
LSD-25 Auto

O lado psicodélico da vida.
Em estoque
1 feminized seed
$13.00 / seed
1 feminized seed
$13.00 / seed
2 feminized seeds
$12.50 / seed
3 feminized seeds
$12.00 / seed
5 feminized seeds
$11.00 / seed
10 feminized seeds
$9.90 / seed
25 feminized seeds
$7.96 / seed
50 feminized seeds
$6.80 / seed
100 feminized seeds
$5.90 / seed
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  • Óptima para principiantes! Apesar do tamanho dos 120cm, esta estirpe é super fácil de cultivar.
  • Extracções púrpuras. A escolha perfeita para quem procura produzir extractos roxos.
  • Terpenos marcantes. Uma mistura de gasóleo, vinho tinto e madeira queimada que deixará toda a sala com um cheiro agradável.
  • Beleza de outro mundo. Uma variedade de tonalidades roxas, podes esperar belas cores da cabeça aos pés.
  • Forte. Novatos tenham cuidado, o efeito Sativa super forte irá dominar a tua mente!
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Radar Técnico

LSD-25 Auto
Muito Quente
Muito Frio
Predominantemente Sativa
Predominantemente Indica
Muito Forte
Não necessita filtro

Especificações Técnicas

Parâmetro Valor
Sabor Diesel, Terroso, Amadeirado, Bagas
CBD < 1%
Colheita Interior US 1.3 – 1.6 oz/ft2
Colheita Exterior US 2 – 9 oz/planta
Tamanho XL
Altura US 28 – 47 polegadas
Semanas Até a Colheita 9 – 10 semanas
Cultivo Interior/Exterior
Gênero Feminizada
Sativa/Indica Sativa 35%/Indica 65%
Genética LSD Auto
Tipo Autoflorescente
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Instagram LSD25 Auto
Instagram LSD25 Auto
Instagram LSD25 Auto


Uma planta predominantemente Indica com uma produção super rápida, precisando somente de 9-10 semanas da germinação até a colheita. Uma planta roxa deslumbrante, com níveis de THC acima dos 21% que te deixará num túnel do tempo cerebral. Desenvolve um considerável tamanho e peso em pouco tempo, fazendo-a uma ótima cepa para cultivadores que querem resultados rápidos, incluindo cultivadores novatos. Os aromas intoxicantes de diesel, gasolina e madeira defumada a fazem desejável aos fãs de terpenos pungentes e com cheiro a petróleo. Certamente é uma das cepas favoritas da equipe Fast Buds por cobrir todos os aspectos que uma boa cepa deve ter.

Descrição Das Buds

As flores têm uma aparência gorda, inchada e com cores que variam entre o roxo, magenta, violeta e rosa claro. Se amas cepas roxas, esta cepa é uma das melhores que encontrarás. Os tricomas crescem agrupados ao redor das buds roxas, com uma aparência longa e de estarem amontoados. A aparência é de outro nível.

Relatório Do Efeito

Apesar dos traços Indica, a LSD-25 Auto pode te deixar em outra dimensão. Como o nome sugere, ela irá distorcer a tua mente e com certeza tem um efeito mais psicodélico. Mais apropriado para consumidores com uma alta tolerância a montanhas-russas cerebrais e aqueles que desfrutam de altos níveis de concentração e jatos de criatividade. Os novatos devem consumi-la com moderação.

Aparência Da Planta

Espera um crescimento entre 70-120cm, fazendo a LSD-25 Auto uma cepa bastante alta, porém fácil de cultivar e uma boa escolha para iniciantes que querem preencher seu espaço de cultivo com cepas roxas de qualidade. Uma vez que começa a florar, verás sua pigmentação mudar a vários tons de roxo e rosa, fazendo-a se destacar pela sua beleza. Podes ter rendimentos de até 400-500gr/m2 em somente 9-10 semanas, e graças a sua herança Indica e Sativa, reage muito bem a técnicas de treinamento. As folhas são curtas e gordas com espaços internodais pequenos, permanecendo baixa durante o começo da etapa de crescimento. Uma vez que comece a florescer, a LSD-25 Auto tem um perfil de resina muito prolífico, fazendo-a um cultivar muito produtivo para produtores de hash.

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Conselhos De Cultivo

Esta planta adora uma alimentação mais pesada. Recomendamos regá-la mais frequente do que farias com outras cepas já que é uma produtora agressivamente rápida. Assegure-se de pegar leve no nitrogênio, principalmente na fase de floração,já que ela não responde muito bem ao excesso de nitrogênio na flora. Realizar amarras nas primeiras semanas pode afetar completamente o número de sítios de flora, resultando numa produção ainda maior. Não é necessário cultivá-la em climas frios para que desenvolva outras cores, naturalmente começará a ficar roxa e estará completamente roxa antes da colheita. Para aqueles que buscam produzir os famosos extratos roxos, certifiquem-se de processá-la rapidamente após a colheita.


Um sabor ousado, de gosto químico com toques de vinho tinto que podem ser descritos como madeira queimada e incenso. Após acender um cigarro, o quarto começará a se encher com um aroma pungente e duradouro de gasolina terrosa.

Comparar com variedades semelhantes

Colheita Exterior US
Altura US
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 9 oz/planta
28 – 47 polegadas
9 – 10 semanas
Sativa 35%/Indica 65%
450 – 600 gr/m2
3 – 11 oz/planta
35 – 51 polegadas
9 – 10 semanas
Sativa 65%/Indica 35%
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/planta
24 – 39 polegadas
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
450 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/planta
31 – 39 polegadas
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 50%/Indica 50%

Resenhas de clientes

4.5 de 5
180 avaliações de clientes
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1 estrela(s)

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Reviewed 19 February 2022
Purple wonder
Top notch strain. Easy to grow and produces prolific flowers. I got 6 ozs. of great medicine from her. I will definitely grow this strain again.
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Reviewed 1 March 2023
A Staple Strain In My Grow Rotation
After a year of growing autos, so far this is my favorite so far. Big, chunky, almost black flowers that smoke great. I never top the first time, and I'm glad I didn't. It grew a very nice cola with branching putting out very nice size flowers as well. Even lowers were nice and dense. Effects are exceptional, and if you go at it hard it does add a small but noticeable change to your vision. This will be one that I grow again from time to time
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Reviewed 25 October 2022
strong but kinda boring
I mix these buds with others to make things more interesting
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Commented 14 September 2023
Haha, me too A great bud this one
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Reviewed 21 October 2022
Beautiful plant, yield could be bigger
I think my mistake was to decide not to train her. She was basically one fat cola and very short side branches with small buds.
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Reviewed 15 October 2021
WedingGrower From Thailand
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Reviewed 4 May 2018
Very Positive
First time growing FB. The LSD-25 is a treat to grow and to watch it develop. I am using Auto Pots with a 400 Watt ChilLED Tech light in a 5 x 5 x 7 Tent.<br>She is just over 12" tall. I have tied down the top so looks like this as seen in the pic. The smell is a wonderful blueberry. She is 54 days old and most of her trichomes are cloudy. Just wanted to let you know just how happy I am.
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Reviewed 20 February 2024
Very creative, boosts my imagination
I harvested her earlier than normal, maybe that’s the reason the smoke is so stimulating.
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Reviewed 8 May 2018
What a amazing strain looks crazy smells like berries or grape juice..Will be ordering more of this strain soon!
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Reviewed 9 March
Awesome buds
Pretty easy to grow, responds well to training and topping and the buds came out big and fat with amazing purple colors and covered with crystals all around. Amazing strain to grow
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Reviewed 24 January
My first grow, super happy with results. Tastes woody and spicy, to me almost like incense, super unique. Results speak for them selves. 1.5oz dry
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Perguntas e respostas dos clientes

3 votos
I just ordered some of your LSD-25. do the majority of these color up like the Promo photo?
Hey John, about 85% of the time the plant will produce nice purple buds!
por John em 13 August 2015
1 votos
Hello, could I grow this strain with only feeding her bonemeal and banana tea ? Have 2 running now and they look quite healthy, just worrying incase the buds don’t fatten up due to underfeeding thanks
Hello, thanks for asking. Yes, you can, as long as you provide enough phosphorus and potassium you shouldn't have any problems at all.
por Pigsy em 12 August 2021
1 votos
My LSD-25 hermed on me. Has other people experienced this or did this just happen to me???
Hello, it's not common for this to happen. Please send an email to [email protected] and we'll gladly help you solve your problem.
por Tupy em 4 February 2021
1 votos
How well does this strain respond to topping or FIM’ing? I know it’s a fast developer, but I like topping rather than tying down side branches. Which works best for yields? Thank you
Thanks for asking! You may have better results when topping or fimming but you can end up stressing your plants too much, if you don't have experience with autoflowers it's better to start with tying down the branches but if you've topped autos before and you have a bit of experience there shouldn't be a problem at all.
por Horto in Urbs em 13 October 2020
1 votos
I have a 6 weeks old LSD-25 in soil. I have given it Fox Farms Big Bloom, Grow Big, and Tiger Bloom. I found yellow spots on some of the leaves and buds. Could it be an iron deficiency?
Hi! It could be a nutrient deficiency or a bug infestation. You should check exactly what Fox Farms Soil contains and also thoroughly check your plant.
por PacificPeach em 8 September 2017
1 votos
Do you recomend this strain for outdoors hot summer sometimes up to 100F ? If not, which strains do you recomend, Thanks ! 😄
Yes, it's a bit hot but it will work. Sativas will perform better.Thanks for asking!
por Nguyen Quan em 2 March 2017
0 votos
Hi, canbi grow the plant without a led system. Just using watering and caring. Here it is legal to harvest weed plant. So is it possible to grow the plant free. Is the plant will survive?
Hello, thanks for asking. Yes, your plant will survive but the lack of food can and up affecting yields and flower quality negatively.
por Ronald em 28 June 2022
0 votos
What is the recommended temperature for this strain ? Since mine is in flowering mode and my grow tent is reaching 29 degrees celcius. And also she is in week 7. And some fan leaves have rust spots
Hello, 29 degrees celsius is a bit too hot but as long as your plant is growing normally there shouldn't be a problem at all. For more detailed information please contact us at [email protected]. Thanks for asking.
por Dynamis em 25 May 2022
0 votos
At what temperature should I store seeds? Is it bad if it's over 100 degrees Fahrenheit?
Hello, you should store the seeds in a cool, dark place. The ideal temperature would be around 9 celsius (48F).
por Deuser em 9 September 2021
0 votos
Will autoflowers finish a bit faster if placed in a small container?
Hello, thanks for asking. Yes, if grown in smaller containers your plants will grow a bit smaller and take less from seed to harvest.
por Biddlecome em 7 June 2021
0 votos
My LSD 25 just coming to the end and my fan leafs got odd dots of yellow very tiny and i only use rain water all thro its life now on wedding cheese cake and cheese is the dots a problem
Hello. This could happen due to several problems such as nutrient deficiency or pH levels. Please send an email to [email protected] and we will be happy to help you.
por Badolato em 23 May 2021
0 votos
I have a question i tried 2 order me some beans off my card from seedsman but they said my order wouldn't go through & im just wounding do you know any other place to get beans from
We're sorry to hear that. If you're based in a country we are unable to ship to, we suggest you check out our distributor's list:
por Chucky232MB em 13 March 2018
0 votos
¿puedo utilizar LST para esta variedad?
LST siempre puede hacerlo. Gracias!
por P em 4 September 2017
0 votos
so I decided to do my first hydroponic grow after a few faild at using soil. I decided to try these lsd-25 seeds cuz I heard great things about them well I'm about five weeks into my hydroponic grow and everything seems to be going well it has begun to flower.. I have two 250 watt CFL lights my tent fan and a weekly feeding schedule what do you guys and girls think any hints tips tricks or suggestions it's my first time doing Hydroponic and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for my first successful grow..
Thanks for asking! There are no tips or tricks, as long as you maintain good conditions and feed your plants properly you will have good results!
por Jared Jrod Cronin em 8 March 2017
0 votos
I am at day 75 and my LSD-25 is showing very few milky trichomes, with a few amber here and there. Is trichome ripeness an indicator of readiness in general, does it not matter with autoflowers?
Hi Justin! Thanks for asking. Yes, trichs color is important for the harvest. It's the same method as usual with autos too. If you harvest it when there are less amber trichs, the product will be more sativa-effect related; if you chop it when there are more amber trichs, it will tend to be more indica. So, for indicas, our suggestion is cutting it when the trichs amount is up to 20% amber and the majority are milky. Stalks can be reddish if there some deficiency too, but purple strains use to be like this. Hope it helps a bit!
por Justin Abrahams em 14 October 2016
0 votos
Hi, I'm growing in a tent 60X60 cms, using a led Apollo 6 (270 watts) 18/6. Is it enough? I've got 2 GSC and 2 LSD-25. Thanks
Yes, it should be enough, Diego. But bear in mind that the more power you use, the bigger the yield will be. Also, GSC is a big one, so maybe I'd wait to grow it alone to have a big one. Thanks for askin!
por Diego em 13 October 2016
0 votos
Hi, i have a question. I got a 8 weeks-old lsd-25 strain, but buds didn't turn purple. They still green. Flowering period has almost finished. Why this happened? BTW I'm using a 250w hps.
Hey man. First, it looks really great, even if she didn't turn purple. In some 85% of them, they do get purple but the rest can keep on being green, but that doesn't mean she will loose any of her propreties. So don't worry about the buds and enjoy this amazing strain!
por Francisco Fabian Neira Segura em 12 September 2016
0 votos
Hello I have a 1000w hps in a 5x5 im looking to grow this strain. How many would you suggest growing in that size for best yeild. Also these you shouldnt top right? Just let them do their thing?
Hi, thanks for asking!It depends on the strain. With this strain you could try from 6 up to possibly 10. It will depend on the plant size you get!Enjoy!
por XxKetchup em 1 September 2016
0 votos
Why is this strain good for begginers? How many watts should my leds be for just one lsd 25 plant? What gallon pot do you suggest for maximum yield?
Hi Wayne, thanks for asking.It's a good strain for beginners due to its resilience, tolerance to errors and easy growing. Also it's so beautiful to see that she'll encourage you to grow her beautifully, making you happy from the day 1!About wattage, it's just your choice. More watts, more yield. You can go from 400 to 1000 or more. 600W could be good, too.About pots we suggest more than 3 gallon pots. You can grow them in smaller ones, but yield will be less too.No worries for the questions! We like to explain and help you all in order to enjoy our strains from zero! No need to try them without asking your matters.Thank you!
por Wayne Belifted em 25 August 2016
0 votos
Do i need to lower temp for purple colour? cuz i see some green bud in jar on ur photography catalog. Or it get purple through flowering as i understand from grow diary i read
Hi! It doesn't depend on the temperature in our case. As you say, it will turn purple when flowering. Thanks for asking!
por Black.kush em 29 June 2016
0 votos
I have grow box about 70 cm tall and 70*30 bottom. I do lst or scrog so plants can fit. I grow under 3*35w full spectrum leds. Is it enough for 2-3 plants? Should I use more light or build a taller box?
Hi! If you don't wanna change your setup, we suggest you to try shorter strains such us our RhinoRyder or the NorthernExpress. But the optimal would be a bigger box, for sure. Bear in mind that the pots use to be quite big, so you are losing the half of your box just for the pot and you need to hang a light, too. Hope it helps you a bit! Enjoy!
por Guest em 2 June 2016
0 votos
After along time selecting the right autoflowers I decided to grow fast buds 4 different strains the question I have is what is your preferred method for germinating these seeds
Hi! Thanks for asking. There are lots of ways to do it, but this method is contrasted and highly recommended by our expert growers for our seeds.- First of all, take a glass for each strain. - Fill them with 2-3 fingers of water. - Leave (very carefully) the seeds on the water, floating. - Finally, put these glasses in a dark, closed and tempered (68-77*F) place, such a wardrobe, for example. - Leave them there for 48h and when they show a little "tail", you can take them out from the water and plant them directly in the final pots.- The last recommendation is never touch them with the fingers once they're on the water. If they are not germinating after those 48h, you can add some drops of hydrogen peroxide and continue with the darkness 2 more days. If after those 2 more days they haven't shown, they may be defective.
por mike Sale em 10 May 2016
0 votos
I have a grow tent 5X5 with 600W LED multi-spectrum and 500W LED Daylight. How many plants can I grow in that setup? I am in Northern Cali can this strain do well outside? It can get over 100F.
Hi! Thanks for asking! Well, depending on your choice. You can grow a few plants and they will get bigger, or you can grow up to 16plants each 11 squared ft, and you'll get smaller ones but more strains variety. And yes, temp is high as you said, but it should resist. LSD-25 is really resilient! Cheers!
por mkboater1 em 26 April 2016
0 votos
Can I clone LSD 25?
Hi! Yes, you can but it's not recommended because the clones will flower as soon as they develop roots so it won't grow or yield too much.
por Andy Goddard em 1 April 2016
0 votos
i have one of these seeds and put it under a 30watt cfl 150watt bayonett full spectrum bulb and she seems to be doing fine in 80cmx40cm, will 150watts manage this plant?
Yes, we recommend a minimum of 75w per plant (ideally, 100w) so 150w for one plant is more than enough.
por Tay Jayy em 29 November 2015
0 votos
What are your thoughts on leaving the lights on 24 hrs a day? Is it beneficial or am I just wasting money? I'm using 2x 4' 6 lamp T5HO. I'm 10 days in on LSD-25 and GSC.
Hello, thanks for asking! It depends, if you see a big difference then it's definitely not a waste of money but some growers say there's not much difference between a 20/4 and a 24/0 light cycle. We recommend you experiment with both and see what works best for you.
por Bury Me In Smoke em 29 November 2015
0 votos
How do you feel about 24hrs of light?? Started lsd-25 and gsc about 10 days ago. I was just wondering if it's beneficial or am I just wasting time and money??
We find that 18/6 cycles give us the best results. Giving the plants a period of darkness creates a more natural environment that the plants seem to benefit from.
por The Dude em 29 November 2015
0 votos
Have you had anyone with migraines report that LSD 25 reduced the pain? I am growing in soil under 3 200W CFLs 1mx1m, how many plants would you recommend to have in there?
Hi, thanks for your question. You can have up to 6 plants under 600w, just remember that cfl's emit a blue spectrum, you'll need to provide a red spectrum in the flowering stage. There aren't enough scientific studies to know exactly which terpenes help with migraines but it is said that cayophyllene helps a lot, our LSD-25 terpene profile contains caryophyllene but not too much, I would recommend going for our OG Kush, Amnesia Haze, Orange Sherbet or Pineapple Express, just have in mind that they also contain other terpenes so the effect may change from strain to strain and from person to person.
por Anony Mous em 29 August 2015
-1 votos
I have box in a separate room, I got ladies at 18:6 light. Is it ok if i turn of the light once-twice a day while its day cycle to open the windows for fresh air. I usualy do it for like 5 mins? thanks
Hello, it should be fine to turn the light off once or twice a day. Just keep an eye out to make sure the plants don't get stressed.
por Alehandros em 20 October 2015