
Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™

El rey púrpura de todos los púrpuras.
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1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
2 feminized seeds
$14.50 / seed
3 feminized seeds
$14.00 / seed
5 feminized seeds
$13.00 / seed
10 feminized seeds
$12.00 / seed
25 feminized seeds
$9.80 / seed
50 feminized seeds
$8.20 / seed
100 feminized seeds
$6.90 / seed
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  • ¡Hasta un 28,5% de THC! Un testimonio de los avances de las autoflorecientes modernas.
  • Cereza madura sobre galletas de limón. Terpenos superfrutales con un toque funky.
  • Calidad excepcional con terpenos de primer nivel. Encantadoras tonalidades púrpuras que añaden encanto.
  • Disfruta de una relajación dichosa. Una potente mezcla de euforia y tranquilidad.
  • Cosechas rápidas. ¡Ciclo completo en 8 semanas!
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Radar tecnológico

ResistenciaTHCVelocidad de floraciónAlturaCosecha
Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™
Muy caliente
Muy frío
Mayormente Sativa
Mayormente Indica
Muy fuerte
No se necesita filtro

Especificaciones Técnicas

Parámetro Valor
Sabor Cereza, Galleta, Limón, Dulce
CBD < 1%
Cosecha EE. UU. en interior 1.5 – 1.8 oz./pie2
Cosecha EE. UU al aire libre 2 – 7 oz/planta
Tamaño XL
Altura EE. UU. 31 – 47 pulgadas
Tiempo de cosecha 8 semanas
Habitación Interior/Exterior
Género Feminizadas
Sativa/Indica Sativa 30%/Indica 70%
Genética Lemon Cherry Cookies
Tipo Autofloreciente
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La Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™ es un testimonio de los avances de las autoflorecientes modernas, con un tremendo contenido de THC de hasta el 28,5%. Más allá de su potencia, esta cepa deleita los sentidos con un sabor excepcional que recuerda a las galletas de limón y cereza, y cautiva visualmente con sus hermosas tonalidades púrpuras. Sus efectos son igualmente impresionantes, ofreciendo una experiencia potente, pero relajante, junto con un dichoso subidón cerebral que aplaca la tensión. A medida que se desarrolla la fumada, emerge la pronunciada influencia Indica, que conduce a una relajación duradera que envuelve todo el cuerpo e infunde una profunda sensación de energía creativa. Ideal para los aficionados que buscan una fumada bien equilibrada de predominancia Indica, la Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™ proporciona un viaje armonioso y profundamente satisfactorio.

Descripción del cogollo 

Espera cogollos densos y de olor dulce. La Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™ produce cogollos morados con largos pelos vibrantes de color naranja oscuro que sobresalen de los cálices gordos y escarchados. Las flores púrpuras duras como rocas terminan con una gruesa capa de resina en el momento de la cosecha y apestan a terpenos azucarados y agridulces con matices ligeramente funky.


La potencia de la Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™ muestra las capacidades de las autoflorecientes modernas. Con un contenido de THC de hasta el 28,5%, esta variedad induce un potente efecto relajante, combinado con un alegre subidón cerebral que te deja completamente relajado y libre de tensiones. A medida que fumas, la potente influencia Indica se hace más evidente, y sus efectos energizantes pasan a un duradero subidón que relaja de la cabeza a los pies y te deja feliz con una sensación de energía creativa. El efecto ideal para los consumidores que aprecian una fumada bien equilibrada con tendencia Indica.

Aspecto de la planta 

La Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™ se desarrolla con una estructura compacta, ostentando el clásico aspecto de Indica, con hojas anchas en abanico y un espaciado internodal relativamente corto. Gracias a su herencia genética, esta cepa es relativamente fácil de cultivar y rara vez requiere apoyo, ya que las ramas soportan sin esfuerzo el peso de las colas extremadamente gordas. Durante las últimas fases del ciclo de crecimiento, espera hermosos colores, ya que los matices verdes se transforman gradualmente en tonos claros y oscuros de púrpura y las hojas en abanico se desvanecen en una coloración rosa oscura.

Sellado para garantizar la autenticidad
Revestimiento impermeable
Revestimiento interior de aluminio
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Consejos de cultivo 

Teniendo en cuenta su resistencia genética, la Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™ prospera en temperaturas más frescas, lo que la convierte en una elección robusta para cultivadores de diversos climas. Aplicar una defoliación suave no solo mejora el flujo de aire, sino que también favorece la penetración de la luz en las ramas inferiores, lo que en última instancia se traduce en cosechas extraordinariamente abundantes en condiciones ideales. Los llamativos cogollos morados de esta cepa subrayan aún más su atractivo, con la recomendación de bajar las temperaturas durante las últimas semanas de floración para acentuar su vibrante coloración. Además, la Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™ es muy adecuada para los cultivos Sea of Green, gracias a su óptimo espaciado internodal, que maximiza la eficiencia del espacio de cultivo.


La Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™ sabe exactamente a lo que sugiere. Empieza con un fuerte olor a mermelada de cereza azucarada con una pizca de zumo de limón ácido. Al inhalar, espera un dulce sabor a mermelada de cereza combinado con suaves matices de galleta. Al exhalar, los sabores se abren, revelando un delicioso sabor a zumo de limón recién exprimido que despeja los senos nasales y deja un regusto ácido en la garganta y la boca durante horas y horas.

Comparar con cepas similares

Cosecha EU Interior
Cosecha EE. UU al aire libre
Altura EE. UU.
Semanas de floración
450 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 7 oz/planta
31 – 47 pulgadas
8 semanas
Sativa 30%/Indica 70%
450 – 600 gr/m2
3 – 11 oz/planta
35 – 51 pulgadas
9 – 10 semanas
Sativa 65%/Indica 35%
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/planta
24 – 39 pulgadas
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
450 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/planta
31 – 39 pulgadas
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 50%/Indica 50%

Opiniones de los usuarios

5 de 5
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1 estrella

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Reviewed 15 February 2024
I liked this, probably 50/50 a little more indica, the taste and smell of tropical fruits, the effect is so different that the hybrids are used to sativa highs, if you come down from the high, then the strength of the indica will increase
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Commented 25 January
What size u used pots?
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Commented 25 March
What Genetics?
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Reviewed 15 February 2024
beautiful color, solid flowers and incredible smell. Curing it and it looks super nice. Easy to grow, was very happy with everything.
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Sebastian Good
Reviewed 15 February 2024
LOVE it!
Lemon Cherry Cookies got all I love in a strain: Mind-blowing Terps, Super huge and frosty Nuggets, an incredibly fast Turnaround and on top of it her Nuggets are Purple. She is one of the fastest Strains I ever grew and she yields tons of sticky Buds as well. The mix of fruit and sweet with a hint of Funk is what I adore most.
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Commented 25 May 2024
Wow ! What a beautiful lady. Stunner.
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Commented 1 December 2024
Magnifique 🍒🍋🍪 🙏🙏🙏
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Commented 22 March
dude found the school picture background for his buds
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Reviewed 1 July 2024
bag appeal and the potency
The lemon cherry cookies is some fast growing flowers, and fat! They grew to be about 3ft tall and one almost 4ft. Both purple as could be. Frosty is an understatement. This stuff has the bag appeal and the potency a grower looks for. And the smell and taste is like a treat from childhood, Nostalgic. 5 outta 5 the lemon cherry cookies is a strain worthy of trying.
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LinsleyD. Brown
Commented 22 July 2024
What size grow pot and grown tent did you use? Great grow by the way.
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Reviewed 18 April 2024
The best
Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto delivers on its promise. The taste is a delightful blend of cherry jam with subtle cookie undertones. A flavorful experience from start to finish
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Reviewed 2 February 2024
absolute joy
This strain was an absolute joy to grow. Super easy and took a lot of beating from my part.l during the grow. Once into flower it's amazing how fast they'll start swelling. Its like the turbo chargers kicked in as you should see daily growth. The colors of the flowers are a deep deep purple that are covered in frost and red hairs, so it makes them look picture perfect. The wet weight for these 3 came out to 870g. The smell they have is sweet,fruity, with hints floral to them. Over all Happy Growing for sure.
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Reviewed 12 July 2024
Must to grow!
An incredible piece of genetics developed by @fastbuds_official, an example of how the cutting-edge development of modern Autoflower can give us a plant ready to harvest in less than 60 days (63 days for personal taste for the more amber trichomes) with an impressive terpene profile. She has developed rock hard buds with a smell that moves between bowl of fruits, cherries at the right point of ripeness and a touch of creamy milk. In conclusion, highly recommended for lovers of indicas and purple colours!
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Reviewed 2 February 2024
one of the best I've smoked
A very easy growing strain, it comes out of the soil like a rocket with nice internodal spacing, once it starts to flower it puts on a real show, pumping out massive pink flowers, the aroma is truly tropical. Once it's dried and cured it's absolute top shelf head stash But the flavours are quite complex, hard to put my finger on it was like cherry/blueberry then once it dried it had like an old school blue cheese funk it's definitely one of the best autos I've smoked
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Reviewed 26 January 2024
100% germination Fairly short veg time but grows vigorously building a strong foundation in little time to set up for flower. Very thick sturdy branching to support heavy buds. Fat fan leaves and Ideal internodal spacing results in little wasted space while allowing light and airflow to penetrate. Once entering flower, majority showed early onset of purple bleeding thru newly formed bud sites, expanding throughout the bloom cycle. Once the flowering stretch winds down, buds start to bulk up at a rapid pace. Terps are very strong bringing a heavy smell of sweet berries with an undertone of chemical fragrance that gives a tingle to the nose. This strain seems similar to purple lemonade or crystal meth however the bud density leads to heavier yields. Handled stress impressively. Proper plant training would likely lead to extremely heavy yields under optimal conditions.
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Commented 25 May 2024
Excellent description, just ordered !
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Reviewed 16 July 2024
dense & beautiful
This is the lemon cookies. The first picture is it dried Nugget.. any other pictures are the one I took down today. It's lemon cherry cookies. Also very very dense beautiful nuggets.
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Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™
Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™' pack backside
Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™
Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™' pack frontside

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Preguntas y respuestas de clientes

1 votos
How many can I grow in a 100x100cm tent??
It depends on the pot size. In 10-liter pots you may fit up to 6-7 plants, depending on your setup and style of growing.
por Lava en 26 January 2024
1 votos
Do I need to drop the temperature for the buds to turn purple?
Thanks for asking. This strain is bred to produce purple nugs without the need to drop the temperatures during the flowering stage, however, colder temperatures during the last weeks of flower can promote more intense, darker hues.
por Osterstuck en 26 January 2024
0 votos
Is it recommended as a wake and bake?
Even though the high starts with an energizing effect, it is an Indica hybrid which means it can glue you to the couch if smoked in excess. For a good wake and bake strain make sure to look for Sativa-dominant autos.
por Jelks en 26 January 2024
0 votos
Should I use organic or bottled feeding?
You can have excellent harvests with both as long as you use them properly. Make sure to opt based on your growing conditions, substrate, and style of growing.
por Granizo en 26 January 2024
0 votos
Would you recommend this one over the purple lemonade?
Well, it depends on your personal preference. While they have some similarities, they have completely different terpene profiles and effects as they’re completely different strains so it’s a matter of experimenting to see what suits you better.
por Mowles en 26 January 2024
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