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Green Crack Auto

Une expérience turbo au goût de mangue.
En stock
1 feminized seed
$13.00 / seed
1 feminized seed
$13.00 / seed
2 feminized seeds
$12.50 / seed
3 feminized seeds
$12.00 / seed
5 feminized seeds
$11.00 / seed
10 feminized seeds
$9.90 / seed
25 feminized seeds
$7.96 / seed
50 feminized seeds
$6.80 / seed
100 feminized seeds
$5.90 / seed
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Votre commande sera expédiée le 10 March par USPS, shipping cost $6.50
Le paiement peut être effectué par Carte de crédit/débit, Virement bancaire et Bitcoin
Pour chaque commande, vous recevrez au moins 1 graine gratuite
  • Producteur en masse. Rendement fou de bourgeons blancs nacrés, complètement recouverts de trichomes.
  • Des terps qui claquent les lèvres. Une expérience gustative de fruits épicés et de mangues tropicales.
  • Restez actifs! Des effets revigorants pour ceux qui veulent rester vigilants tout au long d'une journée bien remplie.
  • Pratiquement compact. Une plante homogène d'environ 90 cm, facile à cultiver et à entretenir.
  • Idéal pour les extracteurs. Résine puissante de haute qualité pour ceux qui cherchent à faire passer leurs extractions au niveau supérieur.
En savoir plus

Radar technologique

Green Crack Auto
Très chaud
Très froid
Principalement Sativa
Principalement Indica
Très forte
Pas de filtre nécessaire

Spécifications techniques

Paramètre Valeur
Goût épicée, fruits, floral, mangue
CBD < 1%
Récolte à l'intérieur des États-Unis 1.1 – 1.8 oz/m2
Récolte en plein air aux États-Unis 2 – 7 oz/plante
Taille L
Hauteur US 24 – 35 pouces
Floraison 9 – 10 semaines
Salle Intérieur/Extérieur
Genre Féminisée
Généraux Sativa 55%/Indica 45%
Génétique Green Crack Auto
Type Autofloraison
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Instagram Green Crack Auto
Instagram Green Crack Auto
Instagram Green Crack Auto
Instagram Green Crack Auto
Instagram Green Crack Auto


Un hybride autofloraison qui a un taux de THC de 20%, ce qui le rend très adapté aux fans de variétés puissante. Facile à cultiver et à entretenir du début à la fin, il ne faut que 9 à 10 semaines entre la semence et la récolte, où il produira de grandes quantités de bourgeons de haute qualité. Ses effets agréables et stimulants, combinés à sa douce saveur de mangue tropicale, font de cette variété une favorite pour beaucoup. Avec des quantités abondantes de résine produisant des extractions puissantes et savoureuses de bonne qualité, cette variété est idéale pour les cultivateurs novices et experts, à la recherche d'une grande saveur et d'une production élevée.

Description des bourgeons

Green Crack Auto produira de longs bourgeons pointus complètement incrustés de trichomes. Les fleurs sont d'un vert clair, couvertes d'épais poils courts qui s'enroulent autour de chaque calice. Très collant et d'apparence allongée, il est difficile de la presser tant la résine y reste accrochée.


Des effets énergiques, revigorants et stimulants, qui deviennent extrêmement concentrés et euphorisants. Un excellent moyen de rester alerte pour une journée chargée ou pour terminer une liste de choses à faire, et d'augmenter la créativité à un autre niveau. Cette dame vous fera vous sentir bien et est idéale pour les occasions sociales, les longues promenades dans la nature, les gamers, les musiciens et toute autre personne qui apprécie un regain de concentration et d'énergie.

Apparence de la plante

Atteignant environ 60-90 cm et poussant avec une caractéristique touffue et dense, elle ne s'étire pas beaucoup et remplit chaque entre-nœud de bourgeons épais et givrés qui deviennent totalement blanc comme des perles à la fin de la floraison. Il y aura un grand nombre de branches latérales entourant un le bud central, qui poussent comme un arbre de Noël. Ses gros bourgeons sont fortement enrobés de trichomes qui se développeront avec des calices très compacts enveloppés dans des pistils d'orange électrique, ce qui fait de Green Crack Auto un hybride très impressionnant et facile à tailler.

Scellé pour garantir l'authenticité
Rêvetement impérmeable
Doublure intérieure en aluminium
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Pack seed
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Autocollant de protection
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Conseils de culture

Grâce à ses caractéristiques uniformes et homogènes, nous recommandons de cultiver Green Crack Auto en étroite collaboration dans un style SOG, pour vraiment maximiser votre espace de culture. Elle peut prendre une grande quantité de nourriture et en demandera toujours plus. Soyez donc prêt à augmenter l'E.C de votre solution nutritive lorsque vous la faites pousser à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur. Elle ne doit pas dépasser 100 cm de hauteur, ce qui permet de la cultiver facilement à l'extérieur avec discrétion, surtout si vous l'attachez pendant ses premières semaines de croissance. Le tuteurage des branches latérales pour les soutenir aidera les plantes à ne pas basculer. Soyez avertis qu'elle est un producteur de monstres et qu'elle grandit vite et bien.


Une infusion d'épices fruitées, florales et de mangue fraîche. Un arrière-goût à lécher les lèvres qui ne fait que souligner l'expiration. Une expérience vraiment délicieuse et de bon goût qui vous fera revenir dans les bocaux de salaison pour en savoir plus

Comparer avec des souches similaires

Récolte en plein air aux États-Unis
Hauteur US
350 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 7 oz/plante
24 – 35 pouces
9 – 10 semaines
Sativa 55%/Indica 45%
450 – 600 gr/m2
3 – 11 oz/plante
35 – 51 pouces
9 – 10 semaines
Sativa 65%/Indica 35%
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/plante
24 – 39 pouces
8 – 9 semaines
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
450 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/plante
31 – 39 pouces
8 – 9 semaines
Sativa 50%/Indica 50%

Avis des clients

4.8 de 5
46 évaluations des clients
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Reviewed 4 March 2019
Definitely does not go from seed to harvest in 8-9 weeks.
Definitely does not go from seed to harvest in 8-9 weeks. Mine is currently 7 weeks old today under a 20/4 light schedule and has not even started throwing out pistils yet. Other than that it is a fast growing, vigorous plant.
6 people found this helpful
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Commented 26 February
mine didn't hit 8 weeks in a 3 gal but other strains did, i believe this can hit it in 8 weeks if i try a 1 gallon pot
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Reviewed 13 March 2018
nice and fast
nice fast delivery, took 3 days to germinate! have seeds 9 days into germination and they are still going.... so good job. will be ordering more!
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Reviewed 6 August 2017
I mean I smoked and growed quite a couple of strains so far, but this one is really standing out! the high is so energetic you can go to a technoparty and easily keep up with the guys who took mdma (at least thats what I did last weekend XD). I dont know any weed that gives you that amount of euphoria, creativeness and energy all at the same time! If I had to sum up all the PROs and CONs, I'd say sth. like this: PRO: energetic, uplifting, creative, euphoric high, you dont need a lot to get high, easily competes with non automatic strains, plants are forgiving and actually can be harvested after 8 weeks! (this really surprised me the first time I grew the strain, because the strains of other breeders always took like 2 weeks longer than advertised!). Resistent, dont need a lot of water CON: you can never have enough of itkeep up the good work! :)
4 people found this helpful
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Fast Buds
Commented 10 August 2017
hahaha awesome, hi! Yes, it is :) Thanks much for your kindest words and such a creative description! A pleasure! Why need mdma, GC is fire! Enjoy it and keep it green, bro!
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Reviewed 21 February 2023
Green Crack Auto
This strain has been one of my favorites from Fast Buds. Easy to grow, easy to train and great yields. I love the euphoric, uplifting buzz it gives me and it tastes amazing. Aroma is pungent and pine like. Super sticky and dense buds. Couldn’t ask for an easier sativa to grow. Thank you Fast Buds for a beautiful, fast, quality strain.
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Reviewed 1 October 2022
Super récolte
Super récolte de ce plant. C'était mal parti pour une des graines mais au final toutes mes graines ont prises et se sont très bien développés. Chose incroyable j'ai même réussi à faire des boutures avec cette variété ! La fleur est sublime, pleine de résine et a un parfum de haze. Je recommande les yeux fermés !
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Treetrunk. Verified customer
Reviewed 25 October 2020
Green crack
4 from 5 popped and took from 8 to 10 week's to flower. The 4 plant's had 3 different structures. 2 were very Sativa,1 was a bit Indica and the forth was just stumpy. The plants grew easily and vigorously. The outcome from the 4 plant's was just under 17oz. My second ever grow. Pretty chuffed. Highly recommended. The picture is of the biggest plant 110cm and returned 7oz after 10 week's from hatch.
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Reviewed 15 January 2018
Thank you
Thank you, Thank you Thank you Fast Buds. I harvested this Green Crack beauty over the past three weeks. I still have maybe a 1/2-3/4 ounce of lower buds drying and already have 7.6ounces from this plant. Only gentle LST and supercropped main stem.
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Reviewed 11 April 2016
made some mistakes
Hi FastBuds! Here I post some pics of my Green Crack. I made some mistakes during growth but she overcame very well. This strain is seriously recommended for both novices and experts. It behaves very nobly and grateful, and both the smell and the taste are spectacular! I like it during the daytime while I do my chores. A sweet liftup! :D Thanks!!!!
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Reviewed 10 October 2024
Amazing Yield! So Fast!
Forget photoperiod! 4 plants in my 5x5 exceeded my expectations, mega yield in such a short time
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Reviewed 7 April 2024
Easy to grow
The size is medium and quỉte easy to grow. The photo is finished its eighth weeks and prepared to be harvest in week nine of flowering time.
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Green Crack Auto
Green Crack Auto' pack backside
Green Crack Auto
Green Crack Auto' pack frontside

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Questions et réponses aux clients

1 votes
At the stage of flowering, the plant smells of mango? there is the smell of cannabis? can I grow it on the balcony and not be afraid that the neighbors would smell cannabis?
Hi! Weed always smells, bro. It's not the most stinky one but it will smell cannabis. The mango flavors come to the end of the flowering and when cured. It's a great strain, good choice!Enjoy it!
par Tony Starks sur 9 June 2017
1 votes
Can i make LST for this girl? Thank you! Respect from Russia, guys!
Sure! LST is always a pretty good option! Thanks for your kind words, Tony! Same to you! Enjoy!
par Tony Starks sur 16 April 2017
1 votes
Whether it is enough on one plant 2 lamps? one - a phytolamp of LED of 9 W, the second LED 6000 K on 45 W
We recommend a minimum of 75w per plant so if you have a total of 54w it's not enough, although you can grow under them, your plants will not yield that much.
par Толик sur 30 November 2016
1 votes
You are the one of the best company with yours fast auto flowers buds. How many plants you are recomended in grow room 1.2x1.2 m (4'x4')?
Thanks for the kind words, Den! We are happy you are happy!We suggest 16 plants/m2 under 1000w but it depends on the strain and the size you wanna achieve. We suggest you LST and SOG to get more yield from one plant. In this case, maybe 10 GreenCrack could be fine, depending on your light power!Hope it helps a bit! Have a nice grow!
par Den sur 26 September 2016
1 votes
Hi, how long from seed to harvest in a greenhouse?
It will take about 9 weeks from germination to harvest.
par Lolo Ito sur 13 November 2015
1 votes
Would you recommend 5 gal pots, or are 3 gal fine? Experienced grower using two XXXL hoods and 1000w super hps bulbs. what could i expect per plant? How do they feel about Nutes?
Hello, we recommend 3 gallon pots, but 5 gallon pots also work fine if you prefer larger pots. You can expect 200g (7oz) per plant. Start nutes off at 1/4 strength and adjust from there.
par Paul sur 19 October 2015
1 votes
i've been thinking about getting this strain, i really like the original green crack and I would like to know how this compares to the original, thanks.
would say this an excellent representation of the original in auto form. If grown properly you will get very dense buds with a lot of resin. It's great for smoking during the day it produces an uplifting energetic buzz and has a fruity flavor.
par greenhousegrow420 sur 18 August 2015
0 votes
Hi first time using fast bud and was wondering how many hours light a day you recommend when growing indoors this is for the green crack auto thanks
Hello, autoflowers grow under 18/6 or 20/4 from seed to harvest. remember there's no need to change to 12/12 to trigger flowering.
par Maxman148 sur 14 May 2022
0 votes
Hey how many gallons should the pot have to have at least?
Hello, we recommend growing our autos in 3-4 gallon pots but you can grow them in smaller pots if you need to control plant height.
par Neiswoger sur 26 August 2021
0 votes
I have green crack auto at 34 days from germination and it's been flowering for 2 weeks and i can't give it enough water. Is my 3 gal pot too small? It soaks up 3 gallons of water a day.
Hi, thanks for asking! No, we recommend 3gal pots for our autos so it's fine. Throughout a cannabis plant's life cycle, she'll start to need more nutrients so it's completely normal she starts to need more water, as long as she doesn't show signs of deficiencies you can go ahead and continue watering, everything will be fine.
par Growing Smack sur 15 November 2019
0 votes
My Green Crack Auto has only stretched to be about a foot tall under a marshydro 600 led. I'm on week 7 so I'm expecting some additional bud development. When do I have to harvest?
Hi Smithsonian! Thanks for asking!Wathch the pistils and once they are brown and curly you should check the trychomes with a magnifier and wait until they are mostly cloudy and some, amber.Keep us posted! ;)
par Smithsonian sur 19 January 2017
0 votes
hello, ho much i'm gonna get grovving 2 green crack using 200vv cfl light? at least 50?
We can't really tell you how much exactly you are going to put on the scale. Depends on each grower. But we know it is possible the get 50 or more with this girl!
par 420nigga sur 18 September 2016
0 votes
Hey what's the earliest I can start growing my green crack seeds outdoors ? March ? April ?
Depending on your location. You should keep them over 53F degrees.
par Dom Grace sur 28 February 2016
0 votes
What would be the recommended light setup and schedule for this strain?
Hello, thanks for asking! We recommend providing a minimum of 75w per plants (ideally 100w), you can grow it under an 18/6, 20/4, or 24/0, depending on what suits you better.
par Traxtin sur 22 January 2016