
Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™

O rei púrpura de todos os púrpuras.
Em estoque
1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
2 feminized seeds
$14.50 / seed
3 feminized seeds
$14.00 / seed
5 feminized seeds
$13.00 / seed
10 feminized seeds
$12.00 / seed
25 feminized seeds
$9.80 / seed
50 feminized seeds
$8.20 / seed
100 feminized seeds
$6.90 / seed
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Seu pedido será enviado 27 March até UPS Standard, shipping cost $0.00
O pagamento pode ser feito com Cartão de Crédito/Débito, Transferência Bancária e Bitcoin
Com cada compra receberás ao menos 1 semente grátis
  • Atinge até 28,5% de THC! Um testemunho dos avanços das automáticas modernas.
  • Cereja madura com biscoitos de limão. Terpenos super frutados com um toque funky.
  • Qualidade excecional com terpenos de primeira classe. Os encantadores tons púrpura contribuem para o seu encanto.
  • Deixa-te levar pelo relaxamento. Uma mistura potente de euforia e tranquilidade.
  • Colheitas rápidas. Ciclo completo em 8 semanas!

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Radar Técnico

ResistênciaTHCVelocidade de floraçãoAlturaColheita
Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™
Muito Quente
Muito Frio
Predominantemente Sativa
Predominantemente Indica
Muito Forte
Não necessita filtro

Especificações Técnicas

Parâmetro Valor
Sabor Cereja, Biscoito, Limão, Doce
CBD < 1%
Colheita Interior US 1.5 – 1.8 oz/ft2
Colheita Exterior US 2 – 7 oz/planta
Tamanho XL
Altura US 31 – 47 polegadas
Semanas Até a Colheita 8 semanas
Cultivo Interior/Exterior
Gênero Feminizada
Sativa/Indica Sativa 30%/Indica 70%
Genética Lemon Cherry Cookies
Tipo Autoflorescente
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A Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™ é um testemunho dos avanços das modernas variedades automáticas, com um formidável teor de THC de até 28,5%. Para além da sua potência, esta variedade delicia os sentidos com um sabor excecional que lembra os biscoitos de cereja e limão e cativa visualmente com os seus belos tons roxos. Os seus efeitos são igualmente impressionantes, oferecendo uma experiência potente, mas relaxante, juntamente com um efeito cerebral inebriante que elimina a tensão. À medida que o fumo se desenrola, a pronunciada influência Índica emerge, levando a um relaxamento pedregoso de longa duração que envolve todo o corpo e instila uma profunda sensação de energia criativa. Ideal para os aficionados que procuram um fumo equilibrado com influência Índica, a Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™ proporciona-te uma viagem harmoniosa e profundamente satisfatória.

Descrição das Buds

Espera por cachos densos e com um cheiro doce. A Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™ produz botões roxos com longos e vibrantes pêlos cor de laranja escuros que sobressaem dos cálices gordos e geados. As flores roxas duras como rocha terminam com uma espessa camada de resina na altura da colheita e cheiram a terpenos doces e azedos com tons ligeiramente funky.


A potência da Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™ mostra as capacidades das autoflorescentes modernas. Com um teor de THC até 28,5%, esta variedade induz um efeito relaxante potente, combinado com um efeito cerebral alegre que te deixa completamente relaxado e livre de tensão. À medida que fumas, a potente influência Índica torna-se mais evidente, e os efeitos energizantes transformam-se numa pedrada duradoura que te relaxa da cabeça aos pés e te deixa feliz e com uma sensação de energia criativa. O efeito ideal para os consumidores que apreciam um fumo bem equilibrado com influência índica.

Aparência da planta 

A Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™ desenvolve-se com uma estrutura compacta, com o aspeto clássico da Índica, com folhas largas em leque e um espaçamento entre ramos relativamente curto. Graças à sua herança genética, esta variedade é relativamente fácil de cultivar e raramente precisa de apoio, pois os ramos suportam sem esforço o peso das colas extremamente gordas. Durante as últimas fases do ciclo de crescimento, espera cores bonitas, à medida que os tons verdes se transformam gradualmente em tons claros e escuros de roxo e as folhas em leque desvanecem-se numa coloração rosa escuro.

Sealed to ensure authenticity
Revestimento impermeável
Revestimento interior de alumínio
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Pack seed
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Dicas de cultivo 

Considerando a sua resiliência genética, a Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™ prospera em temperaturas mais frias, tornando-a uma escolha robusta para os cultivadores em vários climas. A implementação de uma desfoliação suave não só melhora o fluxo de ar, mas também incentiva a penetração da luz nos ramos inferiores, resultando em rendimentos notavelmente pesados em condições ideais. Os impressionantes botões roxos desta variedade realçam ainda mais o seu atrativo, com a recomendação de baixar as temperaturas durante as últimas semanas de floração para acentuar a sua coloração vibrante. Além disso, a Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™ adapta-se bem às configurações da Sea of Green, graças ao seu ótimo espaçamento internodal, que maximiza a eficiência do espaço de cultivo.


A Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™ tem o sabor exatamente como sugere. Começa com um cheiro forte a compota de cereja açucarada com uma pitada de sumo de limão azedo. Ao inalares, espera um sabor doce de compota de cereja combinado com suaves tons de biscoito. Ao expirares, os sabores abrem-se, revelando um sabor a sumo de limão acabado de espremer que limpa os seios nasais e deixa um travo azedo na tua garganta e boca durante horas a fio.

Comparar com variedades semelhantes

Colheita Exterior US
Altura US
450 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 7 oz/planta
31 – 47 polegadas
8 semanas
Sativa 30%/Indica 70%
450 – 600 gr/m2
3 – 11 oz/planta
35 – 51 polegadas
9 – 10 semanas
Sativa 65%/Indica 35%
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/planta
24 – 39 polegadas
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
450 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/planta
31 – 39 polegadas
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 50%/Indica 50%

Resenhas de clientes

5 de 5
47 avaliações de clientes
5 estrelas
4 estrelas
3 estrelas
2 estrelas
1 estrela(s)

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Reviewed 15 February 2024
I liked this, probably 50/50 a little more indica, the taste and smell of tropical fruits, the effect is so different that the hybrids are used to sativa highs, if you come down from the high, then the strength of the indica will increase
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Commented 25 January
What size u used pots?
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Commented 25 March
What Genetics?
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Reviewed 15 February 2024
beautiful color, solid flowers and incredible smell. Curing it and it looks super nice. Easy to grow, was very happy with everything.
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Sebastian Good
Reviewed 15 February 2024
LOVE it!
Lemon Cherry Cookies got all I love in a strain: Mind-blowing Terps, Super huge and frosty Nuggets, an incredibly fast Turnaround and on top of it her Nuggets are Purple. She is one of the fastest Strains I ever grew and she yields tons of sticky Buds as well. The mix of fruit and sweet with a hint of Funk is what I adore most.
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Commented 25 May 2024
Wow ! What a beautiful lady. Stunner.
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Commented 1 December 2024
Magnifique 🍒🍋🍪 🙏🙏🙏
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Commented 22 March
dude found the school picture background for his buds
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Reviewed 1 July 2024
bag appeal and the potency
The lemon cherry cookies is some fast growing flowers, and fat! They grew to be about 3ft tall and one almost 4ft. Both purple as could be. Frosty is an understatement. This stuff has the bag appeal and the potency a grower looks for. And the smell and taste is like a treat from childhood, Nostalgic. 5 outta 5 the lemon cherry cookies is a strain worthy of trying.
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LinsleyD. Brown
Commented 22 July 2024
What size grow pot and grown tent did you use? Great grow by the way.
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Reviewed 18 April 2024
The best
Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto delivers on its promise. The taste is a delightful blend of cherry jam with subtle cookie undertones. A flavorful experience from start to finish
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Reviewed 2 February 2024
absolute joy
This strain was an absolute joy to grow. Super easy and took a lot of beating from my part.l during the grow. Once into flower it's amazing how fast they'll start swelling. Its like the turbo chargers kicked in as you should see daily growth. The colors of the flowers are a deep deep purple that are covered in frost and red hairs, so it makes them look picture perfect. The wet weight for these 3 came out to 870g. The smell they have is sweet,fruity, with hints floral to them. Over all Happy Growing for sure.
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Reviewed 12 July 2024
Must to grow!
An incredible piece of genetics developed by @fastbuds_official, an example of how the cutting-edge development of modern Autoflower can give us a plant ready to harvest in less than 60 days (63 days for personal taste for the more amber trichomes) with an impressive terpene profile. She has developed rock hard buds with a smell that moves between bowl of fruits, cherries at the right point of ripeness and a touch of creamy milk. In conclusion, highly recommended for lovers of indicas and purple colours!
2 people found this helpful
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Reviewed 2 February 2024
one of the best I've smoked
A very easy growing strain, it comes out of the soil like a rocket with nice internodal spacing, once it starts to flower it puts on a real show, pumping out massive pink flowers, the aroma is truly tropical. Once it's dried and cured it's absolute top shelf head stash But the flavours are quite complex, hard to put my finger on it was like cherry/blueberry then once it dried it had like an old school blue cheese funk it's definitely one of the best autos I've smoked
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Reviewed 26 January 2024
100% germination Fairly short veg time but grows vigorously building a strong foundation in little time to set up for flower. Very thick sturdy branching to support heavy buds. Fat fan leaves and Ideal internodal spacing results in little wasted space while allowing light and airflow to penetrate. Once entering flower, majority showed early onset of purple bleeding thru newly formed bud sites, expanding throughout the bloom cycle. Once the flowering stretch winds down, buds start to bulk up at a rapid pace. Terps are very strong bringing a heavy smell of sweet berries with an undertone of chemical fragrance that gives a tingle to the nose. This strain seems similar to purple lemonade or crystal meth however the bud density leads to heavier yields. Handled stress impressively. Proper plant training would likely lead to extremely heavy yields under optimal conditions.
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Commented 25 May 2024
Excellent description, just ordered !
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Reviewed 16 July 2024
dense & beautiful
This is the lemon cookies. The first picture is it dried Nugget.. any other pictures are the one I took down today. It's lemon cherry cookies. Also very very dense beautiful nuggets.
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Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™
Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™' pack backside
Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™
Lemon Cherry Cookies Auto™' pack frontside

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Perguntas e respostas dos clientes

1 votos
How many can I grow in a 100x100cm tent??
It depends on the pot size. In 10-liter pots you may fit up to 6-7 plants, depending on your setup and style of growing.
por Lava em 26 January 2024
1 votos
Do I need to drop the temperature for the buds to turn purple?
Thanks for asking. This strain is bred to produce purple nugs without the need to drop the temperatures during the flowering stage, however, colder temperatures during the last weeks of flower can promote more intense, darker hues.
por Osterstuck em 26 January 2024
0 votos
Is it recommended as a wake and bake?
Even though the high starts with an energizing effect, it is an Indica hybrid which means it can glue you to the couch if smoked in excess. For a good wake and bake strain make sure to look for Sativa-dominant autos.
por Jelks em 26 January 2024
0 votos
Should I use organic or bottled feeding?
You can have excellent harvests with both as long as you use them properly. Make sure to opt based on your growing conditions, substrate, and style of growing.
por Granizo em 26 January 2024
0 votos
Would you recommend this one over the purple lemonade?
Well, it depends on your personal preference. While they have some similarities, they have completely different terpene profiles and effects as they’re completely different strains so it’s a matter of experimenting to see what suits you better.
por Mowles em 26 January 2024
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