
Purple Punch Auto

O único nocaute que te deixará querendo mais!
Em estoque
1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
1 feminized seed
$15.00 / seed
2 feminized seeds
$14.50 / seed
3 feminized seeds
$14.00 / seed
5 feminized seeds
$13.00 / seed
10 feminized seeds
$12.00 / seed
25 feminized seeds
$9.80 / seed
50 feminized seeds
$8.20 / seed
100 feminized seeds
$6.90 / seed
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Seu pedido será enviado 27 March até UPS Standard, shipping cost $0.00
O pagamento pode ser feito com Cartão de Crédito/Débito, Transferência Bancária e Bitcoin
Com cada compra receberás ao menos 1 semente grátis
  • Uma planta grande com rendimentos ainda maiores. Uma auto monstruosa com rendimentos que chegam aos 600gr/m2.
  • Excelência em terpenos. Um perfil de terpeno distintivo e muito procurado por extractores.
  • Genética de primeira. Uma das variedades mais populares nos dispensários de Cali agora melhorada e em versão Auto!
  • Uma Indica indispensável. Uma Índica potente com uma pitada de Sativa, perfeita para o uso diário.
  • Com 24% de THC, a única punch que vais querer fumar. Um efeito potente que lhe dará um soco na mente e no corpo. 
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Radar Técnico

Purple Punch Auto
Muito Quente
Muito Frio
Predominantemente Sativa
Predominantemente Indica
Muito Forte
Não necessita filtro

Especificações Técnicas

Parâmetro Valor
Sabor Muffins de mirtilo, Cereja, Espécias
CBD < 1%
Colheita Interior US 1.5 – 2 oz/ft2
Colheita Exterior US 2 – 7 oz/planta
Tamanho XXL
Altura US 35 – 59 polegadas
Semanas Até a Colheita 9 semanas
Cultivo Interior/Exterior
Gênero Feminizada
Sativa/Indica Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
Genética Purple Punch Auto
Tipo Autoflorescente
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Instagram Purple Punch Auto
Instagram Purple Punch Auto
Instagram Purple Punch Auto
Instagram Purple Punch Auto


Uma autoflorescente gigante que atinge 150cm e produz grandes rendimentos de até 600gr/m2, uma variedade moderna de Cali que oferece o que uma híbrida predominantemente Indica de alta qualidade deveria oferecer; Flores cheias de resina com a densidade que se esperaria das variedades predominantemente Indica e uma aparência que surpreenderá até os cultivadores mais experientes. Podes esperar belas tonalidades roxas e magenta que vêm juntamente com um sabor meio azedo e bastante doce e, graças aos 24% de THC, um efeito muito agradável e potente que surpreendentemente começa como um efeito motivador e em pouco tempo o relaxa completamente, tirando um pouco do efeito energético.

Descrição Das Buds 

Purple Punch Auto desenvolve flores compactas e arredondadas,  com cálices gordos e pêlos cor-de-laranja brilhante ou por vezes amarelos brilhantes, com quantidades generosas de tricomas que dão às flores aquele belo aspecto pegajoso que todos os cultivadores procuram. As flores verde-claro podem exibir tons subtis de roxo ou verde-lima que lhes dão um aspecto encantador e atraente, e as complementam magnificamente, enquanto a deliciosa mistura de aromas a cerejas terrosas e muffins de mirtilo com um toque picante o conquistará mesmo antes de poder vê-las.

Relatório Do Efeito

Devido aos altos níveis de THC, o efeito poderoso irá relaxar completamente todo o seu corpo e gradualmente começarás a sentir como se todos os seus músculos estivessem a derreter antes de poder contar até três. Apesar do forte efeito Indica, não te deixará colado no sofá graças aos leves genes Sativa que oferecem um efeito cerebral agradável e criativo que te deixa num estado calmo, tranquilo e pacífico. O efeito perfeito para passar por um dia atarefado sem estresse, aliviando os músculos doloridos após uma longa rotina de exercícios ou simplesmente relaxar e divertir-se numa noite com os amigos.

Aparência Da Planta

Devido à dominância Indica, esta variedade permanece relativamente compacta apesar da sua altura e cresce com folhas largas e espessas, típicas das variedades predominantemente Indica. Podes esperar um caule alto e grosso, com alguns ramos laterais mais curtos e entrenós espaçados onde as flores incrivelmente resinosas se desenvolvem e acabam parecendo flores cultivadas com esteróides no final da fase de floração.

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Revestimento interior de alumínio
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Conselhos De Cultivo

Esta estirpe oferece sabores únicos e cores encantadoras, pelo que recomendamos um flush minucioso, para que lhe permita mostrar todo o seu potencial e acabar com as belas tonalidades avermelhadas-púrpura e/ou verde-lima nas flores e na folhagem ao redor. Devido aos genes Indica, as flores crescem mais densas do que o habitual, pelo que é essencial atar os ramos para que haja fluxo de ar suficiente entre as flores para evitar mofo e insectos. Esta variedade não requer muita manutenção nem nada extra, mas lembre-se de a alimentar correctamente e com nutrientes de boa qualidade, desta forma garante que as flores engordem correctamente e que a sua planta não sofre de qualquer tipo de deficiência.


Graças à genética de alta qualidade, esta variedade oferece um sabor distinto de mirtilos frescos e cerejas terrosas com tons picantes e uma pitada de bolo. O fumo doce domina a sua garganta com um sabor doce de mirtilo ao inalar e, ao exalar, deixa uma deliciosa camada de doçura na boca que o deixa a sentir-se como se tivesse acabado de comer uma sobremesa.

Comparar com variedades semelhantes

Colheita Exterior US
Altura US
450 – 600 gr/m2
2 – 7 oz/planta
35 – 59 polegadas
9 semanas
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
450 – 600 gr/m2
3 – 11 oz/planta
35 – 51 polegadas
9 – 10 semanas
Sativa 65%/Indica 35%
400 – 500 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/planta
24 – 39 polegadas
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 15%/Indica 85%
450 – 550 gr/m2
2 – 6 oz/planta
31 – 39 polegadas
8 – 9 semanas
Sativa 50%/Indica 50%

Resenhas de clientes

4.8 de 5
165 avaliações de clientes
5 estrelas
4 estrelas
3 estrelas
2 estrelas
1 estrela(s)

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Reviewed 15 July 2021
Knockout Punch!
FastBuds Purple Punch... Formerly 'Tester #2103' ~Grown 100% organic in a 5g fabric pot with Mother Earth 70/30 Coco/Perlite medium amended with 2tbs/g Down To Earth 4-4-4 / 2 cups/g Earthworm Castings / 1tbs/g Dr. Earth Flower Girl 2-8-4 and 1tbs/g Dr. Earth Bat Guano. ~24hr light cycle during germination / 19/5 light cycle for Veg & Flower ~Straight water ph'd @ 6.2-6.8 when needed, top dressed every 3-4 weeks and weekly Compost Tea's. Both phenotypes were grown under a UnitFarm UFS3000 205w Full Spectrum LED with a 19/5 light cycle from seed to harvest and were a blast to cultivate. They grew 64-67 days respectively and both produced some super frosty buds absolutely covered in trichomes which should make this an epic strain for extractions! Neither of these Purple Punch auto's ever experienced any issues whatsoever and took everything I threw at them with aplomb and remained extremely healthy throughout the entire run, having great color and vigor. They both started flowering in typical FastBuds fashion at right about 21 days, and with their wide node spacing, produced some lovely compact round buds absolutely covered in trichomes that have a fruity/sweet aroma that hits you before you set eyes on them! After they finished, I gave them 72 hours in the dark @ 67℉ before being hung in my 'drying room' where they stayed for 8 days @ 66℉ and a RH of 57-63%. After the eight days hanging they were ready to be trimmed up and placed into jars to cure which I like to be 4-5 weeks at a minimum which will greatly improve the taste and terpene profile! This FastBuds Purple Punch Auto developed rounded compact buds with super fat calyxes with beautiful purple coloration expressing from one phenotype, while the other pheno had beautiful lime green buds with orange hairs that provided a breathtaking contrast of colors, especially with the heavy coating of white 'frost' that BOTH phenotypes have produced that covers their flowers with that beautiful snow covered look that all of us seek. The buds give off a mouth-watering mix of sweet fruits with a spicy touch that hits you before you even set eyes on these sticky buds! I had to try a 'test bud', though I usually prefer to let them cure for at least a week or two before I sample. This strain has a definitely sweet taste, almost like biting into a blueberry pastry that lingers on your tongue! This Purple Punch has a high THC level so the effect is fast and powerful relaxing your whole body almost instantly, allowing any position you may be in to be extremely comfy, melting you into a comfortably numb bliss! Even with the strong Indica effect, 'couch-lock' won’t be an issue thanks to the 15% Sativa genes that help contribute a pleasant creative head-high that leaves your mind clear, aligning your Chi and placing you in a state of Zen. This is the perfect strain to get you through a busy day stress-free, ease those sore muscles after a long day or just having a epic night out with friends...Purple Punch is a crowd pleaser for sure! FastBuds has hit yet another homerun with this strain. I'll be looking forward to running it again (maybe with some more wattage next time!) and gladly give it my Official Canna Prophet Seal of Approval! Don't think twice, go get some Purple Punch and experience the 'knock out'!
10 people found this helpful
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Commented 7 February 2022
Hey great commentary....I am a newbie to growing flower, but an avid gardener. Recently invested in a Gorilla 2x4 and 4'11" high w/o the 9" extension. I have 2 HLG 225 in the tents. When I bought these Barney's Farm seeds from North Atlantic Seed Co. I got the impression they were about 30"/80cm in height. I understand Barney's & FastBuds are different gentics but wonder if I germinate 2 seeds transplant to 3 or 5 gallon fabric pots and LST if I'm going to be packing too much flower in my tent...any thoughts? Should I wait and grow these outdoors in NY?
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Commented 1 November 2023
Amazing review, this for the intricate details.
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Commented 1 February 2024
Very nice!) Very helpful and full of information! Thank you!
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Reviewed 10 November 2022
Popping out of the ground fast and strong
100% have come up and are looking good
3 people found this helpful
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Reviewed 23 February 2023
FAST BUDS....after many many years of investing in your souvenir's i've never had one dud seed. Everyone as certain as the Sun rising. This one is a classic, absolutely first class service from your cool team. Keep up the good work for many Moon's to come for the sake of humanity !
2 people found this helpful
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Reviewed 17 February 2023
Just Technicolour
10/10 germinated and all storming along. Fastbuds its no wonder you're storming the latest opinion polls on many platforms and quite right too. Ive never had a dud seed and furthermore they are always the finest plants. Your geneticists deserve a GOLD MEDAL thats for sure !
1 people found this helpful
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Reviewed 12 January 2023
good germ rate
only lost one seed
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pessoas acharam isto útil
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Reviewed 12 January 2023
amazingly fast germination
just over 60hrs and I got 10 healthy sprouts out of 10
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pessoas acharam isto útil
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Reviewed 29 December 2022
100% came up
All fine
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Reviewed 21 December 2022
so impatient to reap the rewards!
the buds look stunning - vivid green with light purple streaks and some pinks, very frosty
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Reviewed 17 December 2022
ran across fastbuds by accident
so glad I gave it a try. 5/5 popped and looking good
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pessoas acharam isto útil
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Reviewed 16 December 2022
the smell and taste are out of this world
can smoke purple punch forever
1 people found this helpful
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Purple Punch Auto
Purple Punch Auto' pack backside
Purple Punch Auto
Purple Punch Auto' pack frontside

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Perguntas e respostas dos clientes

23 votos
If the nutrients I'm gonna use say I don't need to check my ph, should I trust it? Or should I still check my ph anyway?
A pH perfect product means that you don't need to measure the pH very often but you should check the pH every now and then. But you should check your water's pH before starting the grow cycle just to make sure it's in range and avoid problems.
por Mitchem em 18 February 2021
2 votos
How would she grow in a scrog?
You can get great results and even higher yields if you grow under a scrog net, just make sure you even out the canopy properly.
por Sneed em 18 February 2021
1 votos
How do you make the buds so tight?
Hello, thanks for asking. Make sure you keep your plants well-fed and provide enough light. Other than that, just keep your plants healthy and they will grow dense flowers.
por Cravalho em 25 March 2022
1 votos
Hi just wondering what people are recommending their temperature to be at?
Hello, thanks for asking. The best temperature for this strain would be an average of 20-22°C.
por Mrotz em 3 June 2021
1 votos
Is it 9 weeks flower from seed or 9 weeks from when it starts flowering?
Hello, it would be 9 weeks from seed to harvest, day 1 being the day your seedling comes out of the soil.
por Nadoff em 1 June 2021
1 votos
How often do you need to water these plants?
Hello, there's no watering schedule because how much water your plants need will depend on the temperature, humidity, and pot size.
por Guttirez em 18 February 2021
1 votos
Does it taste like the original purple punch?
Yes, it should taste similar to the original Purple Punch but with our own twist, so in our eyes it's even better ;)
por Nastase em 18 February 2021
1 votos
Is this the same Purple Punch you guys were gonna release a year or so ago??
Hello, it's not the same strain. We took our time to develop an even better Purple Punch Auto, with improved yields and a higher THC content.
por Pinks em 18 February 2021
0 votos
I normally run with bat special soil medium with cana flores as my nutrition (photo period), would this be okay to use with the purple punch auto?
Hello, thanks for asking. This substrate may be too strong for autos so it's recommended to mix it with 50% plain soil or coco to avoid any possible issues.
por Derekz dabz em 27 January 2022
0 votos
What is a good temperature to keep these plants at?
Thanks for asking. The temperature should be between 15-25°C and the relative humidity between 50-70%, for the best results it's recommended to adjust the growing conditions for each growth stage.
por Mickey em 19 May 2021
-1 votos
Do you ship to Arizona
Hello, we do not ship directly to the US but we have several distributors there, you can take a look at all the available distributors here:
por em 10 March 2021