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Orange Sherbet Auto

Terpènes amère monstrueuses au goût d’orange.
En stock
1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
2 feminized seeds
$14.50 / seed
3 feminized seeds
$14.00 / seed
5 feminized seeds
$13.00 / seed
10 feminized seeds
$12.00 / seed
25 feminized seeds
$9.80 / seed
50 feminized seeds
$8.20 / seed
100 feminized seeds
$6.90 / seed
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Votre commande sera expédiée le 10 March par USPS, shipping cost $6.50
Le paiement peut être effectué par Carte de crédit/débit, Virement bancaire et Bitcoin
Pour chaque commande, vous recevrez au moins 1 graine gratuite
  • Un scandaleux 26% THC. L'un de nos derniers produits, avec un effet extrêmement puissant, stimulant et exaltant.
  • Parfaite pour tous les cultivateurs. Parfaitement adapté à tous les types de culture, il peut être cultivé à l'intérieur sans souci et donnera des résultats exceptionnels à l'extérieur, toute l'année.
  • Géante à dominance sativa. Pouvant atteindre 150 cm, cette variété peut produire jusqu'à 600 g/m2 en moins de 70 jours, ce qui est parfait pour les producteurs commerciaux qui veulent une récolte rapide.
  • Incroyablement résiliente. Cette variété peut se passer de beaucoup d'entretien de la graine à la récolte, ce qui est parfait pour les cultivateurs occupés.
  • Un must pour les extracteurs. Il produit une quantité phénoménale de résine sur les bourgeons et le feuillage environnant, alors préparez votre trim bag!
  • Des terpènes de haute gamme. Des quantités folles de terpènes de jus d'orange frais vous donneront envie d'en avoir toujours plus.
En savoir plus

Radar technologique

Orange Sherbet Auto
Très chaud
Très froid
Principalement Sativa
Principalement Indica
Très forte
Pas de filtre nécessaire

Spécifications techniques

Paramètre Valeur
Goût crème, orange, acide, sucrés
CBD < 1%
Récolte à l'intérieur des États-Unis 1.6 – 2.1 oz/m2
Récolte en plein air aux États-Unis 2 – 11 oz/plante
Taille XXL
Hauteur US 43 – 59 pouces
Floraison 9 – 10 semaines
Salle Intérieur/Extérieur
Genre Féminisée
Généraux Sativa 70%/Indica 30%
Génétique Orange Sherbet Auto
Type Autofloraison
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Notre recherche, notre sélection et notre élevage incessants nous permettent d'améliorer continuellement notre génétique autofloraison. Et en 2023, notre variété super acide au goût d'agrumes a atteint un tout nouveau niveau. Attendez-vous à une Orange Sherbet Auto plus grande, plus forte et plus résistante, avec jusqu'à 26% de THC, et un goût de sorbet à l'orange encore plus doux et crémeux qui vous mettra l'eau à la bouche rien qu'en y pensant. Une bête terpénique aux agrumes à dominante Sativa dont les fabricants de hachisch et les extracteurs vont tomber amoureux. Orange Sherbet Auto est un superbe hybride autofloraison qui se vante d'un impressionnant 26% de THC, pour assortir son goût merveilleux à sa puissance. Il s'agit d'une variété extrêmement savoureuse, avec des terpènes d'agrumes sucrés et aigres qui mettent l'eau à la bouche. Elle est bien recommandée pour les cultivateurs débutants qui recherchent des plantes à faible entretien et très résistantes. Il s'agit d'une variété extrêmement haute, capable d'atteindre une hauteur de 150 cm tout en produisant jusqu'à 650 g/m2 en 9 à 10 semaines de la graine à la récolte, ce qui en fait un excellent choix pour les cultivateurs commerciaux et les cultivateurs à domicile qui cherchent à maximiser leur espace de culture.

Description des bourgeons

L'Orange Sherbet Auto produit des bourgeons en forme de pique, de couleur vert clair, avec beaucoup de poils orange épais dispersés partout, incrustés de trichomes, ce qui lui donne un aspect totalement blanc. En plus de cela, les calices de grande taille donnent l'impression que les gros bourgeons denses sont empilés les uns sur les autres. En ouvrant les bourgeons, on découvre un délicieux arôme d'agrumes, très distinct, de mandarine et de jus d'orange fraîchement pressés, avec un arrière-plan acidulé presque tropical et de subtiles notes de terre et de pin. Ce profil terpénique unique se traduit par une odeur piquante, funky, citronnée et gazeuse qui vous mettra l'eau à la bouche!

Rapport de fumée

Après avoir goûté à la Orange Sherbet Auto, vous sentirez sa dominante touche sativa alors qu'elle vous maintient en orbite pendant des heures. Des saveurs absolument délicieuses et un effet que l'on peut qualifier d'édifiant, d'exaltant, de profondément créatif et motivé. Cette session de culture est parfait pour apprécier les moments entre amis, les dîners, les journées à la plage, les longues randonnées, les longues listes de choses à faire ou simplement pour jouer de la musique, jouer ou lire.

Apparence de la plante

L’un de nos plus grands hybrides, qui peut atteindre entre 110-150 cm. La plante est donc la mieux adapté à ceux qui disposent de beaucoup d'espace de croissance. Grâce à son héritage sativa, attendez-vous à ce que cette dame grandisse très rapidement avec un grand espacement entre chaque étage se mixant avec un aspect buissonnant large. On peut s'attendre à des rendements de 500-650gr/m2 et nous conseillons de la soutenir au stade végétatif (avec un cordage ou un filet) afin d'ajouter un soutien supplémentaire pendant la période de forte floraison. Cette productrice de fleurs extrêmement résineuses donne de bons résultats en extérieur sous tous les climats, en particulier en Californie, en Méditerranée et en Amérique du Sud. Elle produira des bourgeons de grande taille, avec des quantités prolifiques de résine sur les feuilles environnantes, qui raviront les fabricants de haschisch qui se lèchent les babines en prévision d’un superbe résultat.

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Doublure intérieure en aluminium
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Astuces pour votre culture

Nous recommandons d'effectuer une formation végétale telle que le L.S.T pour cette culture car cela permettra d'ouvrir son couvert végétal et d'augmenter encore les rendements. L'ajout de tiges de bambou pour le soutien aidera à maintenir le poids des bourgeons pendant la phase de floraison. Les cultivateurs d'intérieur disposant d'un espace limité peuvent avoir des problèmes pour contrôler la hauteur finale, c'est pourquoi nous suggérons d'attacher les plantes. Grâce à sa forte teneur en résine sur les bourgeons et les feuilles, elle produit un excellent hash à l'eau, un tamisage à sec et des extraits, ce qui signifie que vous devriez avoir vos bacs de taille prêts lorsque vous récoltez.


La saveur peut être décrite comme un cocktail de jus d'orange frais et de sorbet de mandarine aigre-doux. Sur l'inspiration, attendez-vous à une puissante saveur de bonbon à l'orange avec de subtiles touches de goûts terreux, et lorsque vous expirez, les saveurs s'ouvrent, révélant un goût de fruit plus tropical avec un puissant fond de pin qui a le goût d'une purée de fruits infusée à la weed. C'est un goût très vif et distinctif qui accompagne merveilleusement l'effet cérébral et qui laissera dans votre bouche un goût durable de smoothie aigre-doux.

Comparer avec des souches similaires

Récolte en plein air aux États-Unis
Hauteur US
500 – 650 gr/m2
2 – 11 oz/plante
43 – 59 pouces
9 – 10 semaines
Sativa 70%/Indica 30%
450 – 600 gr/m2
3 – 11 oz/plante
35 – 51 pouces
9 – 10 semaines
Sativa 65%/Indica 35%
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/plante
24 – 39 pouces
8 – 9 semaines
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
450 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/plante
31 – 39 pouces
8 – 9 semaines
Sativa 50%/Indica 50%

Avis des clients

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Reviewed 13 November 2020
Orange Sherbet
I made a few mistakes growing these plants, let the EC spike early in the vegetative stage, went too light on the calmag which showed deficiencies during flower, worst of all I accidentally snapped the main cola off the plant in the first week of flower when I was trying to tie it down ... and it did NOT matter. Despite the abuse I put them through these two girls both produced a large quantity (113+ grams) of deliciously smokable bud. Nugs are dense, with excellent smells of orange and ice cream. I had little problems from the plants themselves, as all the issues I had were directly my fault. I haven't used my sugar leaf trim yet, but from how frosty it looks I'm also expecting excellent results. I am really looking forward to growing this strain again and am expecting the results of a perfect grow to be even better than the results I was able to get this go around.
6 people found this helpful
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Brick Sanchez
Commented 24 December 2020
beautiful harvest!
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Kubish. Verified customer
Commented 3 January 2021
Did u top or lst?
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Commented 18 May 2021
SHE IS AN ABSOLUTE BEAUTY!!! what lights did you use?
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Reviewed 21 March 2023
Reece Bartel- Orange Sherbet
omg this strain looks insane. keen to try this. also would highly recommend to order using for any seeds, ect from now on, service, email response, arrival, prices all 10/10. beston the internet
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Reviewed 25 November 2022
great store to hell with the rest
recommend this strain in particular. it’s a winner
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Reviewed 18 January 2022
orange sherbet aut review
i struggled with nutrient burn on this lovely lady but wow it didn't hinder the potency , buy far the strongest strain I've had from yourself and the terpenes were unreal
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Reviewed 4 January 2021
OrangeSherbet AUto
Orange Sherbert auto flowers was an absolute pleasure to grow. From the delicate but beautiful plant structure, to the overwhelming rush of orange and citrus terpenes every time I opened my tent. This plant did not get very large but it’s quality speaks for itself. This is 100% a top shelf luxury. The buds legitimately smell exactly like orange with subtle tones of cream. I was mind blown. The effects are hard hitting and very sedative; perfect for insomnia and stress. The taste is gassy and sweet with orange, cream and citrus flavour profiles. Super dense and sticky nugs leaving your fingers smelling great all day long! Love this strain!
4 people found this helpful
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Reviewed 27 February 2023
I just want to thank the breeder
Easy to grow weed, strong and tasty smoke, keep up the good work!
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@Pot_Portraits. Verified customer
Reviewed 28 November 2020
Highlight of this summer
The Orange Sherbet was a strain that I grew outdoor just to see how she would behave and the result was great. I loved the flavor and smell of the plant, great structure and super big buds. I will surely run this strain again in the future!
3 people found this helpful
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Slough. Verified customer
Reviewed 20 October 2020
Great germination rate
I ordered a pack of 10 and they all germinated so I'm very happy.
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les gens ont trouvé cela utile
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Marc. Verified customer
Reviewed 20 October 2020
Orange Sherbet
I'm super excited to give this one a try, so far my experience with Fast Buds has been nothing but pleasant. The website is super user friendly... I had an issue making a payment, but the customer service chat support helped me resolve it really quickly. I've grown other strains from this breeder and it went great. All the nice Instagram posts actually really inspired me to get this particular strain. I know I'm gonna love it.
3 people found this helpful
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Garlic Knots
Reviewed 18 January 2022
It's not hype, Orange Sherbet delivers!
This was my first time running anything from Fast Buds. I am now a customer for life! Orange Sherbet was a joy to grow. Super low maintenance, just keep in mind she really likes CalMag. She's also very resilient. I decided to top her to keep the height low, and there was barely any recovery time needed. I even accidentally broke two branches in two days during early flowering. After splinting they just kept on going like nothing happened. I loved all the purple hues that came out later in flowering. Out of a 3 gallon pot in my modest 2 x 4 tent I yielded 130 grams of top shelf gorgeous buds. The smell is absolutely amazing. Freshed squeezed orange juice with hashy undertones which come out more in the smoke, making it taste like orange spice cake. Unbelievable sativa high that definitely moves more to the body the more you smoke. If someone gave me a bud of this and told me it was done in 70 days start to finish, I'd never have believed them. I've since picked up 8 more strains from Fast Buds and I can't wait to try them all!
2 people found this helpful
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Commented 26 February 2023
Awesome photos
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Orange Sherbet Auto
Orange Sherbet Auto' pack backside
Orange Sherbet Auto
Orange Sherbet Auto' pack frontside

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Questions et réponses aux clients

13 votes
Is it a good choice if ive never grown autos?
Yes, if you've grown photoperiodic strains before you shouldn't have any problems growing this autoflower.
par Popwell sur 22 September 2020
12 votes
Hello, how many orange S could I fit in a 4x4x8 tent using 20 ltr pots please? Also, regarding lights I have a 600w hps and 1000w hps, is stronger better for autos? Thanks for this great site guys.
Hello, thanks for asking. If it's 4x4x8 feet, you will be able to fit around 4-6 plants in 20L pots. About the lights, you need around 100w per plant so as long as you don't have more than 6 plants you'll be okay with a 600w bulb but you could probably improve the quality and yields by having a 1000w light bulb.
par Matuszeski sur 1 December 2020
12 votes
I have planted my germinated seed in the soil, but it has grown with the seed shell still attached. Should I remove it, or will it fall off by itself?
Hello! You can remove it if you do it carefully but it should fall down by itself.
par Delahunt sur 18 April 2020
11 votes
When should I start training?
we recommend start training your autos around the 3 week when at least 3-4 pairs of leaves have fully developed.
par Swafford sur 5 January 2020
9 votes
How long can i keep the seeds before planting them?
Hello, as long as you store them in ideal conditions you can keep them for years, please take a look at our article on how to store seeds.
par Analla sur 11 January 2021
9 votes
My seedling has a purple stem. Should I be worried?
Hello! Red or purple stems can be caused by incorrect pH levels, a magnesium deficiency, inappropriate humidity or temperatures, and it can also be a characteristic of the genetics so if your plant is growing properly you shouldn't worry at all.
par Mark sur 25 August 2020
7 votes
I've heard that autoflowers need less nutrients than photoperiod plants and now I'm really scared of overfeeding mine. How much nutrients do you recommend?
Hello! You should start with a lower dose and gradually increase it until you are feeding a full dose, always looking for signs of overfeeding.
par Sternal sur 12 May 2020
7 votes
Does it need a lot of nutes?
No, it won't need more nutrients than any other autoflowering strain.
par Walter sur 24 March 2020
6 votes
when good time to run a defolation on her so it wont effect her or stress her
Hello, to minimize stress you can defoliate during the 1-2 weeks of the vegetative stage and during the first 1-2 weeks of flowering, just make sure you do it carefully and gradually.
par Duncklee sur 11 December 2020
5 votes
Hi. How much time the strain stays in vegetation stage usually?
Hello! Our Orange Sherbet takes around 9-10 weeks from seed to harvest so the vegetative phase should take around 4-6 weeks.
par Felts sur 2 October 2020
5 votes
First time grower here! I'm getting close to harvest and my leaves are turning yellow. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. Is this normal?
Hello! If your plants have grown healthy up to this point and you have already started flushing, it is completely normal.
par Gisler sur 23 February 2020
4 votes
How do I know when she's ready for harvest?
It depends on several factors but as a guideline, when 75% of the pistils have turned brown and the trichomes are cloudy it's ready to be harvested.
par Stuart sur 27 July 2020
3 votes
What lights do you recommend?
We cannot recommend a specific brand but we strongly advise using good-quality LEDs or light bulbs with the proper wattage to cover your growing space.
par Janning sur 22 January 2020
2 votes
How do I know when to start flushing the roots? And how long do I need to flush?
Hi! You should start flushing 2 weeks before harvesting and continue until you chop your plants down.
par Annonio sur 28 May 2020
2 votes
Does it matter if I don't add perlite to my soil?
Hi, thanks for your question! Perlite is not necessary, it should be used when you want to provide more oxygen in the soil.
par Frauenkron sur 23 March 2020
1 votes
What about growing this strain in DWC? Difference in yield?
Thanks for asking. It depends on the growing conditions, we've seen plants grow super big in DWC setups and a bigger plant tends to produce more buds, so yes.
par Dearson sur 1 February 2021
1 votes
Hi, can i grow this in my greenhouse? i am in the UK and was looking to start this around April it will still be chilly here ? if so, what feed and soil would you recommend?
Thanks for asking. You can grow them normally as long as the temperature inside your greenhouse doesn't go below 15 celsius. You can use whatever soil and nutrients you want to as long as they provide everything your plants need to grow properly. For more detailed info please send an email to [email protected].
par Palfreyman sur 21 January 2021
0 votes
How much water in the first weel?
Thanks for asking, it depends on the specific strain and pot size. As a general guideline, you can start with around 50-100ml for seedlings and increase it as you see fit.
par Dii sur 8 February 2022
0 votes
Hello!I have an adventure with three of your strains.Orange Sherbet,Purple Lemonade and Six Shooter.What do you think about the three strains in one piece in a 50 liter pot in a tent 90/90/180+500wled
Hello, thanks for asking. It's possible to grow them in one pot but it's not recommended because it may be too small for 3 plants and the roots may end up fighting for space, which can affect your harvest.
par Zoro sur 10 October 2021
0 votes
I have Six Shooter, Purple Lemonade and Orange Sherbet. How about three cycles of 1 plant In a 50 liter pot in a 90/90/180 tent with 250w ice lighting can I add another 250w module? Thanks!
Hello, thanks for asking. It depends on several things, please send an email to [email protected] and we'll be happy to help you out.
par Zoro sur 9 October 2021
0 votes
Can I fit 5 plants in a 100x100x200 tent?
Hello, thanks for asking. Yes, you can definitely fit 5 plants and even more if you use smaller pots.
par Daniel sur 16 September 2021
0 votes
How do you know what day or week you're in? like when seed has tap root that is day 1 or have 1 node as week 1?
Hello, thanks for asking. You can start counting once the seedling has come out of the substrate, so day 1 would be as soon as you can see the cotyledons.
par New33 sur 4 August 2021
0 votes
What's the best way to grow this on I have never grown before this will be my first time
Hello. If you've grown autoflowering strains before it's the same, just make sure the conditions are right and you feed it properly. If you need more detailed information please send an email to [email protected] and we'll help you out.
par Stas sur 2 August 2021
0 votes
Hi I've got a 4x4x6 grow tent do u think is tall enough to grow orange sherbet in it and if so how many do u reckon I could fit in?
Hello, thanks for asking. You may be able to fit around 3 - 4 Orange Sherbet Auto, depending on the size of the pot and if you want to LST them or not. In regards to the height it should be okay but make sure you have enough horizontal space for your plants to be able to grow properly.
par Bennion sur 10 July 2021
0 votes
How much for seed
Hello, thanks for asking. You can check the price of the different size packages in our catalog, here's the link: .
par Paone sur 3 June 2021
0 votes
18/6 or 20/4 for this strain?
Hello, as long as the conditions are good, you will get slightly better results under 20/4 but if you don't have the proper equipment to control temperature and humidity we recommend 18/6.
par Mr1983 sur 1 March 2021
-1 votes
What is the best potsize for indoor with led ? In the EU for the most harvest
Hello. The pot size will depend on the space you have available but we recommend growing in 12L pots to allow your plants to grow to their maximum potential.
par Autogreen sur 1 June 2021