow due to powder mold so I will advise on keeping your humidity/RH low on this strain. So if you like Pineapple size lemon smelling colas from a plant thst handles well to being trained. I'd suggest Lemon Ak for you.
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Reviewed 9 August 2021
Lemon AK
An excellent choice for me again, all three seeds sprout at the same time, there is no sign of backwardness. They germinate very well in Coconut with Advanced Nutrients. The packaging is, as always, hermetic, the seeds are of selected quality. Genetics as always on top
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Reviewed 5 May 2021
Lemon ak
WOW what a powerhouse, a beautiful lady which grew easy and quick flowering big sticky coated buds, smelly tasty just a dream, Fast Buds all the way quality as usual
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Reviewed 15 April 2021
32 days i m happy for my plant
32 day .. thanks fatbuds family
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Jakob. Verified customer
Reviewed 19 January 2020
No issues
She was very easy. She grew quite chunky considering she's a sativa, but the effects did feel sativa. She has a lovely taste.
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Din Grogu Grows
Reviewed 24 April 2023
Lemon AK
Great natural plant structure. Aroma is very zesty as well. Easy and smooth grow.
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Reviewed 7 January 2023
Lemon AK review
I find Lemon AK to be extremely tasty, consider that I use a Volcano for all my smokes. The grow went extremely well. Surprisingly so. Since I grow with aeroponics, deficiencies happen but are easily corrected, in my experience. The Lemon AK never had ANY deficiencies, which is incredible.!! However, even with a perfect grow. Absolutely perfect, it produced a very small amount dried. The smallest I ever have done actually....even as a rookie!!! Furthermore, the effects last less than many other Mexican Airline (which produces an amazing amount btw). The effect is pleasant and "soft". Very "sophisticated". Those are the words I would use: pleasant, soft and sophisticated. Anyone, like me, that has had troubled with the production?
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Reviewed 8 September 2021
Stinky Lemons
Grew two of these ladies in organic soil. Easy grow, although during a heat wave there was some twisting of the leaves but she recovered well. Perfect for LST as the canopy opens willingly. If you like the smell of cheesey skunky lemons this one is for you. This transfers over as the predominant taste with undertones of woody earth. She is a bit rough and spicy on the inhale so keep some water handy. No lack of potency. Energetic, happy high with a lingering stone in the background. Definitely a daytime/social strain. Man, that smell is good.
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Commented 27 April 2022
What size pots did you use and what was the yield like?
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Armansally. Verified customer
Reviewed 16 March 2021
I loved lemon ak. Easy and great growing
First week really bigg plant i never see it..
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Reviewed 10 May 2023
Great strain my second chance to grow it, 100/10 to fastbuds
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Lemon AK Auto
Lemon AK Auto' pack backside
Lemon AK Auto
Lemon AK Auto' pack frontside

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Preguntas y respuestas de clientes

1 votos
My plants are flowering and I'm wondering if I should just put my lights to bloom, or if I can use veg and bloom lights together?
Thanks for asking! It depends on the brand, some manufacturers design their light fixtures to be used this way but others recommend not using both veg and bloom modes at the same time.
por Cavrak en 29 September 2020
0 votos
Hi, what is the ideal temperature of the growth room ?
Hello, thanks for asking. It will depend on several things but, in general, the temperature should range between 15-25°C and the humidity levels between 50-80%.
por Durch en 14 June 2021
0 votos
Where can I buy this in the US?
Hi there! Here's a link to our US distributors, they should be able to help:
por Shoeman en 29 September 2020
0 votos
Should I keep my light at the same distance throughout the whole grow? Or should it be closer when the plant is still small?
Hi! It depends on the type of light you're using, CFLs should be kept at approximately 10cm from your plants, LEDs at around 75cm, and MH/HPS at 50cm. Just remember that the distance will depend on the wattage.
por Courtenay en 29 September 2020
0 votos
What's the smallest pot I can use and still get a half decent harvest?
Thanks for asking! We recommend using 12L pots but it actually depends on your experience, to get a decent yield you should grow at least in a 3L pot. Some growers cultivate in solo cups and others use 20L pots, so it's up to you.
por Saugis en 29 September 2020
0 votos
I live in quite a hot and humid climate. Would this be a good strain to grow?
Hello! Due to it's Sativa heritage, this strain performs better in hotter climates so you won't have a problem at all. Just make sure you check on your plant every day because a high humidity can attract bugs or mold.
por Wurster en 29 September 2020
0 votos
My Lemon AK is at 9 weeks. Should I harvest it?
Hi! Even though your plant is 9 weeks old you should wait until the hairs are around 70% brown/orange and most of the trichomes have turned cloudy.
por Vanaria en 29 September 2020
0 votos
I'm 4 weeks into flower and the lower leaves are starting to turn yellow/brown.
Hi! If you haven't started flushing yet it could be a nutrient deficiency or a bug infestation.
por Delancey en 29 September 2020
-2 votos
I have found little grey bugs that jump up in my soil. What are they?
Hi! It's hard to say without seeing them, usually, fungus gnats lay their eggs in the soil and you will see tiny white worms wiggling around but they don't jump. Please send an email to [email protected] and we'll be happy to help you.
por Dies en 29 September 2020