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Strawberry Pie Auto

Obecny mistrz Pucharu Ameryki Łacińskiej, mogący poszczycić się potężnym 26% THC.
Na stanie
1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
2 feminized seeds
$14.50 / seed
3 feminized seeds
$14.00 / seed
5 feminized seeds
$13.00 / seed
10 feminized seeds
$12.00 / seed
25 feminized seeds
$9.80 / seed
50 feminized seeds
$8.20 / seed
100 feminized seeds
$6.90 / seed
Do koszyka
Twoje zamówienie zostanie wysłane 19 March przez USPS, shipping cost $6.50
Płatności można dokonać za pomocą Karty kredytowej/debetowej, Przelewu bankowego oraz Bitcoin.
Przy każdym zamówieniu otrzymasz co najmniej 1 darmowe nasionko
  • Potężne 26% THC! Jedna z naszych najsilniejszych odmian zarówno pod względem efektów, jak i terpów. Oczekuj czystej owocowej pyszności połączonej z niezwykłą mocą.
  • Zapierające dech w piersiach trichomy. Pod koniec kwitnienia zobaczysz, że pąki są całkowicie pokryte żywicą od stóp do głów.
  • Wysoka wydajność. Odmiana ta może wyprodukować do 550 g / m2 w mniej niż 65 dni!
  • Cukierkowe pąki. Złożona mieszanka ciasta ciasteczkowego, śmietanki i gazu nadaje tej odmianie skunksowy truskawkowy smak.
  • Idealny dla hodowców stealth. Wyjątkowo zwarta odmiana, która osiąga nie więcej niż 100 cm, idealna do dyskretnej uprawy.
Czytaj więcej

Radar Techniczny

Strawberry Pie Auto
Bardzo gorąco
Bardzo zimny
Głównie Sativa
Głównie Indica
Bardzo mocny
Nie potrzebuje filtra

Specyfikacje techniczne

Parametr Wartość
Smak Cukierek, Ciasteczkowe Ciasto, Truskawka
CBD < 1%
Zbiór US wnętrzny 1.3 – 1.6 uncji/ft2
Zbiór UE Wewnątrz 2 – 6 uncji/roślina
Rozmiar XL
Wysokość US 24 – 39 cali
Tygodnie Rozkwitnięcia 8 – 9 tygodni
Pokój W środku/Na zewnątrz
Płeć Feminizowane
Sativa/Indica Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
Genetyczny Strawberry Pie Auto
Typ Automatycznie kwitnące
Zdjęcia od naszej Społeczności
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Instagram Strawberry Pie Auto
@สุวัฒน์ แจ่มแจ้ง
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Instagram Strawberry Pie Auto
Instagram Strawberry Pie Auto


Prawdziwa rozkosz o pysznym aromacie i olśniewającym 26% THC. Ten cukierek dla oczu ma wyjątkowe kolory i zapachy czerwonych jagód i ciasteczek. Ta zdominowana przez Indica odmiana będzie całkowicie dojrzała w około 9 tygodni i może dać do 550gr/m2 dużych i gęstych jasnozielonych kwiatów z różowymi, fioletowymi i czerwonymi refleksami, skontrastowanymi z długimi pomarańczowymi słupkami, nadając tej odmianie ostateczny urok, idealny dla hodowców komercyjnych. Fantastyczny wybór dla tych, którzy szukają dobrze zaokrąglonego efektu relaksującego z owocowym ponczem, efekty pozostawią cię w centrum uwagi i skupienia, nie powodując, że będziesz zbyt senny lub uspokojony. Sprawdza się dobrze w uprawie indoor i outdoor i jest bardzo odporna na wszystkie elementy, co czyni ją świetnym wyborem dla hodowców outdoor, którzy skorzystają z większych zbiorów i kolorowych buds. Absolutne marzenie o odmianie dla ekstraktorów i producentów haszyszu, szczególnie biorąc pod uwagę szaloną ilość produkowanych przez nią trichomów.

Opis pąka

Strawberry Pie Auto rośnie uroczo zielone z różowymi pąkami pokrytymi od stóp do głów z cienkimi i długimi jasnopomarańczowymi włosami. Ma jasnofioletowe, czerwone i żółte liście wychodzące z pąków, co czyni ją naprawdę wyjątkową i atrakcyjną odmianą.


Nie pozostawi Cię zbytnio uspokojonego lub zamkniętego w kozetce, ale lekko rozluźni Twoje ciało, pozostawiając jednocześnie uczucie wyśrodkowania i czujności. Świetny popołudniowy lub nocny dym, na te dni, kiedy potrzebujesz spokojnego czasu w samotności, idealny do czytania książki lub oglądania filmu.

Wygląd rośliny

Mimo, że może rosnąć do 1m, ta odmiana pozostaje bardzo zwarta, dostarczając jednocześnie do 550gr/m2. Rośnie z jedną wysoką główną colą z dużymi, grubymi, wachlarzowatymi liśćmi, typowymi dla odmian Indica, i bardzo symetrycznymi, bocznymi gałęziami, które są otoczone pięknymi pąkami od góry do dołu. Pąki mogą przybierać czerwonawe odcienie, różowe i fioletowe, przez cały czas zbiorów będzie całkowicie pokryta truskawkowymi włoskami.

Zapieczętowane, aby zapewnić autentyczność
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Wskazówki dotyczące uprawy

Łatwa w uprawie odmiana, odpowiednia dla profesjonalistów i początkujących hodowców. Będzie rosła zwarta i krzaczasta, więc zaleca się wykonanie odrobiny LST i/lub lekkiej defoliacji, aby pozwolić kwiatostanom uzyskać większy przepływ powietrza i światła, zachęcając je do rozwinięcia w pełni swoich możliwości. Preferuje lekkie karmienie w porównaniu z innymi. Dbaj o to, aby zawsze utrzymywać odpowiedni poziom pH, aby nie zagrozić wzrostowi. Aby naprawdę wyróżnić jej kolory i smak, należy pamiętać o spłukiwaniu w ostatnich tygodniach przed żniwami. Przy uprawie na świeżym powietrzu zalecamy stosowanie co najmniej 3 galonowych doniczek lub większych, aby maksymalnie ją wykorzystać, a także zapewnić więcej miejsca na jej przystosowanie.


Smakowita kombinacja, która pachnie jak truskawkowe cukierki. Jest to bardzo złożona mieszanka ciasta owocowego.To smaczne połączenie będzie miało bardzo słodki smak czerwonych jagód, który powoli zamieni się w bardziej ciasteczkowy smak cynamonu, sosny i ziół na wydechu.

Porównaj z podobnymi szczepami

Zbiór UE Wnętrzny
Żniwa US Na Wolnym Powietrzu
Wysokość US
Tygodnie Rozkwitnięcia
400 – 500 g/m2
2 – 6 uncji/roślina
24 – 39 cali
8 – 9 tygodni
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
450 – 600 g/m2
3 – 11 uncji/roślina
35 – 51 cali
9 – 10 tygodni
Sativa 65%/Indica 35%
450 – 550 g/m2
2 – 6 uncji/roślina
31 – 39 cali
8 – 9 tygodni
Sativa 50%/Indica 50%
500 – 650 g/m2
2 – 11 uncji/roślina
43 – 59 cali
9 – 10 tygodni
Sativa 70%/Indica 30%

Opinie klientów

4.8 z 5
171 oceny klientów
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Tenacious Trichomes. Verified customer
Reviewed 16 October 2020
Strawberry Pie
This was another great strain by Fast Buds. She was a typical short and squat indica. But was she ever beautiful. Compact, dense, Trichome covered buds all over. She smelled fruity and had a wonderful high. Not for the lightweight smokers out there, she packs a punch!! Again, highly recommend this strain to grow out!!
5 people found this helpful
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Zgłoś nadużycie
DiariesWeeds. Verified customer
Reviewed 10 December 2020
light 24h Absorbs nutrients well, do not try to postpone the process by giving more fertilizers, if it is missing it soon appears on the leaves. PH 6.5, minimum relative humidity 35% maximum 62% .. minimum temperature 20 degrees maximum 30 degrees from beginning to end of cultivation, light soil without fertilizer .. Lines of advanced nutrients nutrients complete line plagono powerroots (taking good care of the roots since the beginning of the cultivation that will reward) 4 weekly defoliation once a week (with good light and good conditions) helps with stress and more branches) I did not cut any branch besides the leaf, LST from the 3rd week always leaving enough light on the branches for the buds to come out. in the 5th branched week, small coverings were made on all branches), after 2 weeks without stress. ends with weekly defoliation. Fertilizing every day as if it were fertilizer if the table had 2ml, I put 1.5 per day to drain the water and remove the rest of the drained fertilized water .. if you leave water with fertilizer after watering the dish, as the pH always changes needs to be seen. Every two weeks since irrigation with pure water in PH6.5 .. also a well-ventilated cultivation area with fans over the plants, making them always move, strengthening the branches. On the sides, use leds to help performance and get the most out of it. Entering light on the buttons below to strengthen. apparently the buds were not as fat as the purple lemonade, but the buds are massive from the 10th week onwards, getting heavier and heavier .. note: a very strong smell requires a good charcoal filter .. the flush it was made with florakleen the week before and basically that last week of 40 liters of discharge per day with pH 6.5 .. it tastes like the smell of this herb and it’s also amazing and sweet fruity pulled by diesel .. the smoke comes from the fruity, soft, pure differentiated from the beginning of the cure until the end is better and easier to plant. Extremely strong. Always keep a tape close in case there is an unforeseen event when it breaks, stick it when it recovers. (final summary I treated how I treat the female plants and the result was this) basically they gave almost the same weight to both. were grown with the same love and the same dosage of nutrients
4 people found this helpful
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Zgłoś nadużycie
Commented 29 March 2021
This looks mainlined but say LST since week 3.
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African hippy
Commented 23 April 2021
Did you use advanced nutrients the company for your nutrients?
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Mr. Autogrow. Verified customer
Reviewed 3 November 2020
One of the most potent autos I’ve grown!
Fast Buds doesn’t miss and Strawberry Pie is no different! She is frosty with bright buds that will take on a purple hue during late flower. She makes for one frosty plant with her massive trichomes production. Will grow again!
3 people found this helpful
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Zgłoś nadużycie
Reviewed 4 October 2021
An amazing girl, such a beautiful strain. The pink and purple patches late in flower really made her stand out and the strong strawberry terps helped me find her with my eyes closed. She's a fast one, so you need to make good use of the growth time., but she rewards you for your efforts. The main cola just kept getting fatter and fatter and ended up about as fat as a Red Bull can. I had a few testers during the cure and found that only around 5 to 6 months that the sweeter terps came out. To start it was nice and skunky, but the sweet flavors were still bitter from the chlorophyll. The closer I got to 6 months, the more the sweet strawberry side came out and the skunk slowly faded into the aftertaste. Really loving her in the afternoon and evening when you want to wind down and relax. Nice and chill, but not too sleepy unless you overdo it, which is awesome before bed. Loving her so much I have started another one already.
2 people found this helpful
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Darga. Verified customer
Reviewed 20 October 2020
My order hasn't arrived.
I've been waiting at home all day but my order hasn't been delivered
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Zgłoś nadużycie
Fast Buds
Commented 22 October 2020
Hi there, we're sorry your order hasn't been delivered yet. Please send us an email to [email protected] and we'll check what your tracking number says.
Zgłoś nadużycie
Reviewed 16 June 2021
summer cocktail fun
A beautiful strain to grow and enjoy. The colas sat on the stems like bunches of feeshbgraoes for me. watching them ripen their trichromes as they put out so much sugary frost was a pleasure to see. On curing , it is one of the nicest flavoured strains with a kick like a mule if not taken seriously. You will be the one everyone wants to stand within reach of at any summer party with this Carrabian smelling, fruity girl. Easy to grow and willing to train in veg she will produce a good sized bud monster. No issues with full feeds or any deficiency. A winner all round
1 people found this helpful
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Gardener_Of_Goodness. Verified customer
Reviewed 8 November 2020
Another stunning strain from Fast Buds! I’ve been lucky with my phenos so far with this one! A beautiful purple plant with an insane aroma of strawberries and cream! Happy with lower temps, literally took everything I threw at it with LST and a FIM, rewarded me with what can I say!? a bunch of Strawberry Grenades! A seriously unique strain that I will be certainly getting some more of! Buy it and try it, you won’t be let down, it’s potent, it’s a feast for your eyes and is a serious terp pallet! Yummy!
1 people found this helpful
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Zgłoś nadużycie
Fast Buds
Commented 13 November 2020
What a cool pheno!! For those who would like to bring out purple tones in theirs, you can try lowering your temperatures a bit in mid to late flower. This is a beauty for sure!
Zgłoś nadużycie
Totogrowuk. Verified customer
Reviewed 5 November 2020
Strawberry Pie Bonsai
Amazing genetics as always. I grew this for fun not expecting an amazing harvest etc. I was blown away by the solid buds and flavours were strong. THC levels are very high too. Very smooth strong tasty smoke.
1 people found this helpful
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Zgłoś nadużycie
Reviewed 28 October 2020
Pretty Gal
What a beautiful plant let me tell ya, she's just friggin' gorgeous.
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Steptelos . Verified customer
Reviewed 22 October 2020
Strawberry pie
Nicely proportioned 1m-ish tall plant that grew in a trophy type shape with sparse foliage and pine cone type bud formation. I found her to be a little sensitive to nutes and watering so I wouldn’t recommend this strain to an absolute beginner. However despite this she stacked up nicely and maintained that same sweet aroma that comes on in early flower, a gorgeous smell imo. The fade was insane which I have literally spent hours admiring, vivid yellows and reds contrasting against frosty pale green buds with pinky edges and sugar leaves. I am yet to sample the flowers myself as they are still drying, but I doubt they will disappoint.
1 people found this helpful
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Załaduj więcej opinii klientów (109)
Strawberry Pie Auto
Strawberry Pie Auto' pack backside
Strawberry Pie Auto
Strawberry Pie Auto' pack frontside

Recenzje GrowDiaries

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Pytania i odpowiedzi klientów

15 głosów
What does it mean if the leaves are droopy? My plants are 3 weeks old.
Hi, thanks for your question! Droopy leaves are usually caused by overwatering.
od Mitchel 24 May 2020
15 głosów
Is it bad if my temperatures go over 30 degrees every few days? I'm finding it hard to control it.
Hello! Yes, you should keep the temperature between 18-25 to avoid stressing your plants.
od Tanner 19 January 2020
11 głosów
I'm scared is gonna reek. Should I invest in filters?
Yes, we recommend investing in filters, you'll definitely need it, especially during the flowering stage.
od Zoss 19 September 2020
11 głosów
What's a good feeding schedule? I think I'm gonna choose coco for this one
It depends on the brand you're using. We always recommend following the schedule the manufacturer provides and adjust the amounts depending on how your plants are growing.
od Toddtheodd 4 July 2020
11 głosów
Could you tell me what the ideal pH s for this strain? Should it change when flushing?
The pH level depends on the medium you're growing in, we recommend 5.5-6.5 for coco and 6.5-7.5 for soil.
od Bernardo 7 January 2020
10 głosów
How long is best for curing?
Hello, thanks for asking! You should cure for a minimum of 15 days.
od Dietzler 28 October 2020
10 głosów
Is flowering time = time from seed to harvest?
Hello! Yes, the flowering time is how long it takes from seed to harvest.
od Hone 7 October 2020
10 głosów
What pot sizes do ya recommend for this one? Something in the middle, don't have too much space
If you want your Strawberry Pie Auto to end up around 70-80cm tall we recommend growing it in a 5L-7L pot.
od Tommy 5 May 2020
10 głosów
When should i start flushin?
We recommend flushing 2-3 weeks before harvesting.
od Zizza 19 April 2020
9 głosów
Ive seen a lot of people growing this strain with LST training, is topping not recommended for this plant due to its short lifespan?
Hello, you can LST as long as you do it gradually and carefully to avoid stressing your plants.
od Vlchek 22 November 2020
9 głosów
Can you recommend a specfic light cycle for this strain?
Hello, you can grow this strain under an 18/6, 20/4, or 24/0 light cycle. You will have better results growing under 20/4 but your electricity bill will be higher so you'll have to think if it's worth it in your situation.
od Emil 22 October 2020
8 głosów
I'm growing strawberry pie an was wondering wot size of pots to use I've plenty of grow spacr
Hello! If you have plenty of space you should use 12L pots to allow your plant to grow to its maximum.
od Descombes 9 November 2020
8 głosów
I plan on growing outdoor, but I don't want my neighbours to smell it. What plants could I also grow to help mask the smell?
Any kind of aromatic plant will help mask the strong cannabis smell, we recommend planting lavender, peppermint, dill, coriander, and sweet basil among others.
od Bibbins 11 August 2020
6 głosów
Is flowering alone 8-9 weeks or is that the full life cycle of this auto? I currently have one that’s in week 5 of flower alone. Started to flower at 21 days.
Hello! Yes, the info we give is the time it takes from seed to harvest, just have in mind that depending on the phenotype you get it can take a little bit more or less.
od Robert 30 September 2020
5 głosów
How can I make sure she turns out colorful?
Genetically, this strain grows flowers with subtle pink tones. Reducing 'night' temperatures to around 15 degrees Celsius during flower can help induce more colorful buds, but it can also potentially slow the growth so it's not generally recommended.
od Sammy 13 September 2020
4 głosów
What seed should I use when planting outdoor in Portugal. Good if they can stand both heath and cold. Anything else I should think about ????
Hello, it depends on when you're planning to start your grow cycle, as long as the temperature is between 15-25 celsius you shouldn't have a problem, just make sure you feed your plants properly and that they get enough sunlight. For more information please send an email to [email protected].
od Portugal 24 January 2021
4 głosów
Why my Strawberrypie is at day 50 and there is no way she looks ready to go into flowering stage? The prepistils are microscopic and she just keep growing with no sing of flowering. I need help
Hello! Please send an email to [email protected] and we'll gladly help you.
od Miki 16 January 2021
3 głosów
Strawberry Pie auto is grown in cold season?
Hello, thanks for asking! You can grow our Strawberry Pie Auto in cold season as long as the temperature is 13-15 celsius or higher.
od Mamaclay 21 January 2021
2 głosów
How do I become a distributor in Missouri.. USA. I'M Tired of people being out of your seeds. They never pass on the specials, And Missouri does not have a seed bank.
Thanks for asking! Please send an email to [email protected] for more information.
od Mcclimens 15 February 2021
1 głosów
2 plants from 1 seed? What can i do now?
Hello, if two seedlings came out of one seed, it means they're twins. There shouldn't be a problem at all, as long as you take care of them they will grow normally.
od matadu 25 February 2021
1 głosów
after 3 weeks i bent it to the edge of the pot, almost parallel to the soil. Did i do wrong? wonder if was best to just leti it grow as it is since it's almost indica and it already grow bushy
Thanks for asking. There's no problem at all, if you think your plant is getting too bushy you can tie the side branches to space them out.
od Rosenkoetter 10 February 2021
0 głosów
I was wondering how this strain does with rain and high humidity if it's properly defoliated?
Hello. Well, the Strawberry Pie Auto develops relatively short and compact so it's not the best option for rainy weather and high humidity but if you're able to protect it from heavy rain and apply proper defoliation you should not have a problem at all. Thanks for asking.
od Pevsner 4 October 2022
0 głosów
Im 3 weeks in and my plants are outdoors, i woke up and checked on them and slugs completely ate all of my plants the leafs, the stem and roots are intact still, but will the leaf grow back?
Hello, in this case, please send us more information at [email protected] and we will help you out. Thanks for asking.
od Morpheus 28 May 2022
0 głosów
Should or can an auto be topped?
Hello, thanks for asking. We usually don't recommend topping autos but as long as your plant is healthy there shouldn't be a problem at all.
od Crooks 25 November 2021
0 głosów
How can i start growing this strain outdoor in italy?
Hello, thanks for asking. here's an article that may help you: . If you're still in doubt feel free to send us an email at [email protected] .
od Narcos 30 June 2021

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