
Lemon Pie Auto

Aromă luxuriantă de lămâie.
În stoc
1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
2 feminized seeds
$14.50 / seed
3 feminized seeds
$14.00 / seed
5 feminized seeds
$13.00 / seed
10 feminized seeds
$12.00 / seed
25 feminized seeds
$9.80 / seed
50 feminized seeds
$8.20 / seed
100 feminized seeds
$6.90 / seed
Adaugă în Coș
Cash on delivery
Plata în Numerar Disponibilă
Comanda va fi expediată 27 March de UPS Express Saver, shipping cost $0.00
Plata se poate face cu Card de Credit/Debit, Transfer Bancar și Bitcoin
Cu fiecare comandă vei primi cel puțin 1 sămânță gratuită
  • 24% de THC divin! Perfect, și dulce și acru și extrem de puternic.
  • Înflorire fermecătoare și rapidă. Această tulpină poate produce flori frumoase, colorate cu nuanțe roz și roșu în 56-63 de zile.
  • Rășină delicioasă. Profilul terpenic unic de sKunk, citrice și plăcintă dulce face cele mai delicioase extracte.
  • Ușor de cultivat. Necesită o întreținere redusă și este foarte rezistentă la dăunători, excelentă pentru cultivatorii începători în interior sau în aer liber!
  • Perfect compactă. Crește destul de compactă și robustă, ideală pentru cultivatorii cu spații limitate.
  • Hibrid Indica atent echilibrat. Perfect pentru cei care caută un efect cerebral și corporal optimizat.
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Radar Tehnologic

Lemon Pie Auto
Climat Necesar
Foarte Cald
Foarte Rece
Majoritar Sativa
Predominant Indica
Foarte Puternic
Filtrul nu este necesar

Caracteristici Tehnice

Parametru Valoare
Gust Lămâie, Aluat, Dulce, Pin
CBD < 1%
Recoltă SUA Interior 1.5 – 1.8 oz/ft2
Recoltă SUA Exterior 2 – 6 oz/plantă
Mărime XL
Înălțime SUA 31 – 39 inci
Înflorire 8 – 9 săptămâni
Cameră Interior/Exterior
Sex Feminizat
Gene Sativa 50%/Indica 50%
Genetică Lemon Pie Auto
Tip Autoflorantă
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Instagram Lemon Pie Auto
Instagram Lemon Pie Auto
Instagram Lemon Pie Auto
Instagram Lemon Pie Auto
Instagram Lemon Pie Auto
Instagram Lemon Pie Auto
Instagram Lemon Pie Auto


Un hibrid dominant Indica, care este incredibil de ușor de cultivat și foarte rezistent, potrivit pentru cultivatorii noi și experimentați care, fără prea mult efort, vor fi răsplătiți cu muguri colorați impresionanți și 24% THC, cu tonuri de roșu și roz, însoțiți de pistile portocaliu deschis și alb care ies în evidență de departe. Oferă un high puternic, dar nu prea copleșitor, care vine mână în mână cu un miros unic extrem de delicios și dulce de citrice și de pin. Lemon Pie Auto funcționează excepțional de bine în interior și în aer liber, unde este recomandat să crească în ghivece mai mari pentru a-i lăsa să-și arate potențialul maxim; putând produce până la 550 gr/m2 în aproximativ 8 săptămâni. Mugurii extrem de denși și grozavi vă vor lăsa uimiți de producția excesivă de rășină care o face să pară că sunt îngropați complet în ea, perfectă pentru persoanele care caută potență și gust deosebit, având în același timp un efect cerebral și corporal echilibrat, care va mulțumi și mai mult cultivatori cu experiență. De asemenea, recomandat pentru extractoare care caută terpenele care să vă captiveze papilele gustative.

Descriere mugur

Lemon Pie Auto produce muguri de culoare verde deschis frumos, cu nuanțe galbene și, în unele cazuri, ușor roșii sau roz. Mugurii ei arată aproape complet albi din cauza excesului de rășină, uneori chiar fiind să vezi altceva decât părul portocaliu deschis și alb.

Raport de fum

Efectele vor fi un amestec foarte bun atât al corpului, cât și al efectelor cerebrale. Acesta va începe ca un high plăcut înălțător, care vă va lăsa alert în timp ce vă relaxați profund corpul fără un efect puternic de sedare sau de blocare pe canapea, perfect pentru ameliorarea durerii fizice în timp ce rămâneți activ.

Aspect plantă

Acest soiva crește într-o cola principală înaltă, cu mai multe ramuri laterale învelite în muguri groși de culoare verde intens, îngropați complet în rășină, cu o pistile albe deschise și nu foarte lungi. Mugurii groși care acoperă toate ramurile și cola principală vor ajunge la un randament destul de mare, putând produce până la 550 gr/m2. În multe cazuri, acestă tulpină produce nuanțe roșiatice roz-deschis pe muguri, prin spălarea corectă puteți răspândi acele culori frumoase în toată planta, oferindu-i detalii incredibil de bune.

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Sfaturi de cultivare

O plantă în general ușor de cultivat, excelentă pentru toți cultivatorii, în special pentru cei noi. Această plantă necesită o întreținere redusă și este foarte rezistentă la dăunători și mucegai. Datorită ramurilor sale pline de muguri densi, este o alegere bună să efectueze tehnici de LST pentru a îmbunătăți randamentul și calitatea mugurilor deja incredibili. Nu uitați să păstrați întotdeauna nivelul pH-ului la 6,5 ​​pentru tulpinile auto, acest lucru vă va asigura că planta dumneavoastră absoarbe nutrienți în mod corespunzător și vă va ajuta să evitați orice probleme. Dacă cultivați în aer liber, este recomandat să folosiți ghivece de 15 L ca să vă asigurați că planta se dezvoltă la maxim, ceea ce duce la creșterea unor muguri mai denși și a unor producții mai mari. Este obligatoriu să spălați acest soi cel puțin în ultima săptămână înainte de recoltare pentru descoperi aromele adevărate.


Aroma ei poate fi descrisă ca un amestec proaspăt de citrice și combustibil care vine mână în mână cu o plăcintă foarte dulce și miros cremos. Va avea o aromă de plante, citrice și super skunk pe inhale și o aromă plăcută de pin cu un vârf de scorțișoară pe expirație care va lăsa întreaga cameră mirosind delicios.

Compară cu soiuri similare

Recoltă SUA Exterior
Înălțime SUA
450 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/plantă
31 – 39 inci
8 – 9 săptămâni
Sativa 50%/Indica 50%
450 – 600 gr/m2
3 – 11 oz/plantă
35 – 51 inci
9 – 10 săptămâni
Sativa 65%/Indica 35%
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/plantă
24 – 39 inci
8 – 9 săptămâni
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
500 – 650 gr/m2
2 – 11 oz/plantă
43 – 59 inci
9 – 10 săptămâni
Sativa 70%/Indica 30%

Recenzii clienți

4.3 din 5
144 evaluări de la clienți
5 stele
4 stele
3 stele
2 stele
1 stea

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Citește recenzii care menționează

Reviewed 17 October 2022
Wish I had a time machine!
I’d go back 3 months and throw this piece of shit seed in the trash can
7 people found this helpful
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Commented 30 April 2023
have only one similar experience, but exceot this issue.. amny years, lot of orders, lot of seeds and from them growed plants..and all that without any significant problems! Mostly germ ratio about 90+% and plants grows just as they have to, they give me exactly that, what i´m "investing" into them! You sure know old,good motto: " Your harvest is always only as good, as much yopu give to the plants! (in terms of not only fertilizers,water,etc.. but mainly the care, you give to your babies! They need way more , than fertilizers,water and sun! You have to daily control all of them, looking for any sign, showing something isn´t going well! With proper care, you can avoid most problems, before they even starts to be serious! I make all i can, so the plants love me and as a lover, they want make me happy and try to do all possible to fullfill my expectations! :-D :-D :-D But no kidding - i am absolut sure, that the idea of " plant as an image of it´s grower" is true! (Of course, it´s not the same by any circumstances, because f.E..: some specific strains need specific care, but that´s not problem, it´s only one thing outside the box (about which i was talking about) :-) .)
Raportează abuz
Reviewed 20 November 2021
many seed auto´s, but was 3 strawnerry pie in my mix order!
hi, just start. but so far so good! every seeds has germinationed except one! (that´s problably my fault? i put it too deep? ) i have mix of testing fie´rst time auto´s and little bit nervous, because coupke stnd still for a week? and nothing happen? i have 3 pie´s 2 bruce banner and bananan strw.pie. and for special 2 six shooters! one six shooter went trash! i tried almost 11 days still, necause it has happen before. if seed is not too wet r too dry? nut it´s mostly luck, i guess? defitenly gonna buy next time again. because i have disapinment with germinations before. that´s why i let my frend do it, but it make no differentz? it´s little cold and dry weather in autumn now on finland. that´s can be a factor too, but great resut! anyway! tried best to keep moisture high in beginning. and now they are grovin like a young girls should1 ;) thank you. n;o 1 , shop!
3 people found this helpful
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Petro. Verified customer
Reviewed 19 October 2020
Happy plant, happy grower
I grow with only organic nutrients and the lemon pie loved it.
3 people found this helpful
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Commented 23 April 2021
Were you using same strength nutes as you would a photo, like EC 2.0 -2.5 ??
Raportează abuz
Streams. Verified customer
Reviewed 19 October 2020
Very enjoyable
Easy grow, great smell, and great taste.
2 people found this helpful
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Reviewed 23 February 2024
dependable as always
been FB loyal customer for years, even visited their booth at a local event once, not one of their seeds ever failed to germinate
1 people found this helpful
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Commented 23 September 2024
I have had 100% germination rate with many many many fastbuds strains
Raportează abuz
Reviewed 15 June 2021
Lemon Pie Mainlining, great plant!
Summary and final personal considerations: Full Grow Diary on Growdiaries here: Growth 10/10: Extremely strong, compact, recommended for less experienced growers, just feed her properly and she won't let you down. Excellent resistance to cuts and handling. Grown in Mainlining from the third week, she showed no problems during growth and flowering. Low and squat (normal in mainlining), easy to maintain. Buds 8/10: Full-bodied and satisfying, hard to the touch, but not overly large when taken individually. Light green color with whitish shades and "Naruto" orange pistils. Not the most productive as THC, but I trust the next seeds will be heavier. Odor 9/10: The real smell is released after at least 2 weeks of tanning. Until then it always remains a bit sour. After a month (now) the scent remotely reminds me (as mentioned above) of the Sicilian limoncello, sweet and fragrant like the peel of a fresh lemon, with a light earthy note, not annoying. Really good! Smoke report: Long smoking brown paper, smoking filter in white cardboard, no tobacco. At the first puff of smoke, the earthy note becomes stronger and less felt on the nose, but is immediately covered by an aftertaste of lemon. Sure the combustion spoils some of the flavor, but overall it is very good, tasty, a full smoke, almost chews in the mouth. The hint of sweet is barely perceived above the palate. I need a vaporizer, I am sure that without combustion everything feels much better. The earthy notes are not my favorite, but I give this part a nice 9/10 Effect 8.8 / 10: I'm already hungry, surely after half a lemon pie, half a jar of ice cream it won't hurt me XD I feel creative enough to reconstruct in photos the eight steps that are needed to reach my current state thanks to lemon pie. .. or maybe it was just 6 steps .... 1. grind the weed 2. put it on a map 3. search for a filter 5. take another paper 6. make a filter 7. put more weed on the map 8. make a filter 9. grind weed 10. make a filter 11. pat the cat 12. check notifications 13. think "hey, there would be a nice joint now" 15. make a filter 16. grind weed 17. take a map, but you realize that there are already two out of the package 18 put filter and weed in map 13. close map 15. make a filter because you were over-thinking and you always need a spare filter 16. look for the lighter ..... .. keep it going IG: @DreamIT420
1 people found this helpful
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Commented 16 August 2023
I take it you liked it then lol and obviously stoned out your face while writing your post haha
Raportează abuz
Reviewed 29 February 2024
diminutive but surprisingly high yielding
one huge main cola plus a couple of side buds of smaller size but comparable quality
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Reviewed 28 February 2024
Vaping is the way to enjoy Lemon Pie
I get almost no citrus flavor, some diesel fuel maybe, but the aroma of sweet baked goods plus something like expensive leather is overwhelming
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Commented 5 September 2024
Put down the pipe foo
Raportează abuz
Reviewed 26 February 2024
A bit stretchy but beautiful
The smell in flower was phenomenal
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
Reviewed 25 February 2024
Killed one in her infancy
The rest survived the abuse and delivered big time
persoane care au găsit asta util
Raportează abuz
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Întrebări și răspunsuri clienți

17 voturi
How often shoud I water my plants?
Hello! You should water your plants when the medium is around 70% dry
de Yuengling pe 13 August 2020
17 voturi
How do I know when my lemon pie is ready to be harvested?
Hi, thanks for asking! When the white hairs on the buds turn brown and the trichomes (crystals on the buds) are around 70% cloudy you can harvest your plant.
de Harpe pe 20 April 2020
16 voturi
My grow lights have 300w. Is that ok for the seedlings? Or should I use less watts when they are young?
Hello, thanks for your question! Yes it's ok but it may be an overkill, you can use regular CFL light bulbs for seedlings and then change them to a stronger light once they have developed the first pair of leaves.
de Curt pe 11 March 2020
12 voturi
Why do the leaves on my plant have yellow marks on them?
Hi, thanks for your question! Yellow spots can be caused by bugs, overwatering, or overfeeding.
de Somani pe 8 March 2020
10 voturi
Is this strain good for extractions?
Due to it's high THC content (24%), trichome production, and flavor profile, this would be a great strain for making some tasty extractions.
de Dutil420 pe 29 May 2020
9 voturi
Is this a good strain for perpetual harvest?
In general, perpetual harvest is quite easy with autoflowering strains. Since you don't have to change light cycles during the grow, you can constantly harvest and initiate plants throughout the year.
de Labreck pe 17 September 2020
9 voturi
When is the best time to start defoliation?
Hi! You can start defoliating as soon as you see 3-4 pairs of leaves but you should only do it if it's necessary.
de Moistner pe 25 August 2020
9 voturi
What nutrients do you recommend for this one?
While we can't recommend any specific nutrients or brands, we suggest doing some research to find out the best one available to you in your area. Basic veg and bloom nutrients are fine, as well as any bloom boosters you might want to try. Start out feeding about 1/3 of the recommended dose, and gradually increase it as you observe the plant's reaction. Be sure to flush with plain pH'd water if you see any signs of toxicity.
de Simon pe 30 May 2020
9 voturi
Is it a good choice if I have anxiety?
First and foremost, we are not medical professionals and therefore can't recommend anything for specific medical needs, however, we suggest going for more indica dominant strains which would give more a body high rather than a heady one. Strawberry Pie Auto, Cream Cookies, and Blackberry Auto are good choices for example.
de Seech pe 3 May 2020
9 voturi
How strong is the smell?
Lemon Pie Auto has a very strong citrusy sweet aroma. It's recommended to use a carbon filter to help prevent the smell leaving your grow space.
de WHouse pe 10 March 2020
7 voturi
Hi guys ! Is this strain recommended to grow outdoors in colder climate?
Hello, thanks for asking! I wouldn't recommend this one over some of our most resistant strains such as Rhino Ryder Auto or Northern Lights Auto but you can grow our Lemon Pie Auto outdoors if the temperature doesn't go below 15-16 celsius.
de Dan pe 5 November 2020
6 voturi
Experienced extreme foxtailing. Not sure if genetics or heat stress?
Hello, foxtailing could be caused by genetics but it usually happens when the temperatures are too high. Make sure you check and adjust your growing conditions and send us an email to [email protected] if you need more help.
de Fuzzlife89 pe 28 November 2020
5 voturi
Whats the smallest pot I can grow her in?
Normally we suggest using at least 3 gallon pots, to give the plants their full potential for growth. However, if you're limited on space or want to control the plant's size a bit, 1 gallon pots will work just fine.
de Wedd pe 28 July 2020
2 voturi
Is this the strongest Indica?
This strain is a perfectly balanced hybrid, not Indica dominant. If you are searching for a heavy Indica dominant strain, Strawberry Pie Auto, Cream Cookies, and Bubblegum Auto are good options.
de Richie pe 24 July 2020
1 voturi
What is the recommended PH level for growing lemon pie in Coco?
Hello, the best ph will depend on a couple of things but, in general, the ideal pH levels would be between 5.8 and 6.0 in the vegetative stage and between 6.0 to 6.2 during the flowering stage.
de Skran pe 8 July 2021
1 voturi
What's the best watt light I can use for starting seedlings
Hello, for seedlings you can use regular 60-125w CFLs just make sure you place them under a stronger light once it's time.
de Ouren pe 4 March 2021
1 voturi
I'm at week 4 and am expecting to harvest in a month, I see people saying they harvested at week 12 are they right or am I right?
Thanks for asking. Some autoflowers may take a bit longer depending on the growing conditions and training techniques performed.
de Hairster pe 2 February 2021
0 voturi
Is the estimated time from seed to harvest or just flowering phase?
Hello. That's the estimated time from seed to harvest, thanks for asking!
de growing time pe 27 April 2022
0 voturi
Do you recommend lollipoping (stripping bottom half of plant) this strain? I noticed it is lollipoped in the picture, but that could be for photo purposes.
Thanks for asking. Yes, as long as the growing conditions are on point you can lollipop your autos without a problem at all, just make sure they're 100% healthy.
de Cherwinski pe 27 January 2022
0 voturi
What is the optimal temperature range for this strain?
Hello, thanks for asking. As long as the temperature ranges from 15-25 celsius and the humidity is between 60-70% your plants will grow very well.
de Temp? pe 10 September 2021
0 voturi
What do I do if there is yellow spots on my leaves
Hello, thanks for asking. It may be caused by bugs or a nutrient deficiency. Make sure to check the underside of the leaves for bugs or eggs and if you can't find the problem feel free to send an email to [email protected] and we'll be happy to help you out.
de Gist pe 2 July 2021