
Afghan Kush Auto

O pai de todos os Kush.
Em estoque
1 feminized seed
$11.00 / seed
1 feminized seed
$11.00 / seed
2 feminized seeds
$10.50 / seed
3 feminized seeds
$10.00 / seed
5 feminized seeds
$9.00 / seed
10 feminized seeds
$8.00 / seed
25 feminized seeds
$6.80 / seed
50 feminized seeds
$5.70 / seed
100 feminized seeds
$4.90 / seed
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Com cada compra receberás ao menos 1 semente grátis
  • Analgésico 100% natural. Uma grande escolha para os pacientes medicinais que necessitam de aliviar a dor física.
  • Perfeito para haxixe. Quase puro sabor a haxixe, a estirpe preferida dos fabricantes de haxixe da velha guarda.
  • O rei das Indica. Uma das nossas mais puras estirpes Indica até hoje! 
  • Põe-te a dormir. Fumar demasiado vai fazê-lo dormir, escolha a hora certa para fumá-la!
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Radar Técnico

ResistênciaTHCVelocidade de floraçãoAlturaColheita
Afghan Kush Auto
Muito Quente
Muito Frio
Predominantemente Sativa
Predominantemente Indica
Muito Forte
Não necessita filtro

Especificações Técnicas

Parâmetro Valor
Sabor Terroso, Espécias, Doce
CBD < 1%
Colheita Interior US 1.3 – 1.6 oz/ft2
Colheita Exterior US 2 – 4 oz/planta
Tamanho L
Altura US 24 – 35 polegadas
Semanas Até a Colheita 8 – 9 semanas
Cultivo Interior/Exterior
Gênero Feminizada
Sativa/Indica Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
Genética Afghan Auto
Tipo Autoflorescente
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Instagram Afghan Kush Auto
Instagram Afghan Kush Auto
Instagram Afghan Kush Auto
Instagram Afghan Kush Auto
Instagram Afghan Kush Auto
Instagram Afghan Kush Auto
Instagram Afghan Kush Auto
Instagram Afghan Kush Auto

Árvore genética


Esta híbrida de floração rápida cresce entre 60-90cm, geralmente ficando mais perto dos 60cm enquanto produz cerca de 500gr/m2 em 56-63 dias desde a germinação à colheita. É uma óptima escolha para quem procura estirpes de dominância Indica rápidas e resistentes que oferecem um efeito corporal narcótico de longa duração, tornando-a o analgésico perfeito. Podes esperar enormes quantidades de resina e um perfil de terpenos de aromas terrosos picantes e doces que fará com que os amantes de haxixe se apaixonem.

Descrição Das Buds

A Afghan Kush Auto atinge cerca de 60-90cm, cresce bastante compacta e geralmente fica mais baixa, desenvolvendo um ramo principal e ramos laterais curtos com folhas verde-escuro grandes e largas, típicas de estirpes de dominância Indica. Esta variedade produz flores grandes, de cor verde-claro com tons verde-escuro que as complementam perfeitamente. Podes esperar uma quantidade de tricomas insana que começa a aparecer cedo na fase de floração e irás sentir um delicioso aroma de Kush terroso desde cedo, por isso, assegure-se de ter um filtro de carbono.

Relatório Do Efeito

Graças à genética Indica escolhida a dedo, irás sentir um efeito Indica extremamente potente. Esta estirpe poderosa te fará sentir muita fome e se fumares demasiado, irá literalmente te nocautear. Ficarás o mais preguiçoso possível e extremamente anestesiado, tornando esta variedade ideal para aqueles que procuram um efeito corporal potente para relaxar após um longo dia de trabalho e aliviar dores musculares após exercitar-se ou para pacientes medicinais que sofrem de insónia, perda de apetite ou dores físicas.

Aparência Da Planta

Nossa Afghan Kush Auto cresce com aquele clássico aspecto Indica, atingindo entre 60-90cm com folhas verde-escuro largas, espaçamento internodal curto e ramos grosso que o recompensarão com até 500gr/m2 de flores super-resinosas. Esta estirpe é recomendada para todos os tipos de cultivadores e é uma excelente escolha para aqueles que cultivam na varanda ou quintal devido à estrutura compacta e à baixa estatura. Graças à mistura genética de primeira qualidade, esta variedade é a escolha ideal para cultivadores que sofrem de climas rigorosos devido à alta resistência contra pragas e mofo, tornando-a excelente para quem cultiva no exterior.

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Conselhos De Cultivo

Esta é uma híbrida muito resistente, uma boa escolha para cultivar no exterior em climas desafiantes, basta dar-lhe o básico e obterás óptimos resultados. Podes esperar que esta autoflorescente cresça compacta e homogénea, perfeita para aqueles que cultivam num Sea of Green ou para os cultivadores que querem cultivar o maior número de plantas possível num espaço de cultivo pequeno. Recomendamos utilizar LST para permitir que a luz chegue nos sítios de flora mais baixos, resultando em melhores rendimentos e permitindo que o ar flua entre as flores, assim evitando mofo e insectos nas tuas plantas.


Esta variedade oferece um sabor clássico e inesquecível. Podes esperar o clássico mix de terpenos terrosos, de pinho e de ervas que cheiram a haxixe puro e esconde tons cítricos fortes; O sabor é muito parecido ao das variedades Kush mas com um gosto terroso e de especiarias mais aparentes, e um fundo doce que suaviza o fumo e te permite sentir todos os sabores individualmente ao exalar a fumaça.

Comparar com variedades semelhantes

Colheita Exterior US
Altura US
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 4 oz/planta
24 – 35 polegadas
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/planta
31 – 40 polegadas
9 semanas
Sativa 60%/Indica 40%
400 – 650 gr/m2
3 – 11 oz/planta
35 – 59 polegadas
10 semanas
Sativa 70%/Indica 30%
450 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 5 oz/planta
31 – 51 polegadas
9 semanas
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%

Resenhas de clientes

4.5 de 5
80 avaliações de clientes
5 estrelas
4 estrelas
3 estrelas
2 estrelas
1 estrela(s)

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Reviewed 28 June 2022
I wanted a perfect Indica strain...
I was looking for a strong old indica and found the Afghan Kush Auto. I grew her in a 40x40x120cm tent with a 150w led. She was fed with dry organic nutrients and a pk booster in flower. My goal was a micro grow with four plants in a small space, one of it was the Afghan Kush. So the pot size was very small 5 liter. The plant was short but the buds where so perfect. A lot of resin and trichomes. This strain is very strong and will help with pain. You get super relaxed and sleepy with hard munchies. Typical Afgahn Indica. (I would say 100% Indica!).The Smell was Earthy and Spicy. Super easy to grow and perfect for Indica lovers. I let her go 13 weeks befor harvest for a extra CBN kick (CBN ist relaxing). 15g from 5 liter pot. Top shelf!
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Commented 17 July 2024
How much trichomes were amber ?
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Reviewed 12 July 2021
If you like indica's...
OMG, she got thick and chunky. 2 oz off of a 24 inch plant. I'd suggest using her in the evenings frfr. She gave me the munchies for sweets then stuck on the couch. Mine had an earthy sweet taste, very very easy grow.
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Reviewed 20 September 2022
perfect medicine for a war veteran like me
helps me with insomnia and nightmares and the pain from injuries
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Commented 5 January 2024
Thank you for your service
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Reviewed 18 October 2022
really strong body high
try this one if you’re into indicas
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Reviewed 10 June 2024
FIRST TIME grower and outdoor in march
Soooo since it is finally legal to grow ganja in germany i decided to grow some of the strains i have always wanted to in my youth days and the afghan and paki strains are my absolute favorites. i have never grown weed before and planted my Pheno into a pot inside the greenhouse of my garden on march 26 while it was still way to cold outside (5c at night and maximum 15c on days, not a lot of sun untill may 2) but she has survived everything and kept going strong, she is at day 82 now and i am about to harvest her with a 70/30 trichome ratio in 3-10days. i have not expected this outcome since i was just curious if a plant could even survive at such harsh conditions but she did and the buds looks amazing aswell from the point of view of a first time grower. 5/5
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Reviewed 25 October 2022
Count me in as a repeat customer
Afghan Kush was so generous for me and the smoke was top-notch. Impatient to try others.
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Reviewed 20 October 2022
A classic
Very much like what I used to smoke back in the day
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Reviewed 18 October 2022
Good price for such quality genetics
Seeds needn’t be overpriced to produce premium smoke. Afghan Kush is as good if not better as many more trending autos.
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Reviewed 11 July 2022
I harvested over 2 ounces of golf size dense nuggets
The bag appeal is 10/10. I made sure to trim the buds to perfection and they’re definitely the prettiest buds I’ve ever grown. They have the flavor and the effect to match. Just perfect.
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Reviewed 26 July 2021
Afghan Kush Tester
Good choice for beginners very forgiving of mistakes. Can branch out quite a bit some training might be helpful in bringing out her potential. Nice dense buds with a classic kush nose.
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Afghan Kush Auto
Afghan Kush Auto' pack backside
Afghan Kush Auto
Afghan Kush Auto' pack frontside

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Perguntas e respostas dos clientes

1 votos
What temperature and humidity are recommended for each stage of growth?
Thanks for asking. The ideal conditions and temperature would be: Germination: 20-25°C and RH 65-70%, Vegetative stage: 22-28°C and RH 40-70%, and Flowering stage: 18-24°C and RH 40-50%.
por Love em 17 January 2022
0 votos
How many weeks can I expect until harvest once flowering has started?
Hello, thanks for asking. Our Afghan Kush takes around 8-9 weeks from seed to harvest so it should take anywhere from 4-6 weeks in the flowering stage.
por Flamingo em 30 March 2022
0 votos
I am struggling to get my temperature below 25-26 Celsius in flower is this going to cause a problem?
Hello, thanks for asking. It shouldn't be a problem as long as you have good humidity levels.
por Callas em 1 March 2022
0 votos
Can I plant indoor in a click and grow smart garden?
Hello, there shouldn't be a problem at all, but please send us an email with more information at and we'll be able to help you better. Thanks for asking!
por Thillet em 18 January 2022
0 votos
Currently the temperature at home is 16 C. Should it be higher during germination and other stages?
Thanks for asking. The temperature for germination should be around 20-25 celsius, up to 22-28 during the vegetative stage, and around 18-24 celsius during the flowering stage.
por Renegade em 15 January 2022
0 votos
My grow room gets hot. 85⁰f/30⁰c is normal during the day with the light off. Are there any Indica dominant strains that will grow that hot? Sativas make me very paranoid so they are not an option.
Hello, thanks for asking. Well, for that temperature you can look into our Wedding Glue Auto and Forbidden Runtz Auto but you can grow any of our strains in the conditions you mentioned as long as the relative humidity is 90% in the seedling stage, 80-85% in the vegetative stage and around 70-75% in the flowering stage.
por Immaloner em 2 June 2021
0 votos
Hello my question is can you fit 6 afghan kush plants in a 4x4 tent ?
Hello, thanks for asking. Yes, it is possible to fit 6 Afghan Kush Auto in a 4x4 tent but it will definitely be too crowded so you will have to perform LST to shape them in a way that they don't overshadow one another.
por Vas95 em 13 May 2021
0 votos
Is this a good strain to grow outdoors? I want to set up an indoor space one day, but for now all i have is my garden.
Thanks for asking. Yes, this strain is extremely resistant to challenging weather conditions and very discreet, perfect for growing outdoors.
por Stephany em 10 May 2021
0 votos
I am growing in a 2x2 with 600 watts HID, how many of thse could I fit in there, and which pot size would work best to get maximum harvest?
Hello. For the best yields we recommend growing in 4 gallon pots, so in a 2x2ft space you may be able to fit 2-3 plants but if you grow in 1-2 gallon pots you may be able to fit around 6 plants.
por Tyler em 10 May 2021
0 votos
Which strains would be best to grow along with this one, like which ones have similar weeks of harvest?
Thanks for asking. The best strains to grow along our Afghan Kush Auto would be Northern Lights Auto, OG Kush Auto, Lemon Pie Auto and Strawberry Pie Auto.
por Rob em 10 May 2021
0 votos
If I top this, which node is best to top at? I have experience with autos, but not familiar with this strain yet.
Hello. You should top your plant once it has developed around 3-4 pairs of true leaves which usually is around week 2-3.
por Archie em 10 May 2021
0 votos
Is this a more stealthy strain? Would it be a good one to grow on my balcony? (I live in a block of flats)
Thanks for asking. Yes, this strain is perfect for growing discreetly in a balcony due to its short stature and compact structure.
por Adelizzi em 10 May 2021
0 votos
How well does this strain work in a SOG set up? I want to put a bunch of different indica dominant strains in one space.
Hello. It will work great. Thanks to its Indica heritage this strain remains very compact, making it easy to grow in a SOG setup with minimal plant training or no plant training at all.
por Sarver em 10 May 2021
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