Thai Sticks - The OG Cannacigars. Can You Still Find Them? And Everything You Need To Know Right Now About Cannabis Cigars

Author Sam North
23 September 2022
Learn everything you need to know about thai sticks aka cannacigars!
23 September 2022
32 min read
Thai Sticks - The OG Cannacigars. Can You Still Find Them? And Everything You Need To Know Right Now About Cannabis Cigars

Read more
  • 1. What exactly is a thai stick though?
  • 2. Is it possible to diy a thai stick?
  • 3. How to make your own thai sticks at home
  • 4. Cannabis cigars in 2022
  • 4. a. Artisan canna cigars
  • 4. b. Leira cannabis cigars
  • 4. c. E4p cannabis cigars
  • 5. The wrap-up

The origins of Thai sticks are a bit of a mystery. While they only first appeared on western shores sometime in the early 1970s, the true roots of the original cannabis cigars are pretty hard to pinpoint. First produced by the Hmong and Karen hill tribes of Northern Thailand, it's estimated that they have been handcrafted for at least 500 years. So why can't you find Thai Sticks in dispensaries these days? Thanks to the global war on drugs, the last Thai Sticks were made available sometime in the early 80s. Still, the legend lives on. And with the Kingdom of Thailand recently passing massive changes to the legality of weed, we may be seeing a comeback story in the making.

1. What Exactly is a Thai Stick Though?

Ok, this can actually be a little confusing so let's sort it out quickly. The confusion comes from the fact that while a Thai Stick is very simply a cannabis cigar, the term was also used as the name for the Thai landrace cannabis strain that was used to produce the cigars. This strain name was exported along with the weed, meaning that the name became synonymous with both. As the strain has now all but disappeared, these days it's reserved purely for the cigars themselves. So, to answer the question: A Thai Stick was a specific type of cannabis cigar produced in the mountains of Northern Thailand. The method involved in making Thai Sticks was passed down through the generations and refined over time - resulting in what many still believe to be the first true cannabis cigar.

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2. Is it Possible to DIY a Thai Stick?

100%. While the process is not particularly straightforward, it's definitely possible to make your own at home. We have a full guide on how to make them a little further down the page, but first, there's a history lesson to wrap up. Where were we? Oh yeah, 1965 and serving members from western militaries are just finding out about Thai Sticks. With the quality of the weed being way better than what was currently available in their home countries, it didn't take long at all for some enterprising young soldiers to realize that they could supplement their income by stuffing their bags full of the sticky icky and selling it on when they landed. As so, the legend of the Thai Stick was born! To say that the quality of the buds was better than the current market offerings at the time is a huge understatement. The Thai strain was miles ahead in terms of terpene and trichome production - especially when compared to the Mexican block weed that dominated the market in the late 60s.


Thai sticks: is it possible to diy thai sticks?

Can you make thai sticks at home?

Weed connoisseurs could not get enough of the stuff, and within a few months of its landing, word had spread coast to coast. This popularity only grew over the next few years, with Thai Sticks quickly becoming the top choice for most weed smokers. And this popularity endured right up until the early 80s when production and export came to a grinding halt. There were a few driving forces behind this shift, the two biggest being the war ending in 1975 which cut export opportunities and made transportation and logistics much pricier. Add to that the shift in Thai drug policy in 1979 which heavily increased the penalties for both the cultivation and sale of cannabis, and it's easy to see why Thai Sticks disappeared from the west.

But, sadly it was not just in the west that saw the end of the Thai Stick. The craft also slowly but surely died out in the South East Asian region. With demand waning and heavy-handed prison sentences for anyone caught with even small quantities of weed, unfortunately, the days of mountainsides covered in cannabis crops were over - for the time being, anyway. In April 2019, as a Thai New Years' gift to the people, the Thai government announced an easing of penalties for cannabis and started the process of introducing medical marijuana laws. Then in early 2021, the rulers made the shock decision to totally decriminalize weed. For a nation that for decades has some of the harshest laws surrounding cannabis use in the whole world, this backflip was a welcome surprise.

Does this mean we will see a triumphant return? Possibly. It's still very early days, but with the Thai Authorities handing out over one million weed cuttings to the general population, and buds being sold openly over the counter, the chances have never been higher. Only time will tell, but for now, we can dream! For now, though, let's have a quick look at how to make a Thai Stick at home.

3. How to Make Your Own Thai Sticks at Home

We mentioned earlier that the process involves a bit of hard work and patience, but that's the fun part, right...Ok, smoking them is the real fun part, but if you like a little project then this will be right up your alley. All you need is a few bits of basic equipment, your favorite bud, and the ability to squash any feelings of instant gratification that inevitably pop up when you have some dank stuff right in front of you.


Thai sticks: how to make thai sticks at home

How to make thai sticks at home.

When done the correct way it will take about a month from start to finish, but with a little bit of ingenuity, you can cut that right down to just a week or so. We do recommend making more than one at a time and testing them throughout the entire month process to find out which option suits you best. To start you will need:


  • Whatever bud you like. expect to use anywhere between 3 to 7 rams for each stick, but they can be made with as little or as much as you please really. Keep in mind that you want to use bud that has not totally dried for this. Fresh bud straight off the plant has the risk of developing mold, so a one to two-day drying period is perfect;
  • Bamboo kebab skewers;
  • 3 fresh cannabis fan leaves per cigar;
  • Hemp wick. This is easily sourced online, or it can be substituted with some twine;
  • Hash oil, terp sauce, or any concentrate of your choosing as long as it's easily spread. A sugar/water mixture or CBD can also be used;
  • Baking or parchment paper;
  • A food vacuum sealer is not 100% necessary, but it can help shape the cigars and speed up the process:
  • A large, nonstick fry pan.


1. Looking at the above list you may have a bit of an idea of how it's done, but trust the process.


2. First up, use the hash oil or substitute to coat the entire length of the skewer. It's important to make sure every millimeter is covered as this will act as glue to keep everything in place. If using a sugar/water mixture, heat it up until it's syrupy, and then apply that in the same way.


3. Once the skewer is coated, take your bud and start packing it on. It's important to make sure each layer is nice and tight as you want a good, even burn. Again, expect to use around 3-7 grams per cigar. Keep in mind that the super chunky, dense colas that we all look for are actually not the best option for a Thai Stick. You want to go for the lighter, softer buds that usually grow on the lower branches, as these allow for better compression.


4. Once you are happy with your bud layer, lightly brush the entire cigar with some more hash oil. Then take the fan leaves and carefully wrap them around the outside of the cigar. Make sure they're nice and tight so that everything stays in place. If you're using a vacuum sealer, now is the time to seal them up.


5. Use some string or hemp wick to bind the entire stick and tie it off at both ends. This helps the compression but is a little unnecessary if you are using a vacuum sealer (which we highly recommend).


Thai sticks: how to make thai sticks at home

Homemade thai sticks curing.

If you don't have a food sealer then just wrap them in the wick then place them inside a ziplock bag and remove as much of the air as possible.


6. In the fridge, they go for 3 days. This is the first curing period and helps not only with keeping everything in place but also for cannabinoid and terpene development. Historically, Thai Sticks would have been buried about a foot deep (30 cm), which you can still do if you please.


7. After 3 days, unwrap them (if using a sealer) and brush them with some more hash oil. This is the second curing period, and you want to repeat it for 7 days. Finally, after 7 days, they are ready to smoke!


8. Now, with your first batch, we suggest making at least three Thai Sticks and trying one after each curing period. This allows you to understand the differences in the nuances of flavor and effect across the entire range. Keep in mind that this is no regular joint. If you have gone down the hash oil route then these bad boys will have a kick, so best to ease your way into them and treat them with the respect they deserve.


9. To light one up, very carefully remove the bamboo skewer. you might need to softly twist while pulling, but use a high amount of caution! it would be a damn shame if it all fell apart after all your hard work and patience. You also need to be careful when actually lighting it up. Remember, this is a cigar not a joint. It's going to need the flame for a good while unless you have a small butane torch.


So there you have it, the entire process of making a Thai Stick. Next up, let's take a look at what the cannacigar market is up to these days.

4. Cannabis Cigars in 2022

The cannabis cigar market is thriving right now, and it's all thanks to legalization. Before the prohibition ended, the idea of being able to easily source anything other than some bud and possibly a few hash brownies was a distant dream, but these days the options for getting baked are almost endless. There are a bunch of companies producing gorgeous cannabis cigars throughout legalized states and countries, so let's take a quick peek at our top 3 options. Unfortunately, if you don't currently live in a place where weed is legal then you may have some issues finding these. Luckily you now know how to whip up a batch.

Artisan Canna Cigars

These handcrafted beauties hail from Los Angeles and are filled with some of the finest weed money can buy. The company uses an all-natural tobacco leaf as the cigar's casing which is then slow-rolled by artisans to ensure each one is perfect. The final product is a stunning, aromatic cannabis cigar, and the perfect "cherry on top" for any special day with your stoner friends and loved ones.


Thai sticks: artisan canna cigars

Artisan thai sticks.

If you're looking for something a little different then why not try a CBD-infused cannabis cigar? These are perfect for those who want to enjoy the benefits of weed without the psychoactive effects. The company offers three different blends, all of which use top-shelf tobaccos and CBD isolate from American hemp farmers.

LEIRA Cannabis Cigars  

LIERA cannabis cigars are about as close as you can get to an OG Thai Stick in 2022. They use a very similar process of hand-rolling the cigars around a bamboo stick and then curing them for weeks in a special recipe of hash oil and spices. The result is an incredibly potent, flavor-packed cannabis cigar that is sure to get you lifted. Everything is locally sourced, and selectively judged to ensure super high standards for every single LEIRA cannacigar, and the range offered is pretty ridiculous. LIERA cannagars were featured by rapper "2chainz" in his "Most Expensive shit"  series on YouTube with their fun 24k gold leaf gilded cigar, and he was not wrong. These are some of the most premia, luxury cannabis cigars money can buy.

E4P Cannabis Cigars  

E4P cannabis cigars are all about indulgence. These premium hand-rolled cigars are filled with a blend of 4 different weed strains, all of which have been perfectly cured and trimmed. They're then wrapped in a natural tobacco leaf and left to age for 4 weeks. This slow curing process allows the flavors to really meld together, offering smokers a truly top-notch experience at a slightly lower price than some of the other options on the market.

5. The Wrap-Up

So there we have it, the wonderful, wild world of Thai sticks and cannabis cigars.  If you're lucky enough to live in a place where weed is legal then you have some amazing options available to you. If not, then at least you now know how to make your own. Just be careful with that open flame, and keep in mind that these bad boys are always going to kick a bunch harder than what you are probably used to puffing on.

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Even if you do live in a legal area, try your hand at making some for yourself - "there's nothing quite like a home-cooked meal" may not have been originally meant here, but it sure does fit. There really is nothing like the satisfaction of smoking something you've been working on for weeks (or months, if you had the pleasure of growing the weed yourself). Let us know how you go in the comment section!