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Six Shooter Auto

Каннабис самого крупного калибра.
В наличии
1 feminized seed
$13.00 / seed
1 feminized seed
$13.00 / seed
2 feminized seeds
$12.50 / seed
3 feminized seeds
$12.00 / seed
5 feminized seeds
$11.00 / seed
10 feminized seeds
$9.90 / seed
25 feminized seeds
$7.96 / seed
50 feminized seeds
$6.80 / seed
100 feminized seeds
$5.90 / seed
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  • Не такой уж и нежный гигант. Один из  самых высоких наших сортов: это растение может вырасти до 140 см!
  • Идеален для новичков. Очень легкий в выращивании сорт, подходит для всех гроверов.
  • Эффект крупного калибра. Бодрящий эйфорический эффект, который расслабляет мышцы и идеально подходит для творческой деятельности.
  • Богатый вкус. Сильный древесно-цветочный аромат, прекрасно дополняющий незабываемый вкус.
  • Супер морозный. Очаровательные голубоватые шишки с плотным слоем смолы: действительно красивое растение.
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Технологический радар

Six Shooter Auto
Очень жаркий
Очень холодный
Преимущественно Сатива
Преимущественно Индика
Очень сильный
Фильтры не нужны

Технические характеристики

Параметры Характеристика
Вкус Цветочный, Лимон, Сосна, Древесный
КБД < 1%
Урожай в индоре - США 1.6 – 2.1 унций/фут²
Урожай в атудоре - США 3 – 12 унций/растение
Размер XXL
Высота США 39 – 55 дюймов
Недели цветения 10 недель
Выращивание Индор/Аутдор
Пол Феминизированные
Сатива/Индика Сатива 70%/Индика 30%
Генетика Six Shooter Auto
Тип Автоцветы
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Instagram Six Shooter Auto
Instagram Six Shooter Auto
Instagram Six Shooter Auto
Instagram Six Shooter Auto
Instagram Six Shooter Auto
Instagram Six Shooter Auto
Instagram Six Shooter Auto
Instagram Six Shooter Auto
Instagram Six Shooter Auto


При создании этого сорта мы направили все наши усилия на создание супер продуктивного автоцветущего сорта. Мы долго и упорно думали какие генетики выбрать для создания нашего нового сорта. В итоге наш выбор пал на лучшие из лучших генетик FastBuds - Chrystal Meth и Mexican Airlines. Это было только начало. Многие месяцы мы провели стабилизируя этот сорт, повышая его потенциал, сохраняя при этом основные положительные свойства родительских генетик. Мы действительно гордимся нашей работой, и наш новый гибрид полностью оправдывает свое попсовое название «Six Shooter» (что в переводе означает шестизарядный револьвер). 

Описание шишек 

Шишки этого растения будто покрыты инеем. Темно-оранжевые пестики, чередующиеся с плотными слоями кристаллов при правильном освещении придают ему красивый голубоватый оттенок.


Каждая затяжка Six Shooter попадает точно в цель. Сразу же после первого вдоха вы полетите на мексиканских авиалиниях (Mexican Airlines) в свой собственный кристаллический рай (Crystal Meth Paradise). Эффект будет настолько же глубоким и внезапным, как шквал взрывных пуль на Диком Западе. Изначально, эффект полностью распространяется на головной мозг, после чего вы чувствуете его во всем теле. Даже если вы стойко переносите любую марихуану, Six Shooter буквально собьет вас с ног своей неудержимой силой. Мы не можем назвать его эффект мягким, поэтому данный сорт не подходит для курения в течение всего дня. Эта трава идеально подходит для вечернего использования. Но в любом случае не волнуйтесь, Six Shooter не оставит вас с ощущением онемения или тяжести.

Вид взрослого растения

Данный сорт является самым крупным, самым мощным и самым продуктивным автоцветущим сортом в нашем каталоге. Достигает высоты примерно 100-140 см, демонстрируя сильную, удлиненную центральную колу, окруженную боковыми ответвлениями более скромных размеров. Его ярко-зеленые листья имеют привлекательную закругленную форму. Размерное соотношение шишек к листьям делает процесс маникюра быстрым и приятным. Six Shooter цветет от 3 до 4 недель после появления первых настоящих листьев. Удивительно, что такой высокоурожайный сорт готов к сбору урожая всего за 9 недель. Конечный выход достигает ошеломительных результатов! Вы можете получить от 500 до 750 гр/м2. К концу цветения вы поймете почему мы выбрали название Six Shooter. Его крупные почки, напоминающие крупнокалиберные пули и покрытые белым порошком трихомы содержат до 21% ТГК!

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Подсказки гроверам

При выращивании на открытом воздухе, Six Shooter отличается своим быстрым ростом и выдающейся производительностью. Растение так же хорошо себя чувствует и в закрытом помещении. Но имейте в виду, что этот сорт достаточно ароматный. В середине цветения тонкий цитрусовый аромат смешивается с ароматом ладана и становится все очевиднее и очевиднее. В общем, можно сказать, что дым имеет приятный, мягкий, смолистый травяной аромат.

Несмотря на довольно крупные размеры, выращивать это растение несложно. Более опытные гроверы могут легко обойтись без LST. На открытом воздухе рекомендуется выращивать эту девочку в больших горшках и обеспечить ей много солнечного света, чтобы она могла полностью реализовать свой потенциал.


Six Shooter всегда полностью заряжен: привлекательный цитрусовый аромат с успокаивающим и свежим дымом, который дополняется еле заметным перечным вкусом. Создаваемый эффект просто оставит вас дезориенторованным во времени и пространстве.


Сравнить с аналогичными штаммами

Урожай в индоре - ЕС
Урожай в атудоре - США
Высота США
Недели цветения
500 – 650 гр/м²
3 – 12 унций/растение
39 – 55 дюймов
10 недель
Сатива 70%/Индика 30%
450 – 600 гр/м²
3 – 11 унций/растение
35 – 51 дюймов
9 – 10 недель
Сатива 65%/Индика 35%
400 – 500 гр/м²
2 – 6 унций/растение
24 – 39 дюймов
8 – 9 недель
Сатива 15%/Индика 85%
450 – 550 гр/м²
2 – 6 унций/растение
31 – 39 дюймов
8 – 9 недель
Сатива 50%/Индика 50%

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Reviewed 30 June 2023
Madness made easy
This girl is something else and the best autos av ever grown or seen.the yields are ridiculously high and so is she and the smoke is a creeper.Done mine in living soil seed to stoned and organic is the way from now on its a no brainer for me
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Francisco Fabian Neira Segura
Reviewed 20 July 2016
XXL strain
Six weeks from germination. I got really impressed with size of this One.
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Reviewed 9 February 2024
Eager & Forgiving, 312g
I grew Six Shooter in a 20L plastic pot with my own take on the Clackamus Coots soil recipe (what I could sub in & source as replacement ingredients)! This mix is particularly high in Phosphorus & in the first few waterings had to use CalMag to help keep good health & keep it the right shade of green. After this I mostly used water. With a few weeks to go I massively overdone the epsom salt (which I slightly blame Scotty Real for) ;-) Never the less the plant pulled through. In the last week I used ice cubes only daily in the hope to achieve a fade & possibly make the most of the Flavonoids & Cannabinoids. I found this cultivar to respond great to LST, I topped her at the 5th node & she took 14-15 weeks in total under Migro Array LEDs. The yeild was 312g (dried & cured) of top shelf hard & dense buds. Around an Oz of them from lower down were more airy but still trichome laden. I believe if not for space restraint in 1 half of the 2 x 4 tent then I could have gotten 500+g. I had to remove branches & sprouts to a larger than normal amount on 3 occasions along with lollipoping. The smoke in my instance was a powerful hybrid effect which had a taste of blueberries. Could be overwhelming to grow & consume for a beginner although she is very forgiving. Good luck to you all. Feel free to ask questions, I'm on this website regularly. Well done to FastBuds for achieving these amazing Lesser talked about Six Shooter seeds.
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Robert DeLeon
Reviewed 26 May 2019
Homegrown in weed legal Massachusetts, USA!
Super easy plant to grow, set it and forget it basically! Feed and water, nothing special for her in fact she'll produce outstandingly in Fox Farm soil (ocean or happy) with just some Tiger Bloom every other feeding, she doesn't need vegetative nutes as she gets going quick! As for plant size and yield they both seem to be pot size dependent, massive yield with 5 gallon pot, (4.5ft. plant) good yield with a 3 gallon air pot plus no transplant needed! She'll need a few more weeks extra to reach her full potential. I like her effects, too strong for my wife so she uses it for night time only unless she's free to chill! Needless to say I'll be keeping Six Shooter in full rotation in my autoflower tent! Homegrown in weed legal Massachusetts, USA!
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Shiver. Verified customer
Reviewed 25 June 2020
Very robust plant to grow
I had a few problems with her early on due to over-watering, but she bounced back pretty well. She has a nice spicy pine taste.
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Hixon. Verified customer
Reviewed 10 March 2020
She needs a lot of light
She needs a lot of light because otherwise the buds are airy.
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Reviewed 8 February 2017
Absolutely fantastic Six Shooter
It is simply a beauty!
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Lyrical Grow
Reviewed 4 December 2024
Six shooter
Great strain! Girthy nugz. Used grow dots only. Smells incredible
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Reviewed 9 August 2021
Six Shooter
I received one seed of this variety as a gift and I can say that this is an excellent quality as always. I think it will be a great product)
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Steptelos . Verified customer
Reviewed 8 November 2020
Fully loaded.
V sturdy and easy strain to grow. I let her grow naturally and she chose to be fairly squat and wide with a shape that resembled a spinning top. I had better yields previously with LST but there reward were generous given the minimal upkeep. Nice frosty buds and a pleasant vape, terps are a light gas with higher notes of a v pleasant clean type taste. So happy I got to grow this strain and has me feeling pleasant most evenings.
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Commented 18 January 2021
quick question: how many days after germination did yours take to start flowering? im at day 42? with 18/6 light, growing in coco
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1 голос
I look on your site and this seems biggest yielding plant. I have made 2 grows in the past so I have some knowledge but still new to growing, how much yield will i get for 1 plant indoors?
Hey, Six Shooter is one the highest yielding plant we offer, keep in mind this plant is very tall so if you are doing an indoor grow make sure you have plenty of space. I would say for a beginner indoor grow you can realistically expect to get around 120 grams per plant (4.2 oz) if you do it well, just make sure to give the plants good nutrients.
От MJgrow 14 July 2020
1 голос
I see this plant can get pretty tall. How wide or bushy does it get? In a 5x5 tent, how many should I plant if grown in soil (3 gallon or 5 gallon Smart Pots)?
Hi, T.C! Thanks for asking! As you said, SixShooter can get very huge. It's one of our biggest strain. Depends on your power, your skills and if you'll use any shape control method... but we think that with a proper light power and these pots, you can have 2 or 3 of this big ladies in that tent size. You could fit more, but it won't be practical.
От T.C. Bosby 26 August 2016
1 голос
Hi gentlemen, my question - does the 6 shooter have a good resistence to powdery mildew or shall I go rather for the LSD-25? Thanks
Hello, thanks for asking! Neither of those is super resistant. If you're looking for strains that are resistant against powdery mildew you should take a look at our Gorilla Cookies, Gorilla Glue, Northern Lights, and OG Kush.
От Max 2 July 2016
0 голос
Hey I wanted to ask if its okay to have this strain in 30-33 degrees cause im having temp problems in my tent
Hello, thanks for asking. 33 degrees may be too much depending on your grow setup and specific strain. If you don't have a way to fix the issue then make sure you have an oscillating fan and your plants should grow normally.
От Antonio 5 October 2021
0 голос
How I start with the seeds?
Hello, thanks for asking. The first step is to germinate the seeds, you can check our guide here: . If you any questions feel free to send us an email at [email protected] .
От Grivart88 10 June 2021
0 голос
What is the best light timing for growing six shooter indoors
Hello, thanks for asking! It depends on your preference, with an 18/6 light cycle you will have good results and will consume less electricity, and with a 20/4 light cycle you may end up getting better results but the electricity bill will be higher so it comes down to what suits you better.
От Poskitt 6 December 2020
0 голос
Six shooter week 8, 1/2, ready for the harvest ?, helpme please !
Hi, thanks for asking! You should look at the state of the trichomes. If they are cloudy, it's ready to be chopped down. If you prefer a more corporal effect, you should wait a couple of days until they turn amber.
От Matías Sanchez 11 May 2018
0 голос
helio i have 6 six shooter and i want it to grow outdoors,how many liter you thionk is good enough for this girls?thank you in advance
Hello, thanks for your question! You can grow them in 3L, 7L, or 12L pots, it depends on the size you want them to reach.
От SOCRATES 10 April 2018
0 голос
Hello,is my first time and i have 6 six shooter for outdoor,how many liter you think is good enough?
Hi! If you're growing outdoors we recommend growing in 12L pots to allow your plant to grow to its maximum.
От SOCRATES 10 April 2018
0 голос
Do you have any recommendations about outdoor grow? I plan to grow them in 15 gallon fabric pots. What to expect in good conditions from this beast?
I'd expect 9-10 weeks, and yield depends on how much light it gets. I'd imagine those grown in the high summer would be a bit bigger than those in the spring.
От Leon 22 February 2018
0 голос
A seventy-year-old woman has first stage glaucoma. You wrote here that six shooter treats glaucoma. How to do it in that example? In our area marijuana is illegal.
Hi, sir! Thanks much for asking.When it says it's good for treating the glaucoma, it means it's a good strain to palliate this pain. Not to heal it! We strongly suggest you to ask this medical and health info with a doctor or a medicine specialist. We know recreational marihuana has medical properties as well, but we are not a medical company so we are not medical specialists. We insist, it's better to ask it to a pertinent doctor or medicine specialist.Thanks again and we hope you can find the best strain for her :) Anything else you may need to know, just tell us. Take care! :D
От fight evil with full force 14 August 2017
0 голос
Hey! Just Want to ask if i can grow with veggi/Bloom mode when they both on? with this autoflowers? Viparspectra 900w
Well, you're right about more power means more yield, but it's not all about power: you need that power to be delivered in the correct light spectrum for each stage. That's why you cannot grow a plant with a powerful standard light, for example, cuz it won't cast the wattage in the adequate color spectrum (frequency) the plant needs to grow, fatten or do the photosynthesis. But you can try and compare the results. Maybe it works .Hope it helps a bit!
От LX 21 November 2016
0 голос
How does this strain do in Dwc under leds
Hi, Wayne! Thanks for asking!DWC will work fine as it's a great grow technique! Leds are fine too, just check for any calmag issues on the go.Enjoy!
От Wayne Belifted 22 August 2016
0 голос
Hello Fast-Buds and all !!! How many strains in 1m2 in a nft system please ? (400W). And one other question... Is this variety accept easily fertilizer ?
Hi, Silas! Thanks for asking! Well, we wouldn't recommend more than 8 plants/m2 with this space. And yes, they eat a lot. Don't be afraid to feed her more than normal. Enjoy growing faster!
От Silas 20 April 2016
0 голос
I just bought 3 six shooter. I have a 90x60x180cm box, 6x11L pots, and my plants can grow up to 150cm. Each one germinated, and are now growing fast. How much will the harvest produce?
Thanks for asking! It will depend on your growing conditions but you can expect around 550gr per m2 of canopy.
От Tim McManus 14 April 2016
0 голос
I have this strain. My lights are 3x105w (double spectrum-2700k-6400k), 1x85w (6400k) and 4x85w (2700k).What do you recommend? How many plants should grow under these lights?
Thanks for asking! We recommend a minimum of 75 w per plant (ideally 100w), so if you have a total of 740w you will be able to grow around 7-8 plants.
От yuhaa 28 February 2016
0 голос
do you recommend cutting lower branches to increase growth?
You can cut the bottom branches off, this will distribute growth of towards higher branches, just be really careful not to over cut as this can cause stress to the plant.
От serialkilla 24 August 2015

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