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Blueberry Auto

Adoucissez votre journée avec les délicieux bourgeons de myrtille.
En stock
1 feminized seed
$11.00 / seed
1 feminized seed
$11.00 / seed
2 feminized seeds
$10.50 / seed
3 feminized seeds
$10.00 / seed
5 feminized seeds
$9.00 / seed
10 feminized seeds
$8.00 / seed
25 feminized seeds
$6.80 / seed
50 feminized seeds
$5.70 / seed
100 feminized seeds
$4.90 / seed
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Votre commande sera expédiée le 10 March par USPS, shipping cost $6.50
Le paiement peut être effectué par Carte de crédit/débit, Virement bancaire et Bitcoin
Pour chaque commande, vous recevrez au moins 1 graine gratuite
  • Bourgeons de myrtille fraîchement cueillis. Un délicieux goût de muffin à la myrtille qui va envahir toute la pièce!
  • Un high sans anxiété. Connu pour ne pas déclencher d\'anxiété, un excellent choix pour ceux qui éprouvent de la paranoïa ou des problèmes liés lorsqu\'ils fument.
  • Convient aux débutants. Facile à cultiver, assurez-vous de fournir les éléments de base et c\'est tout.
  • Véritablement fruitée. Elle a le goût qu\'elle devrait avoir, attendez-vous à des terpènes de myrtille. 
En savoir plus

Radar technologique

Blueberry Auto
Très chaud
Très froid
Principalement Sativa
Principalement Indica
Très forte
Pas de filtre nécessaire

Spécifications techniques

Paramètre Valeur
Goût myrtille, floral, fruits
CBD < 1%
Récolte à l'intérieur des États-Unis 1.3 – 1.6 oz/m2
Récolte en plein air aux États-Unis 2 – 5 oz/plante
Taille XL
Hauteur US 24 – 43 pouces
Floraison 9 semaines
Salle Intérieur/Extérieur
Genre Féminisée
Généraux Sativa 35%/Indica 65%
Génétique Blueberry Autoflowering
Type Autofloraison
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Arbre génétique


Grâce à la génétique Indica de qualité, cette variété se développe de manière assez touffue et compacte et fait pousser des bourgeons magnifiquement givrés qui présentent des teintes uniques violettes, noires et bleues dans les bonnes conditions, ce qui en fait un must pour tous les types de cultivateurs qui veulent faire pousser des variétés classiques sans effort supplémentaire. Vous pouvez vous attendre à ce que cette variété atteigne une hauteur de 75 à 110 cm, qu\'elle produise des têtes de la tête aux pieds sur toutes les branches en un peu moins de 65 jours à partir de la graine et qu\'elle produise jusqu\'à 500 g/m2 de pépites qui dégagent un délicieux mélange de terpènes, ce qui en fait un must pour tous les amateurs d\'effets Indica puissants et de terpènes délicieusement fruités.

Description des bourgeon

Au moment de la récolte, les buds seront complètement recouverts d\'une épaisse couche de résine et pourront montrer de nombreuses couleurs. Vous pouvez vous attendre à des buds vert vif avec parfois des teintes roses, jaunes, violettes et rouges sur les buds et le feuillage qui les entourent, ce qui leur donne cet aspect collant tant recherché. Les calices deviennent assez gonflés, donnant aux buds un aspect gros et pointu, et dès que vous ouvrirez un nug, il remplira la pièce d\'une odeur de myrtilles sucrées fraîchement cueillies qui mettra l\'eau à la bouche de tout le monde.

Rapport sur la fumée

C\'est une variété puissante qui, grâce à ses 22% de THC, frappe dès la première bouffée. Vous vous sentirez complètement détendu et vous aurez l\'impression d\'être dans un spa, et les effets vous laisseront un sentiment d\'élévation et aideront à stimuler la conversation tout en restant super cool, et sans anxiété. Vous ne vous sentirez pas bloqué sur le canapé mais le high est assez puissant, l\'effet relaxant, calme et concentré peut ressembler à un high de type Sativa mais il vous endormira si c\'est ce que vous recherchez, donc la modération est la clé si vous ne voulez pas fumer pour vous endormir.

Aspect de la plante

Pouvant atteindre 110 cm, cette variété développe une structure typique d\'Indica, mais avec des entre-nœuds légèrement plus hauts et plus longs, tout en produisant des rendements de 500 g/m2. Dès que votre plante commence à pousser, vous verrez les larges feuilles en éventail émerger de la tige épaisse et des longues branches latérales qui commenceront lentement à se remplir de têtes pointues et solides , complètement recouvertes d\'une couche de résine et arborant différentes couleurs partout au moment de la récolte.

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Rêvetement impérmeable
Doublure intérieure en aluminium
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Conseils de culture

Notre Blueberry Auto n\'est pas très exigeante, assurez-vous qu\'elle ait assez de lumière, de nourriture et de bonnes conditions et vous n\'aurez aucun problème. En raison de la génétique Indica, il peut être une bonne idée de défolier légèrement, de cette façon vous évitez les bourgeons non développés dans les sites de floraison inférieurs. Il est recommandé de rincer pendant les dernières semaines de la floraison pour améliorer l\'arôme et encourager l\'apparition de couleurs uniques.


Vous ferez l\'expérience d\'une saveur incroyablement agréable et douce qui laissera votre bouche recouverte d\'un goût extrêmement doux de myrtille sauvage et se transformera lentement en une saveur de muffin à la myrtille lorsque vous expirerez. Un délicieux mélange de terpènes fleuris, terreux et fruités envahira toute la pièce dès que vous allumerez un joint, et dès le premier coup, vous saurez exactement pourquoi cette variété est devenue si populaire.

Comparer avec des souches similaires

Récolte en plein air aux États-Unis
Hauteur US
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 5 oz/plante
24 – 43 pouces
9 semaines
Sativa 35%/Indica 65%
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/plante
31 – 40 pouces
9 semaines
Sativa 60%/Indica 40%
400 – 650 gr/m2
3 – 11 oz/plante
35 – 59 pouces
10 semaines
Sativa 70%/Indica 30%
450 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 5 oz/plante
31 – 51 pouces
9 semaines
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%

Avis des clients

4.7 de 5
24 évaluations des clients
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2 stars
1 étoile

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Reviewed 1 January 2023
Best Blueberry ever growed
Resilient to toppings trainings and cold/mild climate, this is one of the best genetics of Blueberry I've ever grown and tasted!
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Reviewed 22 March 2024
Blueberry Auto
An absolute monster. Wet weight was nearly 500 grams.
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Reviewed 30 December 2022
not my first time with BB
my first time, other climate? BTW: because of stress, I do not know, but have kept one and only seed found, anything to spend time on? last year doing, but very impressed so fare, only using 50% from my LED light. from seeds planted on 21th of November, today one weeks in flower, with very strong stems and nodes, last time, only one, and smell and tast very good. so fare, both about 50 cm, next step a new tent. in many ways, the winter time is perfect for growing, to control all your climate, not my energi bill! :-) BB is perfect to grow during winter, why I tried again. PS: please let me know, if it is worth spending time on "one" seed from last year, only because off stress?
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Commented 1 March 2023
still going, 2-3 weeks more, to go?
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Reviewed 13 August 2021
tester review
One of my favorites, strong colors, strong smell, makes many compact Buds on a rather big frame, grows big and can harvest a lot, the fading towards the end of flower was one of the nicest, very frosty.
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Reviewed 20 July 2021
tester review
I loooooved growing this. It went perfectly, took to LST amazingly, stretched just how I liked, flowered up by week 7 and got super fat in weeks 8 and 9. I'¡m currently curing but based on the smell, i already know this will be my go to strain for a while.
2 people found this helpful
les gens ont trouvé cela utile
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Commented 24 December 2022
a test of last year, not any perfect buds, but looks better this year, almost the same time, today or night, belive I do so much more about, at learn very much from YT, from my first harvest, more than 25 years ago, log before any words about autos
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Commented 3 January
What's the best flushing process?
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Reviewed 24 September 2023
Blueberry Auto
So from start to finish these girls have been a pleasure to grow, I did have one plant that ended up with quite a few airy buds but the smell and smoke have definitely made up for it, highly recommended for any grower from novice to expert and as you can see if you can drop the temp enough you can bring out the girls purple side like I did
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Reviewed 1 March 2023
from seed 21th nov 22
I have two tents, one with auto from my picture, in "short" -- wonder, if I should harvest twice, done before, leaving reste for all the green left, and of course leaving the lights! :- yes, I have learn a lot. because of bad ventilations, not any biggger than a cola! :-) PS: let me know, I have more, and also from my photos, , still all very green after more than 10 weeks, thanks to my feedings, but as I have mentioned, bad vent! :-)
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Reviewed 2 December 2022
lost a seed
4/5 germination. for the price i expect 5/5. Just wrote them for a refund and am now waiting about 3 hours for a response. =(
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Commented 2 September 2021
Calm down, Karen!
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Commented 15 April 2022
Ahh yes…. One of those people
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Jack H.
Commented 17 April 2022
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Commented 30 September 2022
Always get back to you patience
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Commented 24 December 2022
agree with you, as you may be a BIG "newcomer" , forgive me if not? my first harvest, more than 25 years ago, with photos, you will and can do something with your problems, if you have any friends, ask for some cuttings, not only from the bottoms, as long as NOT autos, I like LSL, do not anything on my toppings, but very important for meg me, good vent.... sukk, ikke å sende min siste melding, kanskje fordi jeg trykker på min enter tast, at bare ønsket å anbefale, BA, en god log smakfull, vinter plante, tåler en vinter natt, med andre ord! :-)
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Old timer
Commented 7 November 2023
Are you serious? Even spacecraft is not 100% sure to Works and all goes well? Wait answer 3 hours. I think your Lind of people should kick out of these site . and forbit Even sell anything for these kind of assholes! Sometimes nature is not perfect. Get over it , who you think you are? King, god? One doesn,t germinate? So what? That happens sometimes. Try to find better site. With is so easy. I Day this is better and trusted site. That i've ever used!
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YaLord JaySus
Commented 25 January 2024
4/5 is still fine. I'll be they even reimburse you. I don't think what you have said deserves a 2/5 star review Seems more like a 4/5 star review. I think you should update that.
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Commented 2 April 2024
I want the golden egg and I want it now! Your sowing seeds. And maybe try some positive energy and 5 outta 5 Might happen.
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Commented 16 October 2024
4/5 is great in germination. They will take care of it tho. Don’t care how long you wait on an email, it’s not holding your life up. I’m sure you smoked all the herb from the 4/5 that grew, right? You think this review deserves an update. 2stars is kinda rude considering 4/5 is great considering nature and it could have been your fault.
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Reviewed 20 July 2021
Absolutely superb. I've been reviewing the strains a Fast Buds tester friend of mine sent me and this one is my favorite. It really does take you back on a journey to the early 00s (when I first tried the original blueberry strain) It's been a long time favorite for me so I went in a bit biased, assuming it would not impress me the way it used to. Buy boy was I wrong! This is truly one of the best strains I've ever tried. The taste is sweet and dank and just right, and the effects are that giggly high school high you know and love. I don't know much/or anything about growing, but I know a lot about weed and this is some good shit. I will either be getting some of these myself, or in order not to screw it up, buy a bunch for my friend so that he can grow it for me hahaha I need more!!!
1 people found this helpful
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Tenacious Trichomes
Reviewed 19 July 2021
This girl was a beauty!! Very colorful buds that were red, purple green and orange!! Fragrant smell, sweet and fruity!! Here buds were large colas that stretched down the stalk, all coated in trichomes. This strain was super easy to grow and was tolerant to lst. Highly recommended to all growers!!
1 people found this helpful
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Commented 24 December 2022
looks great, not able to show my own, only 4 weeks from seeds, looks very good, done before, same seed, not with the same result, belive the correct "love" -- any living plants, need water, from air or from theire roots .. not able to show any of my pictures, fine for me
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Questions et réponses aux clients

1 votes
Hi Fastbuds, Ive grown your Fastberry many times and found it only likes light nutrients, please can you advise is Blueberry the same, or can she handle heavier feeding?
Hello, thanks for asking. Yes, our Blueberry auto can take a heavier feeding but not as much as our Gorilla Cookies, for example, so be careful!
par Glaza sur 25 February 2022
1 votes
Is it resistant to mould and cold temperatures etc ?
Hello, yes. Due to being an Indica-dominant strain it's quite resistant to cold and mold but can still get affected so make sure to keep an eye on your babies!
par Jamie sur 28 September 2021
0 votes
When is the best time to transplant autos?
Hello. We recommend growing our autos in their final container but if you have to transplant them the best time would be on week 1 or week 4 of the vegetative stage. This will depend on the container you have started with and may vary slightly from strain to strain.
par Coley sur 10 May 2021
0 votes
What's better, soil, coco or hydro?
Thanks for asking. You should make a decision based on your growing experience, all of them are great and allow you to have excellent results. It's just a matter of knowing what suits you better.
par Krampitz sur 10 May 2021
0 votes
What would be the best way to train this Blueberry Auto?
Hello. As long as you do it properly and gently any plant training technique should work very well.
par Pelow sur 10 May 2021
0 votes
is it really necessary to buy a carbon filter if i'm planning to grow indoors?
Hello. It's not obligatory but it will remove at least 90% of the cannabis smell so it's definitely recommended.
par Pratts sur 10 May 2021
0 votes
Hello! I'm looking for a good strain to grow this summer. Would this do well outdoors in the UK?
Thanks for asking. Yes, this strain isn't very demanding and it's very resistant to cold climates so just make sure you keep an eye out for bugs and you will have great results.
par Mollohan sur 10 May 2021