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Tropicana Cookies Auto

A atual campeã mundial entre as autoflorescentes.
Em estoque
1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
2 feminized seeds
$14.50 / seed
3 feminized seeds
$14.00 / seed
5 feminized seeds
$13.00 / seed
10 feminized seeds
$12.00 / seed
25 feminized seeds
$9.80 / seed
50 feminized seeds
$8.20 / seed
100 feminized seeds
$6.90 / seed
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Com cada compra receberás ao menos 1 semente grátis
  • Campeã da AWC 2023. Uma obra-prima Índica, 1º lugar na Autoflower World Cup 2023.
  • Cheira forte, bate ainda mais forte. 27% de THC que te vai fazer explodir as papilas gustativas.
  • Botões de primeira. Um lindo botão roxo escuro que cheira a citrinos frescos.
  • Produz enormes colheitas. Até 500 g/m² em apenas 56 dias.
  • Ideal para produtores de haxixe. A variedade perfeita com tricomas abundantes.
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Radar Técnico

Tropicana Cookies Auto
Muito Quente
Muito Frio
Predominantemente Sativa
Predominantemente Indica
Muito Forte
Não necessita filtro

Especificações Técnicas

Parâmetro Valor
Sabor Limão, Sândalo, Doce
CBD < 1%
Colheita Interior US 1.3 – 1.6 oz/ft2
Colheita Exterior US 2 – 5 oz/planta
Tamanho XL
Altura US 24 – 43 polegadas
Semanas Até a Colheita 8 – 9 semanas
Cultivo Interior/Exterior
Gênero Feminizada
Sativa/Indica Sativa 40%/Indica 60%
Genética Tropicana Cookies Auto
Tipo Autoflorescente
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A Tropicana Cookies Auto é a variedade perfeita para cultivadores de todos os níveis, especialmente os iniciantes, pois esta linhagem tem um ótimo desempenho ao ar livre e em ambientes internos, e pode chegar a produzir até 500g/m² em 56 – 63 dias sem precisar de nenhuma manutenção extra. Alcançando até 110 cm, esta variedade cresce bastante alta com ramificações de tamanho médio, mostrando sua herança mista. Sem dúvida, esta é a escolha certa para aqueles com uma alta tolerância que buscam colocar suas mãos nas flores mais fortes que existem. Graças aos seus 27% de THC, poderás esperar um efeito extremamente poderoso e durador que estimulará teu humor e te dará aquele empurrão extra que precisas para começar teus dias com o pé direito. Esta variedade oferece toda uma gama de sabores cítricos e amadeirados com um forte fundo doce que irá fazer com que queiras mais e mais.

Descrição Das Buds

A Tropicana Cookies Auto produz flores espantosamente roxas escuras, então espere por flores realmente escuras, com belos tons de rosa, roxo e azul, e espessos pêlos alaranjados escuros que são completamente cobertos de resina na época da colheita, o que lhes dá uma aparência quase branca brilhante. Esta linhagem desenvolve uma estrutura típica de Índica e muito poucas folhas de açúcar que farão de suas sessões de recorte bem mais fáceis. Mas não deixe de guardar suas aparas, pois suas preciosas flores fervilham com o cheiro de uma mistura apetitosa de casca de limão, suco de laranja e sândalo que lhes dá um sabor quase cítrico que torna o haxixe e as extrações superaromáticas.

Relatório do Efeito

Graças aos seus 27% de THC, o efeito da Tropicana Cookies Auto começa com uma alta energética cerebral que coloca tua mente em movimento, enquanto te deixa em um agradável estado de calma. À medida que o lado Indica-dominante entra em ação, o potente efeito cerebral desce gradualmente e atinge teu corpo inteiro com um profundo relaxamento que te deixa com uma sensação de felicidade pesada que alivia a dor crônica, enquanto o deixa com um humor para cima, feliz e positivo. É a tensão perfeita para o dia e para a noite, pois pode melhorar teu humor e animando uma noite fora com os amigos, mas também pode aliviar tua mente enquanto te preparas para uma boa noite de sono. Ou seja, qualquer que seja o cenário, espera uma alta potente que dure horas a fio.

Aparência da planta

A Tropicana Cookies Auto cresce até 110 cm e desenvolve um caule principal alto com ramos laterais mais curtos, típicos das linhagens híbridas. Você pode esperar dela esse caule  principal robusto, mas alto e com galhos laterais de tamanho médio e folhas finas em forma de leque que assumem uma tonalidade amarelada e reflexos de cor púrpura escura. Graças à sua excelente seleção, esta linhagem desenvolve um espaçamento internodal curto que faz com que as flores de tamanho médio pareçam crescer empilhadas umas sobre as outras. É a escolha ideal para produtores que querem grandes rendimentos sem ter que lidar com plantas enormes, pois esta monstruosa máquina produtora pode render até 150g por planta mesmo sendo relativamente pequena.

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Conselhos de Cultivo

Essa linhagem produz flores super densas, então certifique-se de espaçar os galhos amarrando-os, pois isso irá melhorar a circulação do ar, ajudando a prevenir mofo e outras pragas. Tropicana Cookies Auto exala um delicioso perfume agridoce, então não deixe de purgá-la bem para aumentar ainda mais estes aromas. Esta variedade peso pesado dos terpenos termina com muitas folhas de açúcar resinoso com as quais tu poderás fazer haxixe e extrações fantásticas, por isso lembra-te de ter o teu balde de aparas preparado.


A Tropicana Cookies Auto tem um sabor extraordinariamente doce que se assemelha a uma mistura de casca de limão e suco de laranja fresco, com sutis tons florais que fazem dela a escolha perfeita para extratores que buscam perfis de terpenos únicos. Espera um sabor cítrico geral que irá cobrir toda a tua boca e deixar um delicioso sabor de caramelo tropical. Os sabores doces e azedos são equilibrados por um fundo herbal que fica mais forte à medida em que exalas e gradualmente se abre, trazendo à tona toda a gama de sabores amadeirados, florais e picantes, tornando-a a escolha perfeita para as extrações mais saborosas.

Comparar com variedades semelhantes

Colheita Exterior US
Altura US
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 5 oz/planta
24 – 43 polegadas
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 40%/Indica 60%
450 – 600 gr/m2
3 – 11 oz/planta
35 – 51 polegadas
9 – 10 semanas
Sativa 65%/Indica 35%
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/planta
24 – 39 polegadas
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
450 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/planta
31 – 39 polegadas
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 50%/Indica 50%

Resenhas de clientes

5 de 5
57 avaliações de clientes
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4 estrelas
3 estrelas
2 estrelas
1 estrela(s)

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Reviewed 10 June 2023
Tropicana Cookies Auto Grower in Thailand
Flower 7 week
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Reviewed 4 May 2024
She takes a beating but still produces
What a great strain to grow, so resilient, ran into some problems through week 5 to 7 but I corrected them and she returned the favour with some beautiful nugs. At first, after harvest I could smell straight fresh oranges but now as it's been cured for 3 weeks when I open the grove bag all I smell I tropical mango, so smooth. Grown using bio bizz nutrients and pulled just short of 100g dry weight, top shelf, thanks again Fast Buds
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Reviewed 9 November 2022
6 out of 5 stars! =)
What about this fantastic strain? One of the best strains I've had the chance to try at Fastbuds... and I can even say, MY FAVORITE. I grew this plant as a tester, i.e. without knowing what variety it was. With his name everything is announced!!! The release of this strain only confirmed my guesses when I was trying to guess, by smell and taste, what cross I might have grown... Indeed this variety does not bear its name by chance!!! Large, dense and frosty buds, through which you can delight in a powerful and delicate smoke, fantastic tropical fruit notes complemented by a sweet pinch of cookies that makes this strain very potent. For those who have never grown it, it's never too late to make up for your mistakes. So good that I took advantage of having a few beans left to relaunch her outdoors, even before knowing the exact genetics behind this fantastic cross. Well done Fastbuds and long live the Tropicana Cookies auto. If I could I would give her a 6/5 but since she disappeared too quickly from my Restash jar, I will reduce the rating to 5/5 haha
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Reviewed 3 March 2024
Big dense aesthetically pleasing purple buds. Smells like orange cordial. The taste of mine at low vape temps is citrus and earthy. Effects are mood improving leading to a physical, mildly sedative blissful experience.
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Reviewed 23 November 2022
covered in sticky resin
I must say Tropicana Cookies from Fast buds grew very fast. Finishing in 8 weeks from germination to harvest. This is also the frostiest and stickiest auto I have grown and I have grown some good ones. She stayed short and bushy with her side branches competing with her main cola at the canopy. The dried flowers resembled a sugar cookie smell absolutely covered in sticky resin. The effects that I have found with this starin is relaxed, happy, and hungry. Perfect for destressing at the end of a long day. This strain deserves an honest 5 stars due to it's resin production, sweet terpene profile and potent effects.
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Reviewed 9 November 2022
FB Tester
a great plant. It responded well to LST training and produced well spaced nodes and dense buds with a nice coating of trichomes. A good assortment of branches that all filled in nicely with buds. The citrus smells are very noticeable with this plant even before busting them up. At low temps you can taste some sweetness and citrus, which gives way to the richer cream or wood flavours at higher temps. I used a very low nutrient feeding regime and was still able to pump out great yields and fat colas on many of the branches. I am running this strain again now with a stronger nutrient regime and the plants are responding well and started to fill in nicely by the end of the 7th week. I am noticing some really nice purple tones emerging in the buds this grow and alot of frost on the sugar leaves. I find that this strain hits you in the head at first but not an anxiety inducer. I also found that this strain was pretty relaxing, but not sleep inducing, and would be a good strain if you want to chill with friends, watch a movie, or gaming. Chilled but focused. My buddy tried this one as well and had a very similar experience.
3 people found this helpful
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Reviewed 25 December 2023
Tropicana Cookies FROST ADVISORY
FastBuds has truly outdone themselves with their Tropicana Cookies Autoflower. A marvel to behold, this strain comes dressed in an enchanting coat of trichomes, reminiscent of a winter wonderland in its frostiest glory. The aesthetic appeal is only a precursor to the sensory delight that awaits upon consumption. Upon the first inhale, a sweet citrus symphony plays across the taste buds, led by a pronounced orange zest flavor that is as refreshing as a morning in a sun-kissed orchard. This terpene profile is not just a casual whisper of fruitiness, but a bold proclamation of its citrus genetics, leaving you with a tangy aftertaste that is delightful and invigorating. Deliciously potent and visually splendid, Tropicana Cookies is a picture-perfect strain for those seeking a twist of fruitiness in their cannabis experience, paired with an impressive display of crystalline beauty. -Fabled Gardens
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Reviewed 9 December 2023
Tropicana Cookies 11 week
beautiful little plant (60cm) bursting with honey and an excellent cappuccino aroma with a hint of fruit. 11 weeks for a 70% milky 30% amber harvest. currently drying...
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Reviewed 22 April 2024
fat and dense buds, resistant
Is amazing strain to grow, it very easy to use LST on it and grow to a large size with strong sturdy branches that can hold the massive colas she going produce. The buds are coated in heavy resin. The buds are nice a fat and are dense. It get purple tent on the bud and the leaves will develop purple stripe in late flower. Good resistance to pest and mold. Does great in organic soil. The high is potent and has smooth smoke with amazing taste.
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Reviewed 19 March 2024
FastBuds you are amazing, thanks for that genetics
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Tropicana Cookies Auto
Tropicana Cookies Auto' pack backside
Tropicana Cookies Auto
Tropicana Cookies Auto' pack frontside

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Perguntas e respostas dos clientes

2 votos
is it stronger than the gorilla?
Hello. Are you talking about Gorilla Glue Auto? If so, GG contains up to 24% THC while Tropicana Cookies contains up to 27% THC, so yes, it's definitely more potent and the effect is quite different. Thanks for asking.
por Cheevers em 2 November 2022
1 votos
What's the recommended ph for tropicana cookies?
Hello, thanks for asking. It depends on the type of substrate but, in general, the recommended pH is. between 5.5 - 6.5 in coco and hydro, and 6.5 - 7.5 in soil.
por Pruneda em 2 November 2022
1 votos
When are these available to buy please
Thanks for asking. Tropicana Cookies will be available for purchase on November 2nd, 2022.
por Addeo em 26 October 2022
1 votos
What strain is more sandalwood Tropicana Cookies or your original Sour Diesel?
Hello. That would be the Tropicana Cookies, thanks for asking!
por Rynerson em 23 October 2022
0 votos
do you think its possible to keep it under 70cm?
Hello, thanks for asking. Definitely, you can control plant height by tying down the branches (LST) or by using smaller pots. Something around 5-7 L pots would be a good choice, depending on how much you need to control plant height.
por Pizzulo em 2 November 2022
0 votos
9 weeks of flower??
Hello. No, that is 8 - 9 weeks from start to finish (germination to harvest). Thanks for asking.
por Cavaleri em 2 November 2022
0 votos
Best light cycle?
Hello. There's no best light cycle because what works for you may not work for other growers but make sure to provide anywhere from 16hs to 20hs of light (that is 16/8, 18/6, or 20/4 light cycles) and you will have excellent results. Thanks for asking.
por Duplessis em 2 November 2022
0 votos
Should I use natural over chemical fertilizers?
Hello, thanks for asking. It comes down to personal preference and grow setup but you will have very good results with both organic and inorganic nutrients as long as you use them correctly.
por Brasure em 2 November 2022
0 votos
would you recommend this one over the girl scout cookies for beginners? ty
Hello, both the Girl Scout Cookies and Tropicana Cookies are great strains for beginners but they offer different things so if you're looking for more modern flavors, go for the Tropicana Cookies. If you're looking for that classic cookies flavor, the GSC is the way to go. Thanks for asking.
por Farfalla em 2 November 2022
-1 votos
how many can i grow in a 1x1 tent?
Hello. Well, it depends on the size of the pot but. you can estimate around 6-10 plants (6 in big pots and 10 in small pots).
por Laplace em 2 November 2022