
Cinderella Auto

Brilhante como um diamante.
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  • Velho mas bom. A clássica estirpe da velha guarda agora melhorada e em versão auto.
  • Sativa super forte. Podes esperar um efeito cerebral potente graças aos 23% de THC.
  • Entre as autos mais altas. Uma autoflorescente notável que pode chegar aos 120cm!
  • Super rendimentos! Rendimentos fantásticos de até 550gr/m2.
  • Coquetel tropical. Oferece um delicioso sabor de coquetel tropical com um toque de pinho e skunk, verdadeiramente maravilhoso.
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Radar Técnico

Cinderella Auto
Muito Quente
Muito Frio
Predominantemente Sativa
Predominantemente Indica
Muito Forte
Não necessita filtro

Especificações Técnicas

Parâmetro Valor
Sabor Pêssego, Abacaxi, Doce
CBD < 1%
Colheita Interior US 1.5 – 1.8 oz/ft2
Colheita Exterior US 2 – 5 oz/planta
Tamanho XL
Altura US 35 – 47 polegadas
Semanas Até a Colheita 8 – 9 semanas
Cultivo Interior/Exterior
Gênero Feminizada
Sativa/Indica Sativa 65%/Indica 35%
Genética Cinderella Auto
Tipo Autoflorescente
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Instagram Cinderella Auto
Instagram Cinderella Auto
Instagram Cinderella Auto
Instagram Cinderella Auto
Instagram Cinderella Auto
Instagram Cinderella Auto
Instagram Cinderella Auto
Instagram Cinderella Auto

Árvore genética


Uma híbrida de dominância Sativa grande mas compacta, com um efeito potente que te deixará com vontade de mais; Nossa Cinderella Auto foi criada para produzir muitas flores e poucas folhas, o que significa que a sua planta desenvolverá flores grandes e será muito mais fácil manicura-las. Esta variedade pode render até 550gr/m2 graças aos múltiplos ramos laterais que podem crescer tanto como o ramo principal e, apesar da altura de 120cm, esta variedade ainda se mantém compacta. A estirpe perfeita para os amantes das Sativa com um espaço de cultivo limitado, podes esperar um efeito Sativa potente que te deixará num estado motivado e alegre, com um sentimento de bem estar que vem junto com um perfil de terpenos frutado de pêssego doce e abacaxi maduro delicioso.

Descrição Das Buds

Cinderella Auto produz flores densas de cor verde-escuro, com cálices alongados e muitos pêlos âmbar longos por todo o lado; Apesar da densidade, as flores mantêm um aspecto leve devido aos pêlos atipicamente largos que lhes dão uma aparência fofa. Podes esperar uma produção de tricomas admirável, fazendo com que as flores pareçam que foram polvilhadas com açúcar em pó, e uma deliciosa mistura de abacaxi e pêssego que resulta num aroma tropical de dar água na boca.

Relatório Do Efeito

Esta variedade oferece um efeito cerebral muito potente; Podes esperar um efeito de dominância Sativa que pode demorar um pouco para ser sentido mas, assim que o sentires, irá te deixar concentrado, e te deixar num estado feliz e motivado. Devido à herança Indica, o efeito cerebral gradualmente se torna num efeito mais calmo que não te deixará sedado mas te permite relaxar enquanto desfrutas do efeito cerebral agradável por horas e horas.

Aparência Da Planta

Esta estirpe cresce bastante alta, chegando aos 120cm e desenvolvendo um caule principal longo e ramos grossos que se enchem de flores dos pés à cabeça, e se as deixares crescer naturalmente, podem atingir a mesma altura do caule central. Apesar da sua altura e graças ao seu lado Indica, esta híbrida cresce bem compacta, tornando-a uma óptima escolha para quem procura cultivar Sativas potentes sem ter de se preocupar com o espaço. Devido à delicada mistura genética de Indica e Sativa, a tua planta não produzirá muitas folhas, podes esperar folhas pequenas e espalhadas pela planta e rendimentos surpreendentes de até 550gr/m2; Uma versão melhorada da estirpe clássica, criada para oferecer uma melhor qualidade e rendimentos elevados.

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Conselhos De Cultivo

Esta variedade não exige muita manutenção mas certifique-se de alimentá-la devidamente para assegurar-se que as floras cresçam grandes e gordas. Devido ao tamanho das flores e o número de sítios de flora, recomenda-se providenciar apoio durante as últimas semanas de floração para garantir que os ramos laterais possam suportar o peso. Recomendamos realizar o flush corretamente para melhorar ainda mais o perfil de terpenos e intensificar o aroma delicioso.


Podes esperar um sabor de abacaxi tropical e pêssego maduro impressionantemente forte, que é quase idêntico ao de um coquetel tropical mas com um fundo de pinho e um toque de skunk. Esta mistura de terpenos única resulta num fumo suave, gentil com a garganta e que deixa a boca parecendo como se tivesses acabado de comer um doce de cítricos tropicais.

Comparar com variedades semelhantes

Colheita Exterior US
Altura US
450 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 5 oz/planta
35 – 47 polegadas
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 65%/Indica 35%
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/planta
31 – 40 polegadas
9 semanas
Sativa 60%/Indica 40%
400 – 650 gr/m2
3 – 11 oz/planta
35 – 59 polegadas
10 semanas
Sativa 70%/Indica 30%
450 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 5 oz/planta
31 – 51 polegadas
9 semanas
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%

Resenhas de clientes

4.6 de 5
91 avaliações de clientes
5 estrelas
4 estrelas
3 estrelas
2 estrelas
1 estrela(s)

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Reviewed 17 March 2024
Classic C99
This is a classic representation of the original C99, which, in pot history, is one of the most perfect plants of all time. It has it all, high, yield, short flowering times, great structure, and amazing taste and smell. Mine were all about 24 inches, with large, chunky main colas, like the original Christmas trees, but none met the 9 weeks, and all will go at least 11 from seed. High is old school '70's sativa, heart racing, speedy, climbing, rushing, it can freak you out if you over indulge. It's a crime to feed pot synthetic nutrients, just some good , light, potting soil, and a top dressing or two of organics, seed to harvest, and she'll do great.
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Commented 30 August 2024
At 10 now she still isn’t done. Close tho. Everything a smoker could ask for.
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Reviewed 10 March 2024
Just harvested this beauty
The buds look and smell incredible. They’re very big, a bit puffy, but with a great flower to leaf ratio and drenched in resin. I’m not sure about the yield, the buds look like the’ll lose more weight than usual while drying. We’ll see..
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Commented 29 January
Is anyone going to talk about how did your seeds grow? Out of five seeds how many seeds really grew? I am just curious because I just bought a bunch of different varieties of seeds and they have 3 seeds in the bag and I have 4 different varieties of seeds for the first part of my grow because I can get two different crops in one year and then only one crop of feminize seeds that take six months!!! I get one crop by July and start the second crop in the soil before July so it’s two autos and one crop is all Feminized with a new strain FRESCA RUNTZ which is a sativa dominant !!! Black Sheep seeds
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Uncle Luke
Reviewed 20 February 2023
No joke
This combo of Mr souls Cinderella 99 in an auto form is just amazing. Gold on she's a beast. Stretched 47 in tall. Buds buds and more buds,hated cleaning the lower stuff off. The sparkle is wild loaded with tricomes. I got more of them and will run them again soon.
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Commented 7 March 2023
You can cut what is finish and let the rest one or 2 weeks more growing. You will be surprised what happens with the new small shit near the Bottom
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Reviewed 20 September 2022
No one comes away diasppointed from Cinderella!
My friends all love her maybe because it’s such a social smoke.
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Reviewed 20 July 2022
high yield? check. strong smell? check. insane high? check
and all-round winner in every way, ordering another pack and recommend cinderella to anyone
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Reviewed 13 June 2022
the grows almost over and it was a breeze
kudos to the breeder! you guys did a great job with this one! I wanted to leave a comment before but was afraid to jinx it. now its practically over, both my cinderellas are getting their 48hrs darkness treatment now and I expect them to look even more amazing on the day of the harvest. very vibrant fast sticky icky plants with sizable colas and the sweet smell is fantastic!
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Reviewed 20 July 2021
ANother strain I got to try from a tester friend. This one was really tasty, like a cannabis laced fruit cocktail The effects were really chill, I felt I got a lot done that day, even went to the gym and did 20 minutes more than I usually do, not sure if it was this strain, but I do feel it gave me the extra energy and focus I needed.
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Reviewed 30 January
Very nice
Grow was more or less unproblematic. My plant had severe windburn due to neglegence over the holidays, but she powered through. 27+ g in a 4l pot. During flower she had a nice citrus aroma. After drying and a bit of curing it is more a pungent aroma with mixture of cake, citrus and gas. Maybe the pungent gas smell goes away after more curing. The high is a straight up head high. It was a strong head buzz which made you feel stupid. She is very strong in my opinion. I rolled a spliff at first and was blasted. All in all a very nice strain, but honestly a bit to strong for me.
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Reviewed 19 March 2024
been smoking this all day every day
a very functional buzz, doesn’t make you tired even on the come down
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Reviewed 18 March 2024
you’ll love this energizing high
gives you tons of energy and lifts your mood, the head stays clear
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Cinderella Auto
Cinderella Auto' pack backside
Cinderella Auto
Cinderella Auto' pack frontside

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Perguntas e respostas dos clientes

1 votos
looking for the old sensemilla seeds can anyone help, its something my dad likes,and he talks about.
Hello, thanks for asking. Sinsemilla means buds without seeds and all our strains are feminized so there won't be any seeds at all. Please send us an email at [email protected] with more information and we'll do our best to help you a similar strain to what you're looking for.
por Faustman em 30 December 2021
1 votos
is it normal for them to go past your stated flowering time . Mine are now at week 10 ,2 look about a week away and 1 looks like it has at least 3 weeks to go . Super impressed with them
Hello, thanks for asking. Yes, the number of weeks can vary depending on your specific growing conditions.
por Kevin em 27 November 2021
1 votos
I am looking for a strain that produces only low odour or smells ( completely) different from the skunky stuff. Tanx.
Hello. In this case you should look for fruity strains such as our Strawberry Banana, Blueberry, Z, Strawberry Pie, Smoothie, and Orange Sherbet among others.
por Pridham em 2 June 2021
1 votos
is this FBT 2111?
Hello, thanks for asking. Yes, FBT 2111 is our Cinderella Auto.
por MrHightimes em 31 May 2021
1 votos
I'm a new grower, someone told me once that sativa strains are better for the SCROG method and I really like the idea of using this method, is this a good strain for that?
Hello. Yes, this is a Sativa-dominant strain and will develop long branches which are great for Scrogging!
por Jon em 10 May 2021
1 votos
I'm looking for something that can help with my appetite. Is this a good one for 'munchies' or would you recommend something else?
Hello, this strain's effect is more of a racy cerebral high due to being Sativa-dominant. If you're looking for strains that give you the munchies we would recommend OG Kush, Northern Lights or Strawberry Pie among others.
por Donald em 10 May 2021
0 votos
Is it okay to plant now in uk. Weather unpredictable
Hello. Yes, but make sure to protect your plants from strong rain to avoid bud rot. Thanks for asking.
por Hrob em 4 May 2022
0 votos
Does it require a carbon filter?
Hello. It depends on where you're growing and if the smell is a problem in your case but in general yes, you will need a filter or a way to mask the smell.
por Vititoe em 21 May 2021
0 votos
I've never use LST on my autos and I was wondering if this one takes well to it. I don't want to mess it up!
Hello. Yes, as long as you don't force the branches too much you shouldn't have any issues.
por Farrah em 10 May 2021
0 votos
Is this particularly sensitive to nitrogen? I found some autos can be.
Hello, thanks for asking. This strain is not more sensitive than any other autoflowering strain in our catalog, just have in mind that all autos can be a bit more sensitive so start with a lower nutrient dose just to be safe.
por Dean em 10 May 2021
0 votos
Is this a good one for solventless extractions? I love me some rosin!!
Hello. Yes! This strain has an insane trichome production, it's perfect for making rosin and hash.
por Knolls em 10 May 2021